
I can’t wait to use Neuralink to download unlimited amount of books directly into my brain.

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we need a new sturm und drang

>who cares about the unskippable ads I get while I'm sleeping
>who cares that this device monitors and downloads my thoughts into the cloud
>who cares that this device is capable of stimulating my neurons with electrical impulses, what could possibly go wrong?
>of course I would upload my brain into a computer, why wouldn't you trust corporations who provide such a service?
>Did you get the new jiu jitsu update?

>were sorry, you violated our convoluted terms and conditions and FCC 971 youre brain will have to be shut down

The brain has limited space, I think humans have about 50-500 TB capacity depending on # of synapses. In the future, we'll just upload our brain into data centers, meaning immortality, no longer human, removal of emotions, stagnation, just existence for existence sake.

sounds just like christian hell.

Neuralink aims to solve memory problems by providing the brain with a direct access of information likely stored in the cloud. This means an individual could recall information they never learned; they wouldn't have to download anything to their brain, just utilize the device to instantly access what they're trying to remember.

I know this is just bait but i'm seriously terrified at this. What will be the point of anything? You'll be able to know everything, learning will be obsolete. What will we do with all the free time?

We already have roughly 20-30 times the amount of information/free time we've had 3-5 centuries ago, and what do we do? That's right, we realize that existing like this is meaningless and we waste it.

whatever learning you do with this thing will be shallow, just like how only learning with your phone, or computer is shallow. even a book suffers the same, although it is slight. real learning needs to be apprehended by the individual and experienced. all this thing is going to make is a bunch of "multitasking" wikipedia scholars

Anyone who can’t see this as a scam or misguided effort at best should get lobotomized


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>minds are all uploaded onto computers
>we hit a wall in technology/development because computers are fundamentally different

Sounds like the faculties for suffering would be removed in the post youre replying to. Seems like completely neutral awareness. Plus immortality means no more rebirth. Sounds a lot closer to nirvana than hell.

Wow this made my night.

You being ironic?

>the faculties for suffering

The nervous system?

That along with emotions.

You forgot the "...and still not read them" part.

You wanna be a robot, bro?

No. Follow the chain of responses, dope.

ah, gotcha

>I think humans have about 50-500 TB capacity depending on # of synapses
Why the hell do you think that? That's completely retarded.

But this won't be 20 - 30 times more it'll be all of it, and on top of that even though we know a lot more than before, we still had to learn all of it the old fashioned way.

Sounds more like Christianity.
Is there a difference?

if you understand anything about neurology you would know that this is impossible.
the brain doesn't act in a logical, binary or linear way and it uses biochemistry with electricity to transfer signals meaning that each single individual possible thought (for example imagining a red flower) needs to be recorded, monitored, studied then put under a profile for this very specific thought so the machine can give it or detect it.
of course not all brains act in the same manner so each individual brain needs to be studied individually.
also such machine would need to monitor your blood and every single individual neuron so yeah fuck off
btw neuralink is only so paraplegics can move a cursor on screen with their brains and this technology has already existed since long before neurallink and it probably relies on monitoring motor area of the absent limb of your brain + plus your eye coordination

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I have a quick rundown on the whitepaper, if anybody is too lazy to read it but interested


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The truth is scary

the brain doesn't have bits so it's impossible to measure, fuck off

It will never do what they want it to do, because their ontology of consciousness is nonexistent. They are no closer to a real philosophy of mind than we've ever been. The real problem is that they are actually moving us farther away from the possibility of such a philosophy by covering it over with deceptively simple technological jury-rigging.

The most interesting thing they're proposing is basically slaving neurons and neuron clusters to arbitrary prosthetic motor functions and letting the brain "learn" how to manipulate the prosthetic. In the best possible scenario, that's harmless and uninteresting: in principle it's like grafting an extra thumb onto someone's hand and waiting until his adaptive brain develops reverse phantom limb syndrome and learns to control the thumb. Maybe we can even spare or grow the neurons and it would make no difference. More likely however they are going to do irreparable and invisible damage to a holistic system, which they have no interest in understanding as a whole, by attempting to lash new "parts" to it ad hoc. Worse than that, by lashing machines to the brain in the first place you are opening up the contrary possibility: using the machines to control or constrain or impact the brain, again without understanding what it is. If this is somehow normalized, e.g. in the actually childlike retard way Elon "Reddit" Musk thinks it can be done by connecting it to some kind of iPhone cloud algorithm, it could have a lot of unpredictable effects.

At the occult level it also opens the human consciousness up to ahrimanic forces. If there is any credibility to the long-standing theories that there are dark forces trying to manifest technologically in this world, and reduce the supra-mechanical human organism to the level of mere mechanism to prepare the way for this, this would certainly be a good stepping stone to that.

>Ah yes I do trust the elite of this world with direct access to my brain how can you tell.

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>download jiu jitsu update
>immediately tear every muscle in my body with my first move

We barely understand the output of human cognition (i.e symbolic language), imagine thinking that we can not only reverse engineer the process behind it but also interface it with a completely alien system.
Also, no way in hell they will get permission to implant shit on the brains of healthy people in just 10 years. That's like the amount of time you need to go through the trials of a simple drug.

>iPhone cloud algorithm

Literally already have this. You can "know everything" by googling on your smartphone. You can download unlimited books onto your brain-extension ie computer.
Only difference would be its one-level less removed. But so what, are you going to stream paragraphs of text per second to your eyeballs and expect to parse it all? The rest of your brain and attention is still working at the same speeds, no?

>The Simpsons reference

Only a degraded mechanical ontology of mind, as a sort of "computer," has this problem. The nature of knowledge acquisition isn't like
>a concept, or a notion, which can be put into one’s head like something into a sack, without at the same time having to be transformed or to budge in the slightest in regard to what one is ...

It only takes place by transforming the forms of life already possessed by the acquirer of knowledge, by showing them as insufficient relative to some object (whether someone else's superior knowledge or an object or truth in itself), which places stress upon them to grow and encompass the higher level. That can only be done organically, holistically implicating the whole person and all his experiences and other knowledge etc. It's fundamentally initiatic.

Humans are not computers that assemble "bits" of information. You could maybe deform them to act like that, but it still wouldn't be real knowledge. Wisdom will never be "downloadable."

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It will be someone else's interpretation though. You'll never have the pleasure of your own understanding of a text again.

>Why, yes, I do believe, considering their track record, I will put a micro-Tesla in my brain

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Most people don't care. This place, as well as 99.99% of academia, is just a datamining pyramid scheme.

God I hate this insipid reddit tech optimism. You have no idea how anything works, why are you celebrating the first tentative forays into man-machine fusion, lmao this is your brain on pornhub and video games.

Why is Yea Forums filled with paranoid luddites?


There is no escape.

This was planned from the beginning.

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Hi samefag. What ASS are you reading today?

Do you think I'm being literal?

Christians are afraid of dying - why wouldn't they welcome it?

How often do you think Elon Musk thinks about convincing his fans to leave a donation to him in their will?
>I may not be able to save humanity in your lifetime... but maybe I can just manage it in mine, with your help.

It was a metaphor?