I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I looked up all of those and none of them really seemed that interesting or particularly good. Merely passable. I have however realized that I've never read Narnia, so I'll probably do that. Now, it's very likely I'm wrong in my surmise of the works you listed, so please correct me where I'm undoubtedly wrong:
>Mistborn and Wheel of Time
I feel like the length here is an issue. I find it hard to believe the author has anything worth saying that requires that length, and that cutting fat would've made the story better. It almost feels like those "periodicals" that just keep going for the sake of it, like genre fiction, with no clear goal in mind just more "stuff".
I might be being unfair here, but the author has such works as random Star Wars novels under her belt, as well as Stargate SG-1 books. I don't really see her creating great literature.
>Book of the New Sun
Seems to focus way too much on the "unreliable narrator" idea. There seems to be a lack of the multidimensionality of ideas that great works of art always possess. This critique is the one I'm least sure about, so I'm probably wrong here.
Again, length here seems an issue. Seems like more genre fiction.
>Broken Empire
Seems again the author is the problem. Tolkien took 20 years for the Lord of the Rings. This guy seems to pump out work.
Again, I know I seem ungrateful here. But I'm just trying to be clear what I'm looking for. Tolkien spent two decades writing something he intended to be an epic for the English people, something to replace what they lost. I would consider it to be on par with other great literature, not out of place on a list with anything by Dostoevsky (although perhaps not quite the quality of say, the Iliad or the Divine Comedy). I'm not interested in something that just fills pages with things that happen. I want something written with purpose, with clear intent. Sure, Tolkien isn't original, no one is. But I still found his work touching, especially the creation myth. The idea of the discord in the song was very nice. In comparison the world of Malazan was created as a fucking GURPS campaign setting.
I know that maybe I sound like an asshole here, but I don't know how else to express myself. Tolkien really touched something within me, and I'm trying now to see what else is out there, and all I've found so far is generic genre fiction, no real literature.