Should i study history?
What do you guys think?
I have no idea what else to do in life.
Should i study history?
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The Yea Forums consensus is that, if you're gonna go to college at all, you should study Engineering or Mathematics, and read History, Literature, and Philosophy only on your spare time.
What if he isn't good at math
Only 5 percent of jobs require even require Calculus, and you can learn it for free online. Every degree is a meme degree, based on what the current corporate/administrative culture values on paper. About any job on the planet can have in house training or the equivalent of a technical school.
I'm in medical school >.
>you should study Engineering or Mathematics, and read History, Literature, and Philosophy only on your spare time.
everyone on Yea Forums must be crazy overworked because no one here reads
what a fucking joke
>Should i study history?
For what reason? What's your goal=
It's not a bad degree but engineering is more useful if you want a job. CS is the best option.
Well... I would like to learn more about history
then go to your local library and pick up a fucking book
Ohhh sweaty... Didn't you know university is all about signaling? It doesn't matter what you learn by yourself unless you have that piece of paper, sweaty...
Just start your own company.
You don't need a professor to tell you which Wikipedia articles to read in order to learn about topics you might be interested in.
That's because people are not creative enough to figure out the ways in which Calculus can be used. Having said that, Mathematics is a lot more than just Calculus.
>public libraries
>Wikipedia articles
Eww, it smells like /his/ in here.
There's nothing wrong about learning the basics of one topic through Wikipedia articles, and then diving further into other sources if you happen to want to know more about them.
Everything is about signaling these days. postmodern commodification of human interaction as a result of increasing complexity. its evolution universal darwinism progression of the dialectic blah. I hate this world so fucking much.
and that's a GOOD thing
Follow your passion, user. Money isn't everything and with a history degree you can unearth interesting knowledge not known. If you're succesfull you can make quite a bit of money, you could also write papers and book on the subject. Visit the areas of your particular study and uncover more, teach stuff to students.
Its literally about the way you think. Using just set theory, logic, and linear algebra has allowed me to think lightyears ahead about literally anything about anything. Sounds pretentious, but anyone who didn't study mathematics, physics, or philosophy is seriously retarded.
e.g. Political groups organize along the principle component (axis of maximum varaince) in an n-dimensional political space. Introducing different people into the system can shift the axis of this principle component.
It also leads to serious nihilism. take the following proofs:
There are those who would believe that every nonconstant polynomial equation has a solution, a view that leads to some intriguing new ideas. For example, take the equation x^2 + 1 = 0. Let i be a solution of this equation. Then i^2 + 1 = 0, from which it follows that i^2 = − 1. We know that i cannot be positive, since then i^2 would be positive. Similarly, i cannot be negative, since i^2 would again be positive (because the product of two negative numbers is always positive). And i cannot be 0, since 0^2 = 0. It follows that we have found a number that is not positive, not negative, and not zero. Numbers with this remarkable property are quite unlike the numbers we are familiar with: as such, they are surely worthy of further study.
There are those who would believe that every nonconstant polynomial equation with integer coefficients has a rational solution, a view that leads to some intriguing new ideas. For example, take the equation x^2 − 2 = 0. Let p/q be a rational solution. Then (p/q)^2 − 2 = 0, from which it follows that p^2 = 2q^2. The highest power of 2 that divides p^2 is obviously an even power, since if 2^k is the highest power of 2 that divides p, then 2^(2k) is the highest power of 2 that divides p^2. Similarly, the highest power of 2 that divides 2q^2 is an odd power, since it is greater by 1 than the highest power that divides q^2. Since p^2 and 2q^2 are equal, there must exist a positive integer that is both even and odd. Integers with this remarkable property are quite unlike the integers we are familiar with: as such, they are surely worthy of further study.
mathematics is subsumed by capitalism (as is everything)
The vast majority of historical Wikipedia articles are horribly written and lack decent bibliographies or even source citations. You're better off starting with a pop-history/general audience book on the subject, and then reading whatever that book cites.
With sci-hub, libgen, and b-ok available there's really no excuse to be wasting time on Wikipedia unless you just want to know the most basic facts about something. Even in that case, a quick google search would most likely turn up something of higher quality.
>Follow your passion, user.
This phrase is so full of bullshit. There's plenty of people with a Humanities degree whom I've met who ended up either working in something completely different (like sales/coding), had to put up a coffeshop, or that had to move back to their parents' house.
I know of one guy who had a Physics degree who wanted to go do research at MIT, but ended up working as a High School teacher.
Life ain't just about hopes and wishes. It's also about market demand, salaries, trends, and suff like that