βThe noble caste was in the beginning always the barbarian caste: their superiority lay, not in their physical strength, but primarily in their psychical β they were more complete human beings...β
β Friedrich Nietzsche
When did Yea Forums take the Barbarian pill?
Other urls found in this thread:
>their superiority lay, not in their physical strength, but primarily in their psychical
Unironically what did he mean by this?
no freddy, im pretty sure their superiority came from their ability to beat the fuck out of someone
The spirit reflects the body it emerges from.
Nietzche works is some fancy homo-erotica.
I realised that civilization is for cucks after read the Conan adventures
Only a non-barbarian like Nietzsche could glorify the barbarian. Talk about unrealistic
As in, their ability to think clearly, allocate resources properly, direct men to perform certain tasks and to certain stations at the right time and correlative with their skills, basically the will to power directed towards conquest and developing a kingdom
he took the cripple pill tho
An AI-Barbarian society is the future
The cyborg assassin is an infinitely cooler ideal.
cyborg fuhrer
Conan almost always has a bit where he points out that the "civilized" city dwellers treat each other like garbage, but Hyperboreans with one set of clothing will give food, a blanket, and a place near the fire to a stranger. There's the clear-headed allocation of tasks but also a morality unpolluted by theology.
Emotional and mental strength.
The body reflects the spirit, too. We can spot criminals pretty easily.
He can't recognise their physical strength because he was an urbanite weakling so he has to pretend there's some hidden mental strength of the barbarian so he can larp as a strong "master" despite being crushed under the same immense socio-civilizational machinery as everyone he thought of as "slaves"
absolutely seething slave morality cuck
meant for
>barbarian pill
sorry, took the pilgrim pill instead. peace be with you.
None of the examples given modern man is incapable of. Through a level of organisation that would have given Freddy a seizure, we took command of the very Earth and explored all the tiny lights in the sky that we used to think where avatars of some God.
Nietzsche cucks are just mad that they are part of the teeming, useless masses who can't get over themselves long enough to actually contribute to humanity, so they draw inspiration from escapist fantasies from the early 20th century because that's apparently more sophisticated than Minecraft.
Reading is directly contrary to being alpha.
One of the worst cases of fighting a strawman I've seen on this board lately.
I took the Robert E. Howard pill when I was 15 and I'm still recovering
>Barbarians are superior man, ooga uuga, pretty light is in retrograde
God is dead, so lets replace him with poorly thought out pseudo-mysticism while other people use modern nutrition and exercising techniques to become more physically superior to any other human beings in history.
Nietzsche isn't Ragnar Redbeard, he doesn't dream for a return to the past or consider the advent of new techniques and technologies a bad thing and seeks their destruction like some edgy anarchist; he only laments the values and virtues that have been lost and forgotten in the process. A Nietzschean embraces power in all forms.
a vandal would absolutely shrek any modern, it would be the fall of Rome in microscopy
Barbarian master race reporting in
Neechee has a good point. It's always the Barbarian who destroys another civilization so they must be doing something right.
p.s. Arnie's accent is so thick in the first one kek
>history is just whatever conforms to my monistic and reductionist philosophy
Did barbarians listen to hair metal and take roids?
>other people use modern nutrition and exercising techniques to become more physically superior to any other human beings in history.
Daily reminder a female mine worker in Nietzsche's lifetime could lift more than /fit/ on T
this is the ubermensch
I understand where he's coming from but what really is "the barbarian caste"?
Barbarian is just a derogatory term Roman and Greeks used. The German tribes that replaced Rome as the new masters of Europe in late antiquity/early middle age where culturally different from the Romans, but not really less civilized and didn't think of themselves as barbarians. They even became Romanized quickly enough.
Remember, both Romans and barbarians were in the business of putting people through the sword, they were pretty similar in this.
It's a Hollywood movie, sweatie.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is an ubermensch in real life.
How so?
He created his own morality and pushed it on others so hard that he created modern bodybuilding. Not only that but he created the action hero and he became governor of the wealthiest, most relevant state in the US. He is a man who dominated both the physical (bodybuilding) and intellectual (film and statehood) worlds.
>modern nutrition
Basedbean oil
mickey d's
Because Nietzsche is a fucking dumbass
Arnold is based. When I see that picture of him on his bicycle when he was young, that is all I wanted to be.
Where to start with the Conan books?
What are you talking about? He was ahead of his time
Book related
big reddit post right here, sorry you won't get any gold for this one
You'd be surprised what a pain in the ass it is to get all the Conan stories in one collection. This one is the best one I have found, but Amazon are nigger loving queers and don't offer the kindle version any more, which I have. amazon.com
Avoid paying for it if you can, pirate bay has a few different ebooks that are listed as complete collections, but many of the collections published are formatted all shitty, or don't have all the stories, or have some other real pain in the ass problem. The Amazon link I posted here is the best one I've found, but Amazon are filthy kikes and took down the e book format so don't pay them if you can avoid it. b-ok might have a good one but they are running slow as fuck for me right now. #bookz probably has a collection too. It's not easy to get a well produced collection of all or even most of Howard's Conan stories, unfortunately.
Forgot to mention, there's no real long storyline in Conan though, you can start with pretty much any short story and it will make sense. I prefer to read things in chronological order of publication though.
should i start with the Robert Howard books or did any other authors do it better?
How are the Robert Jordan books?
not everyone is americ*n
>barbarians conquer gay faggy millet eaters
>impose their way of life on them and subjugate them to some degree
>side note: they manage this because they are more complete physical beings, more in and off the world, yet beholden to themselves more than other men - this is the basis of OP's quote
>this frees up time for the "barbarians"
>the increase in leisure time allows for them to pursue intellectual interests
>cultural output becomes more abstract
>barbarian conquers split into a aristocratic and priest castes
>priest caste maintains religion, attendant morality, spiritual corralling of population
>aristocratic class concerns itself with the management of material concerns, arts, and finally maintains a connection through to its "barbarian heritage" through practice of war, and physical fitness for its own sake.
>The Knightly Orders that spent their days practising for war typifies this in its most concentrated form
>these distinctions start to decay and disappear with the onset of nihilism
This was, roughly, Nietzsche's account of master morality. It was not meant to be historical, but archetypal. Nietzsche did not want a return to master morality, although he did consider being a master better than being a slave. Ultimately, the Master is tied to the Slave and this limits him. In seeking to go beyond these limits, among others, Nietzche dreams of the Ubermensch - who is not one of the Barbarians or a return to that form, but something beyond man and for whose values are fully generated with itself. Any person claiming to be the Ubermensch is a fag. It isn't here yet, it might not ever be.