What's the best Star Wars EU book

What's the best Star Wars EU book

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What about this one

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This is. Is there anything as good as it?


Path of destruction is one of the best. Maybe Splinter of the minds eye? I know it's older than others but, I feel everything was handled really well. Few star wars books get close to it for me

t. Pseud fag who can't enjoy anything nor understand it, but forces his way through Nietsche and thinks he's the second coming

Forgot kino art

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It was so cool reading about Bane's transformation from a nobody on some backwater planet into a Sith Lord. He's like the dark side version of Luke Skywalker.

Yeah that's what I thought. He goes from being a miner no one cares about and is debt ridden, to clawing his way out to a better life. One of the best characters in the EU

Brexit means brexit

>One of the best characters in the EU
Along with Jacen Solo and the Exile from KOTOR 2

Haven't gotten to jacen yet.
Have only recently started reading the old EU due to how bad the Disney films are
Have read the Thrawn trilogy, first x wing book, first bane book, solo adventures, and a couple others
Planning on starting the academy trilogy soon
And yeah Kotor II was great. I miss the old Lucas arts

>first bane book
I highly recommend the other two books as well. The whole trilogy is great.

also I don't think I have seen a bad book with darth caedus in it.
I wish his name did not sound like ball gas.
I do not value it as much since we don't get much about his early years and his life in the sith academy seems pretty fine. I got very "on the rails" feeling from his story. First got into him after seeing him in a comic book with young darth zannah, it made me want to know more.

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female or Jesus?


I see you're a man of culture as well.

Do people actually pay to buy physical copies of Star Wars fan fiction? If you wanna read that kinda shit, just go to fanfiction.net

It wasn't fanfiction until disney came along.

Stover's episode 3 novelization.
Haven't read this one of his, is it as good? Didn't care for Vong stuff so far. Shadows of Mindor I'd only put behind Ep 3 and maybe I, Jedi, though.
Second and third books aren't nearly as good, but still better than most star wars books.

>Second and third books aren't nearly as good
What do they get edgey and goofy? Too focused on the dark side being pure evil

More that he runs out of story to tell. Things almost happen, then don't. He gets angery powerup, then loses it. Apprentice gets little development, he has minor conflict (over the obvious rule of two not making the sith stronger because the master ages) but it doesn't even take the satisfactory ending. He's also a much less interesting character as Sith than as boy becoming Sith, and apprentice doesn't have a similar interesting transformation.
Plagueis is the true sequel to Bane.

/thread /sffg/ exists for a fucking reason.

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The interactive one, KOTOR 2.

Nobody reads on Yea Forums, so why pick on the few that do?