/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General

>What are you reading
>What did you finish reading
>What are you reading next.
>Tell a little something about each.

Monthly Reading for August: Babel-17 by Samuel R. Delany

Monthly Reading books: drive.google.com/drive/folders/15ZwgDZVXB-nLqjbgcqgntZDyTddd0eqP

imgoat.com/uploads/0935e4cd59/105363.jpg (embed)
imgoat.com/uploads/6d767d2f8e/21328.jpg (embed)

Science Fiction:
imgoat.com/uploads/def184ad8f/124507.jpg (embed)
imgoat.com/uploads/b44928ae11/114401.jpg (embed)
imgoat.com/uploads/6d767d2f8e/21332.jpg (embed)
imgoat.com/uploads/6d767d2f8e/21330.jpg (embed)

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:
imgoat.com/uploads/6d767d2f8e/21333.jpg (embed)

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:


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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Savage-Tales-Solomon-Kane-ebook/dp/B000FC1R28/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=solomon kane&qid=1566006246&s=gateway&sr=8-1

Based Conanfag here and I'll always be here spreading the good word of Sword & Sorcery. Fuck Sanderson and fuck Malazan and fuck bloated epic fantasy slogs in general.

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>embed embed embed

Here's Tower of the Elephant for those that want to try Conan:


And speaking of S&S, I tried looking for some physical copies of any Kane books and it's almost impossible without paying major $$$, what's up with that? You guys shill Kane hard here and I want to check him out.

Beyond that, how is Gene Wolfe's The Wizard Knight series?

>I tried looking for some physical copies of any Kane books and it's almost impossible without paying major $$$
amazon.com/Savage-Tales-Solomon-Kane-ebook/dp/B000FC1R28/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=solomon kane&qid=1566006246&s=gateway&sr=8-1

Cuckanfag stop shitting up the general. No one cares.

Nice try, Malazanbugfag.

/sffg/, is this bullshit?

>character whose only power is food magic kills a monster whose body is made of ravenous live rats by setting off a fire sprinkler and turning the water into vodka, poisoning the lot of them

Yes. Sounds like hipster gimmick crap. I'm sure a major publisher would happily pick it up.

I want Wagner's Kane, my dude.

Ah well you're shit out of luck on that front. Whoever owns the Kane property is a fucking cunt.

Also apparently the latest releases of these books have been censored, which is beyond fucking ridiculous.

the alternative is that he uses the last of his magic to free the hive queen's dire rat slave from the maddening hunger used to control it, causing it to take revenge on her and rip her limb from limb

That's certainly something.

honestly, now that I compare them I think the second one is better both symbolism-wise and action-wise. I'm just disappointed the MC doesn't win with science


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Don't forget to call me a Sanderson and Rothfuss lover.

Oh I won't.

I don't actually read and am here to spy on people's taste but downloaded 270ish Star Wars books and all of Dune myself due to not knowing where to start. Just in case I don't find anything less entry level.

I have approx 400 dowloaded epub files but last week had none, so now I'm here thinkering about what to download next. I actually like fantasy more. Ironically it's mostly Star Wars. Couldn't resist.

The rest I got was Merlin stuff from TA Barron, it's 11, HP- 7, jackson's greek shit- 5, myer's shit- 5, Narnia shit- 7 due to curiosity even though hate christfaggots, Eragon-4, 38 RA Salvatore books (d and d shit), lotr+hob-4/2 (is the 3 one novel then only two?), Maximum Ride-7, going to download Steven King Collection due to feeling like my modest collection lacks more than just taste but genre next. Basically I have pleb shit. I normally just drink booze and watch TV and or shitpost but am a bum with no access most of the time now days so I've turned back to reading. I miss when I randomly found books that were not politically correct and weird but there's no list of weird shit to read. Like this one book about a couple of siblings that ended up sharing the same body and the guy wanted to possess her and fuck his previous body using his sister's. That gay shit is hard to find, that kinda shit. Even Jumper is on the banned book lists for kids due to rape scenes. People be sensitive.

>checks links
>watership down

But basically mostly series of pleb shit, modest 400ish. Near 300 scifi and mostly SW, 100ish wizards and goblin type series. It's meant to be a book series per month as it is that way I can be busy all year. I had 10 before downloading the SW and Dune so I'm set now I guess. Oh, 13 if you count the Narnia shit, of which I do not. I have, if I recall, plenty of books once I get a nice Steven King fuckfest going.

But that's me.

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What do you mean by food magic? Anything dealing with food? What about the digestion of food? Turn the sprinkler water into which every animal has the most corrosive digestive juices.
Or turn the juices in their stomach into extra high nuclear doses of vitamin a and watch them go into cationic shock.

To drive the nail in the coffin call me a cuck who actually reads books.

28 anne rice*

I also downloaded that.

Probably forgetting other stuff I put on my list.

The 400 approx is a bunch of things I downloaded. I'll be reading TA Barron due to childish autism specifically first.

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You keep saying you read books yet you never discuss any books. You just blubber about based Conan and based Sword & Sorcery like a typical faggot. You should really go be a queer somewhere else. There's enough Malazanfags and Sandersonfags to go around; we really don't need anymore.

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Dyel fagnan user, I'm the based modern pulp undying mercenaries user. I shilled him and Neal Asher to this general years ago.

anything dealing with food is correct, but it's worth noting that the power is meant to be extremely weak for the sake of drama. Using it to turn sprinkler water into bearded vulture stomach acid is a bit too OP (human stomach acid would be more balanced), and using the power inside other people's bodies is straight out.

That said, the ossifrage vomit thing might work later on when the MC builds up his powers, but for the moment it's a few steps too far

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Are rats affected by caspin (whatever the chemical in pepper that burns is called)? Have the sprinkler coat them in a home made pepper spray and watch them claw and bite each other in the throws of unbelievable pain.

Saved images for the to-do, honestly. If I get these I'll probably hit 600 in a day or two. It'll take me years to read this all you know. I might really actually stop using the Internet after the collection nears completion. I could read fast but I don't keep it up so realistically if it reaches a k it'll be lifetime tier.

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One day I'll have a book on a chart.

Been reading Babel-17, pretty good so far.

Lifetime due to my reading things over to clarify the meaning behind this post. I tend to watch the same shows every couple of years so having a k books I actually end up liking would mean every couple of years I re-read.

I already backed the books up on 4 drives to make sure I can survive the apocalypses along with hoarded legumes and spices and such.

Pic semi-related.

I'll stop posting now. Merlin is waiting for me.

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Tell me about the lemon pepper. Why is it vital?

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>gay rape and incest
Appreciative. It's not listing the things I've seen and can't remember though. I don't think. It was over ten years ago when I used to regularly read.

Now I'm actually gone. Saved for investigative purposes though.

rats are affected the same way as humans by capsaicin, but their body mass is much lower, so they'd exceed the LD-50 pretty quickly and die of respiratory failure. The case is the same for alcohol, but alcohol is more toxic that capsaicin is and since it's not an irritant it won't effect the humans.

believe me, pepper spray was the first use I came up with for this ability. I'm almost certainly going to use it, but in retrospect without a gas mask it's going to be pretty suicidal.

not him, but the lemon prevents scurvy and mixed into the salt it stays fresh for a long time

You might like survival books. Trying to stay alive about an catastrophe event.

>I am Conan, a Cimmerian, and I live by the sword’s edge. But I am not such a dog as to leave a white woman in the clutches of a black man
No wonder based Conan triggers the bugmen.

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>just eat nothing but lentils and rice bro
>the cheese will keep you satisfied
>water biscuits and cheese and beans
>eating that shit with no spice
Trust me spices are needed. It makes your life literally 9 times better and that pepper is actually literally crack.


I"m going to raep libgen hard tbqh.

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>But you are young and beautiful, and I have looked at black sluts until I am sick at the guts
Conan is also a rapper.

What about the toxin the conch snail uses to parallel fish? Have the sprinkler drop it and have them osmosis.

fuck, my brain farted and I forgot that was pepper and not salt. I'm an idiot

user, I might be an idiot, but I know food. Unless you use the cheese to bridge the flavor gap between the lemon pepper and the rice/beans it's not going to taste great. Granted, you can use it on fish, but at that rate you might as well add salted or smoked fish to the list

user, it's already settled that the alcohol does the same thing without hurting the MC. Also, that's way over the line of OP and not even food related. Also-also, I've pretty much decided that I'm not going to end up doing the sprinkler scene because it's thematically and cinematically inferior to the other idea I posted

Rice lentil soup plus the pepper is fine. The cheese eaten as a side dish with biscuits.

It's the apocalypse though so yes there'd be fish and berries and stuff. That reminds me, I need to ponder if the elderberries effected my taste buds I ate, coincidentally, ten years ago. At least I think they were elderberries.

You should not eat random fruits from forests just because they taste okay.

Yes lemon has ascorbic acid and that is the non-joke reason I put it in there.

It's also other spices so it tastes fine. Garlic, onion, salt, and black pepper. The lemon oil they use might actually be effectively devoid of vit c though, really, but legumes are supposed to have bits of that so you'd avoid scurvy anyway so it's mostly about taste. Pirates and stuff ate lemon powder to avoid scurvy though so it sounds good. The pills there negate arguments that you'd die also. Having a sack of them is not expensive.

>someone calm this thread down

I might. Though anything not Cthuluian tier makes me roll my eyes when horror genre. Survival might play around with horror when it ironically sounds comfy. Incomprehensible evil is scary, not nuclear winters and or prion disease. If you see. I'd probably find most of them lame. I'm fine with lame unless it's trying to spook.

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it's possible if you ate them raw, though I can't see why you would because they have got to be the most poisonous-looking plants I've ever seen.

also user, look into native american cuisine for survival food. The cookbooks are kind of hard to find, but if you can find the Sioux Chef Cookbook it's made to use wild ingredients. The only tough part is the use of maple for sweetening, but you can substitute honey or birch syrup depending on where you live

oh, I didn't realize it had the other stuff. I don't usually use premade spice mixes. Yeah, in that case it should work fine. I have yet to see a savory dish garlic wouldn't improve

Polgara was the only reason i read them desu

Flour, cheese and ground spices don't really last that long. They last ok, but you need to be sure to rotate your stock so they are still good when the time comes.

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Lotta shit in that pic

Thanks I’ll make sure to avoid these

Polgara is a shitty character, as one-dimension as all the rest.

>what is character growth
>what is development
>what is not being a cunt

ground spices lose their flavor pretty quickly, but unless you're a snob they'll still last for a while. Cheese can last if you know how to age it and have a proper cave, but in general the only one you'll be able to hold onto for basically fucking ever is real parmesan. Too bad you won't be able to replenish your supply easily since it takes decades to make

You are absolutely right
she cute

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So I just finished pic related. I know it gets a bit of hate but I loved it.

>Alpha chad MC who bangs every girl and doesn't give a fuck about your faggot antimater laws
>Hivemind biotech space chads who live in sentient habitats and fly sentient bioships
>Hivemind space chad souls get put into biorobots to btfo possessed humans with advanced technology
>Al Capone takes over star systems and gives no fucks
>Comically evil satanist faction

The ending was a deus ex I guess but it was a wild fucking ride.

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Dang if you're in the position to have your own cave, just buy some goats. Also the solution to ground spices is to buy whole ones. And have an herb garden. You can even fit it in a window.

user, if you have a cave with windows that's full of goats and spices, I would like to meet you in person

Naw. These are the ones you avoid.

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>Beyond that, how is Gene Wolfe's The Wizard Knight series?
Good. If you read it and enjoy it and would like to read a more horror-ish story quite similar to The Wizard Knight then I'd suggest Mask of the Sorcerer. Or you could read it first I guess. It's quite similar to The Wizard Knight, but goes in the opposite direction. I enjoyed it a great deal.

For anyone that has read Mark Lawrence books, where the fuck is Attar/Atta? I am trying to figure out where and what is the Engine of Wrong

>One of these days you're going to say something without getting sarcastic and I'll curl up and die,
This line shouldnt be as funny as it is, the context just makes it so good.

Dude have you started going to the gym?
It's kind of hypocritical to shill for Conan that much while the only physical activity you partake in is shoveling food in your mouth.

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>Dude have you started going to the gym?
>It's kind of hypocritical to shill for Conan that much while the only physical activity you partake in is shoveling food in your mouth.

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Oh you look so, so bad.
But hey at least you started. I am here if you need any advice.

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>i live like conan the barbarian because i partake in consumerist middle class fitness culture
by crom we shall feast on veggie burgers tonight

If the alternative is being borderline obese and living vicariously through adventures of *the* buffed dude in fiction, yeah I am a normie.

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Soon as I see the black prism in a chart I move on.

Based user burying the bugman fatty.

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>What are you reading
Not the monthly book, gotta start hauling ass on my current read.
>What are you reading next
The monthly book.

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Is there any good Superhero lit?

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Post all the books and stories you've read so far this year, bros.

The Autospy (short story) - Michael Shea
Last of the Amazons - Steven Pressfield
The Throne of Bones (anthology) - Brian McNaughton
Worms of the Earth (short story) - Robert E. Howard
Legion from the Shadows - Karl Edward Wagner
Conan: The Road of Kings - Karl Edward Wagner
Conan and the Emerald Lotus - John C. Hocking
Pigeons From Hell (short story) - Robert E. Howard
Darkness Weaves - Karl Edward Wagner
Bloodstone - Karl Edward Wagner
The Sustenance of Hoak (short story) - Ramsey Campbell
The Changer of Names (short story) - Ramsey Campbell
The Pit of Wings (short story) - Ramsey Campbell
The Mouths of Light (short story) - Ramsey Campbell
Dark Crusade - Karl Edward Wagner
Blackwood's Baby (short story) - Laird Barron
The Broadsword (short story) - Laird Barron
The Broken Sword - Poul Anderson
The Dying Earth (anthology) - Jack Vance
Armor World - B.V. Larson
Dungeon Samurai vol. 1 - Kit Sun Cheah
The Chronicles of Caylen-Tor (anthology) - Byron Roberts
Star Knight Saga 1: Reavers of the Void - Bradford Walker
The Star-God's Grave (short story) - Schuyler Hernstrom
Imaro: Book One (anthology) - Charles Saunders
The Last Temple of Balsoth (short story) - Cliff Biggers
The Testament of Tall Eagle - John Fultz
Warrior Witch of Hel - C. Dean Andersson
Red Sonja: The Ring of Ikribu - David C Smith & Richard L Tierney
Toads of Grimmderdale (short story) - Andre Norton
The Valley of the Worm (short story) - Robert E. Howard
Berserker Book One: Shadow of the Wolf - Robert Holdstock
The Tale of Hauk (short story) - Poul Anderson
The People of the Black Circle (short story) - Robert E. Howard
Mask of the Sorcerer - Darrell Schweitzer
The Charnel God (short story) - Clark Ashton Smith
The Voidal Vol. 1: The Oblivion Hand (anthology) - Adrian Cole
The Infernal Bargain and Other Stories (anthology) - D.M. Ritzlin
Swords Against Death (anthology) - Fritz Leiber
The Snake-Man's Bane (anthology) - Howie K. Bentley
The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian (anthology) - Robert E. Howard

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No one cares. When you see guys with a female companion you should also an hero.

Conan fatty just make a goodreads account so you can keep track there. Stop posting your list in here to keep track.

if you want something more classical, try this.

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tried a sample. Does not seem good.

Can we get a mod please?

>just finished wasp factory. seriously wtf was that book?
I warned you about it a few threads ago, but you wouldn't listen.
or at least I warned somebody about it

About that theory with less images being posted, there is an easy explanation to that: lots of people nowadays post from their phone.

>Taking photos in the gym
Absolutely uncouth.


The correct explanation is that most of the dinos left /sffg/ after multiple waves of really blatant shilling and a lot of the newcomers came from off-site places without a image macro culture.

I prefer the dinos to the conan and Chinese mass translated shit fags that shill these generals. At least the dinos read a lot, even if it was only books published before a certain period.

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People that actually read are reading and ignoring the general because there are no longer new things being recommended. Even those two autists that are trawling through the cesspool that is Amazon kindle and recommending things they think people might like are being ridiculed.

The general is being invaded by tourist who don't read and want to talk off topic shit.

It gets hate? How so? Science fiction is hardly ever mentioned on Yea Forums, let alone fantasy general, let alone specific sci fi books.

Pfh is great, obviously read commonwealth saga next and also dont forget greg mandel trilogy, however as of last novel he has gone full sjw pushing current liberal trends like tranny acceptance, I suspect publishers forced him to be more 'modern and inclusive'

Wat up nigs?
Figured I come here and funpost for a bit while my pods are getting deleted.

Where do you stand on the mass market fantasy fags?

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This explanation from the previous thread also rings true but neglects another important aspect, the "dinos" tended to be much older than your average fantasy reader and weren't as obsessed with the concept of fandoms as the people who read stuff like Malazan.

>fans “use fan culture as a form of ‘psychological compensation,’” meaning that fans make up for the lack of fulfilment in their lives with intense focus on fictional realities. fandoms act as “surrogate relationship” and are often characteristic of socially isolated members of society
Sums up /vg/ perfectly.

Are we any different functionally?
There, they are united in the felating of their favorite properties. Here we are united in shitting on our favorite properties.
Plus this whole board has that hysteric tone to it that comes when a lot of deeply insecure people come together and try to one-up each other.



My favourite science fiction movies include Alien and Blade Runner. Are there any decent books that could fit into their kind of universe? Not looking for cyberpunk, but that dark gothic vibe. Not interested in the books written for either franchise, since I tend not to like EU-fiction in general.

These threads are just a few same people pushing their shit taste every thread. It's a trap.

You're right well said...now what?

Leave the ghetto. Start with the Greeks.

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Stop being a fucking retarded autist cunt. Scifi is mentioned many times, it's just not your retarded hard sci-fi books. You are just mad your specific authors aren't mentioned.

I've read about half to two-thirds of the fantasy on there. How is City of Stairs?

Anubis Gates is not a different world. It is a time travel novel.

It was nice.
Ended bad.

It was a whole new world to the protagonist.
thanks for spoiling the book for newbies

I dont even read hard scifi, Pfh is anything but hard science fiction

I can recommend the series "Martian trilogy" written by Kim Stanley Robinson.





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>Start with the Greeks

I can definitely recommend the book "Return from the Stars" written by Stanislaw Lem.

In my opinion the society described by Lem more than 50 years ago is surprisingly reminiscent of today's times, or rather, today's times are slowly approaching the author's vision.

And what is Lem's world like? Of course, modern, full of electronics, which takes over the complete control of man, which is natural. On the other hand, man slowly ceases to be human, becomes impersonal, sexless, colorless and homogeneous. Clearness is a threat. Does it sound familiar?

You can read it here

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Third of the way through neuromancer - I'm really surprised how well this has aged. Even with all the other cyberpunk I've been exposed to, this still feels extremely fresh. Story is kind of everywhere, but damn I can't believe this was published in '84. I wasn't around then, but what a wild time for media I b4t it was.

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>I already backed the books up on 4 drives to make sure I can survive the apocalypses.
there won't be power after the apocalypse, buy real books

How is roadside picnic post apocalyptic? Most of humanity still lives completely normal lives. Even those around the zones like pretty normal lives, it's not like civilization has fallen or order has broken down.

Does it pick up? I'm struggling to get past the 150 page mark because I have no idea where it's going and he's DFW-tier when it comes to describing fucking everything (seemingly) just for the sake of maximalism

>and came up with memes like pic related?
I stopped creating/contributing meme pictures because it ends up shitting the entire thread. Any positive response to a picture leads to twice as many people calling out that response because they're being sincere and "liking" things and suddenly 40+ posts in the thread are dedicated to arguing over why the source material of the meme is shit and should not be accepted by the hivemind.

The next book I would like to recommend is "The Fountains of Paradise" written by Arthur C. Clarke . This novel is set in the 22nd century, it describes the construction of a space elevator. This "orbital tower" is a giant structure rising from the ground and linking with a satellite in geostationary orbit at the height of approximately 36,000 kilometers (approx. 22,300 miles). Such a structure would be used to raise payloads to orbit without the expense of using rockets.

Here you can read it :


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I wish I was you. I really don't understand what the fuck is happening after he gets cured.

A question for someone that seems to love conan.
I don't know a lot about conan (other that my father has some really old paperbacks about him).
Where would be the best place to start and can you tell me something about the setting.

What would your end all scifi and or fantasy book be /sffg/ ?
What author and storyline would cause you to simply stop searching since this particular novel is so perfect nothing will ever top it.

Out of the 32 books in at least 14 are scifi, they were all recommended either on lit or sffg itself. Again. Just because it's not your favorite authors doesn't mean it's not recommended. Your ass needs to read more.

>implying solar panels and car alternators won't work
>electricity will literally disappear yet somehow you'll be alive
>implying you have to be a literal subhuman if things get bad

Also, I was not being literal.

>just carry a thousand books around bro
You take 3.8v device charging far too seriously when electricity can be generated from fracking salt water, nails, door sized solar panels, etc. Making a capacitor only takes aluminum and every car is a potential windmill. People would have them all over for charging small devices realistically. They sell stuff that makes charging such a thing piss easy. It's not like you'd have to run around with resistors making your own capacitors and charging them with magic. People would use car batteries with inverters and such and turn the alternator into something you'd spin without fuel. It spins, it charges your 12v lead acid. You go away with your devices that turn it into a small charger. There'd be alternator windmills all fucking over if an actual end of days scenario happened. People would be slapping resistors and aluminum capacitors together and selling them too even after lead acids get ruined. Don't nigger enable. Just because you become a vagabond doesn't mean you have to embrace filthy behaviors. Inverters would be the only pain in the ass realistically when they break and the guy making capacitors would have to make you a replacement. car alternators are literally everywhere though. They'd never stop until you'd already died from a tooth problem ten or twenty years later. Saying you can't have electricity is saying you can't be a farmer. It's saying if society falls all things of it fall. That's silly.

>>buy real books
>is ok with being bum
You were just trololoing me though I'm sure.

Guy that doesn't read back, I know it's a trap because the guy that shilled books at me posted a french book whilst quoting the quran retardedly. The images tended to list the same stuff over and over and it ends with an inappropriate quote from some abrahamic shit about obviously vanity leading to the end of the world but the guy probably links it to nukes in his head rather than earrings on women. I'm going to just sporadically find books instead because the guides seem to be all by that fag.

>le quran quoter listing french book
Stop this.

>no one cares
Only children speak this way you know.

It'd be cool if you could specifically warn someone next time user.

Do you guys ban over this sort of homosexual behavior? Because you guys should. Especially when technically time travel can be considered parallel dimension traveling of which obviously could be phrased to mean an new entire universe, so saying world is not that bad. Depends on the meaning of world.

Most autistic poster of the board?

>he doesn't have solar cells stocked up and books on how to make solar cells and batteries and other basic survival tools
>he doesn't have multiple kindles stockpiled to read books on devices that consume little power

It would a mix between Wheel of Time and Pillars of the Earth. Many books, many generations, slow building prophecy. Faith alone fuels many generations, then in the later books there are actual visions and undeniable supernatural occurrences, and then the last book is a giant mess by going over the top cheesy with the final main character being supported by each of his ancestors (the main characters of past books) and they all help him and join together to defeat the big bad.

Did I trigger you or something? I didn't mean it as an insult, but around here solar generators get fucked up by the weather and need plenty of replacement parts, so I'd never depend on them or my ability to procure and install replacement parts from the surrounding environment
And I've never had an e-reader that lasted more than a few years. They're fickle, like most small electronics. That said, I still have books I got 20 years ago and have read several times, so they're also more trustworthy to me.
As long as you've researched it, then clearly you know what to do. I just wouldn't put my eggs into one basket like that when there is a trusted alternative

Imagine flying past a planet and seeing a long rod sticking out on one side. It would look like a lollipop or table tennis racket.

Maybe stop breaking your shit you clumsy fuck.

It's just shitty hardware. It's like expecting a smart phone to work for 10 years. Batteries die, screens get scratches, buttons fall off, plastic warps, they're made with cheap parts that are intentionally made to not last.

You know it's two different people responding to you, right? I said a mixture of books on how to make shit and shit we have now in abundance that post apocalyptic people didn't have 40 years ago, i.e solar panels, ready windmills, etc.

>buying cheap shit and expecting it to last
My second cellphone that I got in 2002 was still working until I changed it 2 years ago. It lasted 15 years, still works, just could't type text messages with a traditional keypad anymore, shit was annoying after you used a qwerty keyboard phone.

Other guy reading TA Barron again.

>implying a single board computer device can only last two years when it's gently doing nothing but reading epub files

I know planned obsolesce is a thing but fuck off. Computers are made to last long if not abused with shit like javascript raping them a gig of data per day until their little HD's burn out after two years. Little kb big book files would not be that harsh on it's resources. A motherboard can last like 20 years even if a device shittier needs to be replaced every five years.

Also, solar panels get damaged due to being hit with too much sun and having shit housing pretty sure. Nasa's shit lasts far longer due to having proper housing.

Why think it terms of 10 fag?

Attached: this hurts.png (444x448, 26K)

Low quality bait

When does Bear and the Nightingale get good? I read a whole 15 pages and wasn't entertained.

Nice try, blubber boy.

>Computers are made to last long if not abused with shit like javascript raping them a gig of data per day until their little HD's burn out after two years
The fuck? even the cheapest SSD can handle 200TB before shitting the bed.

Finished this. It was okay.

Attached: images.jpg (295x475, 25K)

Most environmental damage with small electronics is caused by humidity/water and heat, especially the combination of them both will destroy batteries and LCD screens.

>Where would be the best place to start and can you tell me something about the setting.
The best place to start is with pic related. And the setting, aside from all the Lovecraftian horror and supernatural weirdness in general, is grounded in historical reality. As in these stories read like historical fiction, but with monsters and demons and sorcerers thrown in and that was by design since Howard, more than anything, wanted to be a historical fiction writer.

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Fuck off, plebbit.

lol you don't read anything.

>telling one of the founding fathers of sffg that he doesn't read
>doesn't add anything of worth whatsoever to the previous conversation
>just starts it off with a lol like that will make your statement true

Jesus fucking CRINGE

Have you read any books that has stuff like your first huge paragraph? About building shit to survive an apocalypse? Lucifer's Hammer and a few Heinlein books were about this. Would love some more survival theme books where they used real life stuff, not the inflato 2000 add water and poof a 3 storey mansion with impenetrable walls and electrical wiring built in.

I see you are looking for yous because daddy and mommy once again hasn't shown you any attention today, and you want a friend but don't know how to effectively communicate with other humans, so you use short to the point statements that add absolutely nothing of value to whatever conversation it is replying to, in hopes of getting responses that will give you a placebo effect of having human companionship and make you feel not so alone.
This is the last (you) that you will get from me.


Is this thread where we talk about horror/cosmic horror? The rest of Yea Forums hates it, right?

Yes. This thread is also for Horror despite the reluctance of our Thread Slave to include it in the thread title.

Sffg is searchable for 4 years, you want to introduce a h into that making it an almost entirely new general? Searchable for a few days?
We never turned people away from talking about horror because it falls under sci-fi or fantasy. Yet you OCD autists screech about seeing the name specifically in the OP.

Never went to rebbit, never will.
Stop shitting up the thread.

I, too, have much more refined taste than that pleb and my ideal would be a book written by Gene Wolfe.

The only screeching autist is you, my precious retard.

What about horror without fantasy or scifi?

>never went to plebbit
>still plebbit incarnate

How precious am I to you, user-kun?

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Unless it's historical horror, as in something that happened in reality. It falls under sff.
Fiction is fantasy, as it's the what ifs of things that never took place. We just deal with the genre fiction here. If your horror is some medical doctor making a super smart baby that runs a drug cartel at the age of 10 to buy shit for his research, and has no apathy or emotions and kills people including his parents to further his agenda, then it's scifi.

I just finished Lord of the Rings. Is there any point to reading any other fantasy after this or will it all just be slightly different but ultimately worse versions of Tolkien?

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>everything fantasy after Tolkien is copying Tolkien

How does this compare to Blindsight? I had read the aforementioned and wasn't wowed by it, but saw this at a shop for $1

Attached: dkk.jpg (307x475, 39K)

Lord Dunsany

That was my question, yes.

No, that's what you were implying.

I know this is bait, but only poor dnd-tier stories are written in a Tolkien world. He was prolific for creating a full-fledged language and history, when no one had done so before (or, more truthfully, no one had gotten into the limelight for doing so before) and the story was engrossing and spawned many copycats. Many modern authors rarely copy anything directly besides "creating a world" which is done loosely by most, so that the story and characters take centerstage. Many have stories as a solely human affair, though some have their own races (all of which can be traced back to tolkien if you really want them to be (they are tall and attractive THEREFORE they're elf copies(disregarding all other information that makes them unique))) and some boast an almost equally established world (WoT, SL) which, again, could be said just to be copying Tolkien although there are "fantasy" stories before he was born.

it may look stupid, but we're not going to enter the real space age without one. unfortunately, to do that we're going to need carbon nanofiber, and to do that, we're going to need carbon nanotubes longer than than a few micrometers.

oh, and we're going to need some orbital garbage men to clean out the space debris, lest the titanic of the stars be felled by a single paint chip

No, that was my question.

It's not bait, it's a genuine question, I promise. I've tried reading some other fantasy, but perhaps it's bad fantasy, you would call it. I'm not that familiar with the subject. You mention elves, and all elves I've seen done (Even if they're called something slightly different) have been worse versions of Tolkien's elves. They are, like you say, tall and attractive, and often live a long time, but they don't have that tragic feeling, or haughtiness that Tolkien's elves have. His elves felt ancient.

I guess what I mean is that I'm wondering if other fantasy is meaningfully different. That would include a different feeling running through the whole work, a different story structure, and fundamentally different archetypes present. I know of no example in fantasy, but for Sci-Fi I would for example consider Dune fundamentally different from Star Wars. The themes and archetypes are different, the entire feeling is different. Perhaps Discworld would be an example of fantasy that I would consider meaningfully different, although I didn't enjoy Discworld much as a whole, only a few of the books.

We would also need huge swathes of land to anchor the damn thing to. I assume it will be like a tv station antenna but times a thousand.

Read the broken sword by poul Anderson. He published b4 Tolkien.

I've been reading fantasy for years and never read a story with elves or dwarves (unless you count the intentional copies of them (the Ellylon) in the Sunderer series(not that I'd recommend that series at all)). I think if you search for a fantasy story that is similar to lord of the rings, you'll be disappointed. If you're searching for meaningfully different fantasy stories that take place in a tolkien-like world, there really aren't any. But if you're open to new types of settings and ideas, there are plenty.

I'm going to recommend some series and each will surely be greentexted and shit on by consequent posts in an attempt to discredit them, but if you're actually curious about getting into the genre, I'd consider at least looking them up to get an idea what they're about.

Mistborn, Godspeaker, Book of the New Sun, Wheel of Time (it intentionally copies Tolkien at first, but by the end of the first book it starts blossoming into what it becomes), Runelords, Broken Empire and Malazan.

>Mistborn, Godspeaker, Book of the New Sun, Wheel of Time (it intentionally copies Tolkien at first, but by the end of the first book it starts blossoming into what it becomes), Runelords, Broken Empire and Malazan.

>Most autistic poster of the board?
Nah, that guy saying "chinkshit" and "litrpgay" all the time and trying to force people to stop talking about webnovels is definitely worse.

I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I looked up all of those and none of them really seemed that interesting or particularly good. Merely passable. I have however realized that I've never read Narnia, so I'll probably do that. Now, it's very likely I'm wrong in my surmise of the works you listed, so please correct me where I'm undoubtedly wrong:
>Mistborn and Wheel of Time
I feel like the length here is an issue. I find it hard to believe the author has anything worth saying that requires that length, and that cutting fat would've made the story better. It almost feels like those "periodicals" that just keep going for the sake of it, like genre fiction, with no clear goal in mind just more "stuff".

I might be being unfair here, but the author has such works as random Star Wars novels under her belt, as well as Stargate SG-1 books. I don't really see her creating great literature.

>Book of the New Sun
Seems to focus way too much on the "unreliable narrator" idea. There seems to be a lack of the multidimensionality of ideas that great works of art always possess. This critique is the one I'm least sure about, so I'm probably wrong here.

Again, length here seems an issue. Seems like more genre fiction.

>Broken Empire
Seems again the author is the problem. Tolkien took 20 years for the Lord of the Rings. This guy seems to pump out work.

Again, I know I seem ungrateful here. But I'm just trying to be clear what I'm looking for. Tolkien spent two decades writing something he intended to be an epic for the English people, something to replace what they lost. I would consider it to be on par with other great literature, not out of place on a list with anything by Dostoevsky (although perhaps not quite the quality of say, the Iliad or the Divine Comedy). I'm not interested in something that just fills pages with things that happen. I want something written with purpose, with clear intent. Sure, Tolkien isn't original, no one is. But I still found his work touching, especially the creation myth. The idea of the discord in the song was very nice. In comparison the world of Malazan was created as a fucking GURPS campaign setting.

I know that maybe I sound like an asshole here, but I don't know how else to express myself. Tolkien really touched something within me, and I'm trying now to see what else is out there, and all I've found so far is generic genre fiction, no real literature.

Some user put the book Starship's mage on one of the endless recommendation images. Just wanted to say thanks, it was absolute schlock, but I thoroughly enojoyed it. It was very straightforward and characters acted very reasonably, which is very often not the case in more convoluted literature.

No offense taken, though I do feel you're being overly judgemental with literally every point you made.
>I want something written with purpose, with clear intent
Then no, if you don't care about the story and are in it for deep reading, as is done with literature, you won't like most fantasy, or sci-fi for that matter.

There are oceans to do that. They also make it possible to move the elevator out of the way in case of a storm.

>It was very straightforward and characters acted very reasonably
And that makes it schlock?

not the guy you are responding to but im thinking its a combination of the story telling and how the story progresses from magic being replaced by technology when usually its the other way around.

No, what makes it schlock is that the main character is a terrible Mary Sue chosen one,author self insert, who makes all the bitches wet by his sheer existence.

Can anyone recommend me some gems? I'm not a newfag, but I've been looking for new works that might interest me.

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I read Pandora’s star and the sequel and really enjoyed them. Haven’t read any of his other works yet but I’ve been meaning to read the void books


I really liked Lord of the Rings though, and I liked Dune (at least the first one). You said most fantasy, and I suspect there are some really good works out there, which is why I asked in the first place. Do you know of any? Like you mentioned, and as much as Yea Forums memes it, I don't really want to read just for plot. A good plot is nice, but if it's _all_ the novel brings it'd probably bore me.

I wouldn't know how to convince you of anything. I would again recommend Book of the New Sun or Malazan, but those you have already discounted on random personal bias created within a minute of googling. I suspect everything else would meet a similar fate.

>what is different world
You never read the book only pretending you did and I caught you out you faggot pseud.

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Stop bringing your favorite website into everything before you get banned for spamming.

(You) revoked.

I never posted implying that I read it in that reply chain you ironic projecting mongoloid. I am the user that doesn't read and is here to find new books to read. Obviously.

Try Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.
Not a series, but long enough to be.
Titus Groan/Gormenghast

No I haven't I just actively make my own plans and use my actual sense. Most fantasy about big changes in society are overly operatic dramas just to jerk off people's sense of finding the struggles touching. In reality it'd be far different. Boring actually, so I'd want that 5v tier device charged up with books.

Stuff like a pile of single board computers with a pile of cheap repair parts would not be expensive. Each would cost from 100 usd to 20 usd for really shitty android devices to thrown together single board computers you bought from parts. The lcd died? They cost 15 USD. Battery? Fifteen USD. Keyboard? 10 USD. SD card? like 10 USD. The cheapest computer chips were 5 USD though in reality more like 20 USD due to price gouging. For all you know I have a big fat box of single board computer chips and various parts to plug into it along with shitty 20 USD android phones that they actually give away. The only issue, is indeed, charging such things, but that's not hard to actually do if everything fell apart. There'd be spare parts everywhere so the only important thing is the computer you kept. I've been preparing to live in the woods but haven't gotten completely ready yet. I'm giving SSI a chance. Actually if I get on SSI the first thing I'm bying is pic related.

tl;dr: just look up how to do such things yourself user I am the Merlin reading faggot that doens't actually read so no I've just what I know. I'm going to go look up the price of alternators now rather than read fictional dramas about such things. Batteries spinning around copper coils, be they magic? I think not.

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Why exactly are you here? Why do you think it's okay to type these paragraphs and photos of your "totally going to do it one day, yup, it'll surely happen" plans?
Go to /trv/ or /diy/ or something, where it's relevant.

Not my fault people were intrigued by lemon pepper on this overly fast slow board that simulated me into talking to people. I came back due to being pissy about the mudslime french poster so I needed different images to save to download. I was pissy after being 75 percent done with the list once I read the quran shit and started doubting if I should even care about the 100+ books I was researching and getting ready to download. I typed them out into a text file with notes and all then came back to see what people were talking about while pissy a bit and people had responded to the pepper so yeah.

It got away from me. Not my fault the less stimulating chans are dead like 8 chan. This time last month I wasn't on Yea Forums at all. Now that the Internet has me pissy it's a last straw kinda thing and so I downloaded 400 books but then sat back and realized they were mostly shit other than the star wars books so I came here to see some faggot give me a misunderstood quran quote. Obviously it's talking more so about vanity not nukes.

But anyway.... most boards are shit. I'm just trying this one out. I saved the other images and will probably go download them all and once it's a more complete collection I'll not be posting at all. As it is I only use the Internet half of the month, two weeks on, two weeks off, and having no books made me drink too much, diy, pruno.

I was meant to be gone at the top of the thread. This slow board isn't slow enough. "someone calm this thread down". I was expecting it to be slower and the comments get away from me. They just fly out with me being a talkative touch typist. it's why I have zero friends for the past ten years and have been stuck on chan sites instead.

Attached: Don't tell me what I can't do!.jpg (236x330, 14K)

i regret interacting with you

you not having any friends has nothing to do with you being talkative. it has to do with you being an asshole

>taking the time to post on Yea Forums
>doens't even capitalize nor punctuate properly
>post is pointless empty insult

Something tells me you're a worse shitposter than me to be honest, faggot.

Normalfaggots are the assholes. It's an asshole world and my one flaw is being honest about it.

user, if you want friends, take some goddamn responsibility for your own shitty behaviour and wipe the crusty anus you call a personality. Otherwise just shut the fuck up and kill yourself somewhere where you won't cause any inconvenience for anyone. Right now you're just a burden on society and make it worse by being a part of it

>supporting it's backwards ass
You know what, I have books to download faggots.

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It's not as mindblowing but the writing is about as good. The sequels get progressively worse but the 2nd book is still enjoyable.

How is The Darkness that comes before?


Its good, my favorite grimdark. But you either enjoy it or hate it. Doesn’t seem to be too much of a middle ground. Give it a shot.

Cimmerians are the progenitors of the Celts. Stay mad, shitskin

Those are the good ones tho, user

/sffg/, would you consider a character defeating a nigh-indestructible skeleton by severing its joints a science hero victory or an action hero victory?

Action. "Aim for the weak point" is not science.

What are good Conan stories by people other than Howard? I've heard a lot of criticism for "Conan pastiches", but surely there must be something good out there

Yes. Read Earthsea.

About specifically Conan as a character?
Or will any old barbarian character do?

Attached: conan6.jpg (1474x2200, 769K)

I got around to reading Leviathan Wakes

The prose is unironically terrible and screams "please gib me a movie deal." It reads like a screenplay


Conan: Road of Kings and Conan and the Emerald Lotus seem to be the absolute best pastiches. I've only read those two so I can't comment on other pastiches. Road of Kings by based Karl Edward Wager was closer in tone to what REH might have written whereas the author for Emerald Lotus wasn't trying to emulate REH, but still wrote a very entertaining story. I enjoyed both books, but definitely prefer Road of Kings. The writer for Emerald Lotus though has another Conan pastiche coming out very soon called Conan and the Living Plague which I'm definitely looking forward to. If you're interested in more Conan pastiches I could link you to an article that reviewed a bunch of these books.

Attached: conanlr.jpg (742x1050, 372K)

oh yes it picks ups

Another case of hating a popular property.
It's all so tiresome.

Anyone got any resources on Book of the New Sun in terms of interpretation/analysis/critique?

I love the TV series you dipshit, also the worldbuilding is 10/10.

So you're some kind of advanced hipster?

Seconding Worm.

Attached: Simurgh.jpg (793x1008, 107K)

Does it pick up within the first book? Does it finally stop jumping around viewpoints so I actually know who is a main character?

>the first chapter gives you a fucking trigger warning
>also includes interracial romance
no thanks

A trigger warning makes sense from a business standpoint. If you have lots of fans and they're saying it needs one, it makes sense to add one. It'll probably get more people interested off the bat as well, because they're edgy kids.
No idea about the interracial stuff, but you're an idiot for discounting a work for having without knowing the context or purpose it serves within the story.

Cucked by bbc once again

>the first chapter gives you a fucking trigger warning
This is literally marketing and has nothing to do with the story. You should feel bad about yourself for even pointing this out.
>also includes interracial romance
It's almost irrelevant to the story, but I would still advice you to go back to your containment site.

Any recommendations for relatively short fantasy books? Reading WoT right now and it really drags.

Bonus points if the story is a bit dark.

Why aren't you writing web serials user ?

Attached: 6 K a month.png (820x253, 47K)

I have self-respect.

I read Nation. Could have done without the White Man Bad angle. Especially when it got to "brown people are too innocent to even have trials and can't understand the Evil of the White Man". But the story was okay.

Eh, that's not a lot of money, even by web novelist standards. I'm actually surprised he's only making that much, seeing as how Worm was one of the first webnovels to gain popularity.

Wandering Inn's writer makes quite a bit more, hell even trash like Randidly Ghosthound pulls in more than 6k for the writer.

6K month for writing some fanfic tier stories seems amazing to me honestly.
It's a lot more than what you would make with an junior to mid level job.

Please do

Never understood Patreon. Why do people pay for that, when you can just buy actual good books or even download them.
Or I will watch some YT video and people will send 100$ superchat donations, do people have too much money?

The Face in the Frost

The amount is ok I suppose but if you consider that it's his his full time job and he's only making that much after years of effort and he was one of the first ones to get popular it's not all that much. He's the top 0.1% of web novelists and he's still making less than 100k.

I do think web novelists are the future though, People might sneer at them now but if you look at the direction traditional publishing is going and how the self publishing market is hopelessly flooded with endless amounts of trash, web publishing with a subscriber system is the logical next step for both readers and writers.

People enjoy donating for good causes like porn artists.

Let's not forget Patreon thots.
Those poor girls would be forced to get jobs in retail otherwise.

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Cringe. Someone who kowtows to social pressure on page 1 is either going to continue doing so, or they're just tripping the light spergtastic. Either way, it's going to be unreadable dog shit.

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Mask of the Sorcerer

I am. I only have one fan subbed to my patreon, but I have 20+ followers on RR and mostly good reviews, so I don't feel horrible.

That's great
I want to work out my stories a bit more before I ask a publisher if they want to deal with it. If they don't I'll put it on a personal website with a patreon + amazon with a digital release when a full novel worth of story is finished.
The most important thing to remember is

I’ve been reading a lot of Larry Niven recently, are pic related space Jews?
>manipulate governments of other races
>cowardly but intelligent
>use subversion to have other races selectively bred to benefit them
>destroy other civilisations for their own safety

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Been reading this wonderfully written book. Absolutely in love with it.

Attached: 220px-Tglg.jpg (220x348, 43K)

Did we read the same book?

There's a lot of retards that believe if a protagonist isn't an emotionally stunted weirdo then he must be a Mary Sue.

Dropped it after 80 pages

>and realized they were mostly shit other than the star wars books
>star wars books is better than other books
Leave and never return. You don't deserve to read, and your sight license should be revoked.

60k a year is a lot more money than a lot of americans are making right now, you absolute idiot.
Also, when you are a writer for big publishing do you think it's 100k a year? They give you a lump sum and you have to make it last.

I'm looking at the "bitches wet" comment, mostly.

Authors don't generally talk about how much they get per-book but IIRC David Drake has talked about how he'd get around $10,000 for a "large book" in the 80s.

lol the worst book on the list won the Hugo

Is this surprising?

Nah but it's a bit surprising since some of the other noms ticked all the representational boxes whilst being better books.

(The winning book is basically just Hidden Figures shoved into incoming-apoc world to justify it existing)


>muh popularity contest

>muh woke garbage contest

>being woke is bad
Have sex incel.

>Have sex incel.

Attached: 28w44y.jpg (323x412, 40K)

when will they learn

t. alt-right incel

>t. alt-right incel

Attached: Soy.jpg (618x348, 34K)

So 5k a month is pretty go. I don't know if the autists in this general think they will become millionaires from the utter shit tripe they are planning to make. Harry Potter, Twilight, Hunger Games and 50 Shades of Grey were all anomalies. You think you social rejects could hold a conversation on late night talk shows to advertise your new book?

>s-onions is bad for you
Look buddy, I know alt-right virgins hates facts but this is a really good video that explains why you're wrong.


Currently midway through Peace. I found the beginning very annoying and dropped twice, but after pushing through some pages start to get interested to learn what is all about. I love all the stories inside the book, and I'm like they almost never have a ending.

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We all need to be better. Let's improve this thread together. This is the most popular and important general on the board.

Can someone recommend me a book with a plot similar to the movie Melancholia? Basically the world is gonna end and the plot would be about how people deal with this fact.

The Genocides is this but incredibly grim, similar downbeat approach can be found in JG Ballard's "World" novels which all deal with apocalyptic events
IIRC the Last Policeman is about this but I've not read it to find out

How Wolfe sometime meanders on for several pages, on some unrelated (to the story as a whole) idea, reflection or titbit he clearly just wanted to tell, I love it

Never read any other author that does this, at least not to the extent

>Look buddy, I know alt-right virgins hates facts but this is a really good video that explains why you're wrong.

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Just got through Jack Vance's Dying Earth collection, went in pessimistic, didn't think I'dd like it. I usually don't like older genre classics, as they are filled with cliches (which they invented, I know, I'm being unfair) or the ideas are simply not novel to me, as I've already been through so much of modern media.

However, I ended up really really liking it. The absurdity of the settings kept it fresh.
A lot of the series (especially Cugel's parts, my favourite) kept me smiling and sitting there snickering through the pages.
There's a lot of good humour in it, some of it overt comedic scenes,or just dialogue being written so pompously (archaic?) everyone is hamming it up, it end's of being very entertaining.

It's been a long time since a read a book where event unfolded so rapidly, a lot of stuff happens in few pages.

Does this thread also encompass the supernatural genre?


You should check out Schuyler Hernstrom if you want more Vancian goodness from someone who isn't Vance.

This thread encompasses most books, as genre fiction isn't tolerated in other threads. But most discussion falls under fantasy/sf.

That was the joke you know. Bad taste.

I'm not leaving yet because it's not quiet enough to read what I have and I don't even have the k yet. I'm only at about 700 but many I might not like enough. You'll just have to suffer until then I guess because if I read something utter dogshit, and you know I will, I'll be back with an inflamed anus over it. So far they look good though. I'm unironically super stocked browski.

Attached: bye.gif (500x281, 991K)


>obvious Freudian slip is obvious

This thread IS your blog, diary, journal, confessional booth, and much else!

Oh lord

Attached: theabsolutestateofamazon.png (993x684, 400K)

Women were a mistake.

I was wondering if there were any books similar to the Japanese light novel series Kagerou Daze, but it's kind of hard to describe what Kagerou Daze is actually about. On the grand scale, it's about a God-like entity that attempts to achieve self-realization by creating the universe and searching for meaning within it, only to destroy the universe and restart because that iteration was "flawed". On the human scale, it's about a group of people who were shaped by and brought together through incredible circumstances, only to get killed off by an unstoppable divine agent, just because they failed a "test" that they were never aware of.

Thanks bro

should I add a romantic conflict to my novel or save it for the sequel?

>gets called out for shit tastes
>it was a joke broswki, i was not caught or anything

>mad because based William D Arand is reaching it big while your work stays in obscurity

>Kagerou Daze
Google that then look for "people also searched"

Add it and add s3x too haha

>claim to have shit taste in first post near top of thread and here to get better taste
>days later
>>wtf u have shit taste!

There's nothing inherently wrong with having downloaded 270 Star Wars books also.

Attached: april getting closer.jpg (3000x2408, 829K)

in all seriousness I'm not going to do a sex scene but hand jobs actually fit perfectly into a lot of the symbolism.

When I think about it, the romantic arc is really easy to drop in and works with almost every piece of it. The only downside is the climactic moment the story leads up to is the MC forming a bond with a dragon, which means because of the way the romantic arc fits into the story it would end up having distinct undertones of gay bestiality

If the dragon is sapient it's not really bestiality.

Even so, I don't do monster-fucker shit, and the romantic arc is based on a personal experience so I have extra impetus to avoid monster-fucking

>avoid monster-fucking
You have a severe lack of culture and taste

How has fantasy come to this
>inb4 women
But how? Why are their so many female fantasy writers now that have shitted up the genre?

>Why are their so many female fantasy writers now that have shitted up the genre?
Because it's by design.



Just finished reading this. Pretty interesting and made feel for the ETs near the end. Some user recommended it in a /sci/ thread some days ago.

Attached: 0d62dfd412f28b391189ecd59c7e28c2.jpg (1097x709, 157K)

A couple years ago I told a footfag that was asking for foot books he should just make moulds of his favorite pornstar feet and add a fleshlight.... Someone actually did it.

Nice blog.
I seem unable to be able to like, subscribe, follow, donate, or otherwise interact with you aside from commenting. How strange.

currently reading bloody banquet

Make sure to go to you next Bernie Sanders Campaign Event!


I absolutely adore this cover. There's something extremely hilarious about the heavily armed dual trunk dinosaur using its classy little bedroom mirror to look around the wreckage.

This. Support the mentally disabled.

And i feel like a pleb for reading asoiaf

Attached: joey.jpg (480x360, 12K)

It looks more like a dwarf elephant.

/sffg/ I fucked up by talking to my therapist about my seething political outrage. Now I'm pretty sure there's no way I'm going to steer this back to getting me writing again. shit's got so bad that I dismiss my own responsibility without even thinking. I want to write!

Did you talk about how you're a fucking nazi, user, you idiot

congrats willy d.

Hey user, this is me, your therapist. Immediately stop blogging in /sffg/ you pathetic piece of shit. Kill yourself and never return.


Patrick pls

It's not even self publishing female authors putting out truckloads of shitty fap fics that's the problem. It's shit tier search engines.
Amazon is particularly bad because it's just "search SFFG", you can't narrow that down at all by content or target demographic.
Even shitty manga aggregation sites let you filter by target demographic, but as far as I can tell not a single Ebook seller does, which leads you to being inundated with garbage you aren't interested in that buries everything you are.

Pic related. The fact that some shit tier aggregation site run by some random guy from who the fuck knows where can do this but Amazon can't is a joke.

Attached: Search.jpg (1168x855, 150K)

book that'll make me feel smarter after reading?

Anyone have links to actually readable Elric ebooks? Everything I find has atrocious formatting.

I don't think the DelRay or Gollanz collections were ever pirated unfortunately, but maybe there is something readable out there.

>Anyone have links to actually readable Elric ebooks?
Sadly no. Its all pretty fucking bad. Missing covers, fucked up formats and a clusterfuck in general.
Simple txt file would better..

>target demographic
That's not really a thing in America outside of board rooms. Saying there is a target demographic on your site is akin to racism or sexism, because you could then say "men aged 20-40" and suddenly (in the eyes of idiots) you're saying it's ONLY for that group, which means you're being sexist.

If I make a website that is just VNDB for authors/books, where you can filter by tags which are added by (you), would all of you add books and tags to it, or would you just DDOS it?

Nigger if you add a way to filter like so I can actually find interesting new releases I will use it every day.

shit nigger make sure the tags are right.
the tagging needs to be autistically meticulate like on sadpanda.
it could one of the greatest sites ever.
that being said you could literally just host an calibre-web instance on the dark net or something.
the tagging on calibre-web is only as good as the tags you have set in the database though so you gotta be really careful. you can also allow user uploads and user editing of tags.

Attached: main_screen.png (1898x1049, 834K)

You're both just really bad at searching.

No one usually helps out with anything. Doomed to fail. Your idea is idealistic at best. Sites with tags already exist.

>Sites with tags already exist
proof please

>the germans are one of the racists that lurk in pol
I'm not surprised that pol isn't fully populated by Americlaps. All the nazi shit has attracted the true nazis.
Are you the one that constantly asks for books where Hitler won, or historical fantasy of a nazi like world?

>teach me how to search


why would you think im german? becausae of the screenshot?
thats from the calibre-web github page.
am i a nazi because i said nigger?
what the fuck is wrong with you.

Most sites really.


I'm feeling generous.

What you actually want is a personalized recommendation engine powered by an algorithm that uses all your data to present customized choices that will be very enjoyable for you to read.

It hasn't "come to this", It has been like this for multiple decades; the fact is that men don't read any more and the industry is dying, perhaps as a result.

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It's a mutant elephant. And it's using its mirror to see who's coming his way without leaving cover.

This is a good example of what the other user talked about.

The Sleeping Sorceress has the wrong cover, the contents are of the Del Ray edition, but the cover is Gollancz.

Either way, 3 of the 6 Del Ray books, could be worse, but could be better as well.

>shitting in the hand that extended help and friendship
No wonder people say don't help you ungrateful cunts.

It's Yea Forums, what didyou expect, faggot?
If you wanted a gold star then you'd have to visit reddit.

You are the one that started with "lol you idiots don't know how to search, let me show you how generous I am"


So the tv show is fucked right?

Attached: 01-The-Eye-of-the-World-inside.jpg (1533x1095, 527K)

You don't even care it's not the same person.
If you've downloaded it, then I'll remove it then.

It's very likely.

Yes. Rand is gonna get cucked.

The source material itself is fucked, so who cares about the show.

Are you suggesting that I even wanted to download it in the first place?

Wait. Why is that the first time I've seen that art work?!

All signs lead to it being bad. Whether it's all being blown out of proportion by the people shilling it on twitter and reddit, so that they're sure everyone knows it ticks all the privilege boxes, or it's actually going to be completely fucked up, no one knows yet.

Attached: why.png (1152x3701, 1.29M)

This is the announced casting of the Two Rivers group. Yes that is Rand in the center. I'll let you come to your own conclusions.

Attached: EB8r84cUEAALX9N.jpg (696x464, 58K)

It's cover art from WoT, isn't it?

That rabbit has a hole in it

Well atleast Nyneave and Egwene are getting BLEACHED?


Just read the fucking books you autist

>implying Lan will be white

The Morgase episodes will be sponsored by Blacked.com and Watchingmymomgoblack.com

>Pillow friends out the wazoo
Hot. Transedai when? Can't wait to see the Red Sisters chop off Logains saidin and turn it into a saidar!

Attached: Screenshot_20190808-224115.jpg (1412x1364, 343K)

Not exactly. It only appeared on the inside cover of the hardback edition of EotW but it's the same artist that did the front cover art for all the books.

Eye of the World was so comfy, I dropped the series for the 4th time on book 10 and am considering picking it up again.
Talk some sense into me /sffg/

Oh all right.
>Darrell K. Sweet
What lovely art.

Someone (I won't) make a new thread please.

It's a shit

How lazy and entitled. The thread deserves to die.

How lazy and entitled. This thread deserves to die.



How autistic can one idiot be?
Have a (You) in this trying time.

Of the cosplayer or the source material?

Attached: July-102-x6qaPs.jpg (1469x2200, 1.97M)

New thread