He doesn’t write his philosophy in form of mathematics

>he doesn’t write his philosophy in form of mathematics

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Any systematic rigorous thought can be considered mathematics.


Imagine being this retarded

t. dumbfuck who can't understand both philosophy and mathematics, making use of arguments from either one to prove stuff the other

Based Goedelposter

Fool! The noumenon won’t be rigid to our a priori forms (i.e. the only thing we know for certain the noumenon will be lacking is our imposed forms of thinking) so I specifically avoid anything apodictic, especially mathematics. If we want to rech the noumenon we have to find true epistemology such as beauty, telos and (perhaps) morality since they are all transcendental, which infuriates the stemfag.

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How exactly am I supposed to use mathematics to prove that free will is non-existent

Stop being a brainlet

>I wanna say lies that nobody will ever be able to refute
read up some set theory and formal logic, homo

that is one big ducc

implying it all isn't the same thing

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OK spinoza

mathematics is ontology (badiou)

What the fuck are you talking about. The noumenon isn't a thing. It's just an aspect of ordinary objects, a different way of thinking about them. It could perfectly coincide with our ordinary perspective, the whole point is that we don't know

Absolute mongloid!
Anyting apodictic and certain about the things we perceive is so because we place these forms on them! They are conpletely seperate from them and this is necessary or they wouldn’t be apodictic. Therefore to understand the noumenon one must cast of Everything that we place on the thing, hence anyhing apodictic: Mathematics (all categories) can never be used to actually describe the noumenon.
Read the critique of judgement retards

It’s a lot easier to just use causal relationships. Why make things complicated?

you are such a sad shallow creature. You are just slightly above the mouth breathers who preemptively avoid natural sciences to reach the truth, but really you are are still miles away the actual enlightenment of seeing the inherent limitations of our natural sciences and finding the only true epistemological systems to achieve wisdom congruent with the noumena.
You are the pathetic embodiment of a STEMfag.

t. Langan

I'm not sure if you're retarded, never read Plato or Kant, or are just afraid of Mathematics because you must've had shitty Math teachers back in middle school & high school.

I excelled at this and read both of that.
Please actually criticize something said and not attempt ad hominem attacks

Bitch I have a left hand and a right hand, both of which will be used to make you such my dick. Glad the FBI will make me read this message in court. The noumenon is observable and relatable via a mirror in the representation of language and reachable via our conscious as a noumenon extant. We are part of physical plane; ignoring that is pedantry. QED motherfucker.


Okay, are you ready for some real philosophy in form of mathematics? 13%.
