There is no objective morality and only the material world exists...

there is no objective morality and only the material world exists. recommend me literature that could convince me otherwise

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Why would you actively want to become a fucking pussy?
This entire attempt to ask for shit to convince you otherwise proves you are don't truly hold the stated beliefs and therefor recommending relevant literature is not necessary since you yourself are already doubting you little frog faggot

The Holy Bible
Dream, Death, and the Self
Tractatus Logico Philosophicus
Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language

Plato or the Stoics, I guess.

even having a concept of "morality", regardless of what particular precepts it rests on, proves you objectively wrong. regardless of what is regarded as a "moral" act w/r/t power relations in a given society, the fact that right and wrong can even hold water in a person's mind precludes the idea that morality is completely subjective.

True haha, social darwinism ftw xd

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im just trying to open myself up to new possibilities. i've always intuitively held these views but that doesnt mean im right. how am i supposed to know unless i read more?

woah this is totally bullshit. 'good' could simply be what one person is comfortable with and 'bad' what he is not comfortable with, and this of course can differ widely from person to person

Parfit's Reasons and Persons, have fun

The Moral Landscape by Sam Harris

No such thing exists
Physicalism and moral nihilism are literally the end of philosophy, rejecting them is just denial

That's cute honestly

John 1:1

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Why can't there be an objective morality of conscious entities doing what is in their natures?
And what if that was ordained by the God that Created them all, if He exists?

The Bible should have been arranged John, synoptics, epistles, Acts, Revelations, then the OT. That way people who are hurf durf read it cover to cover are actually going to do it.

Objective != universal

Morality could just be a set of emotions and behaviors we evolved, that isn't even internally consistent. Im not saying this is necessarily true, but it is still a bit of a nihilistic take on things. It would make morality not subjective I guess, there would be persistent patterns, but ultimately rooted in the unthnking logic of power that runs natural selection. I think people are too quick to dismiss this perspective, even if I ultimately don't agree with it, because Im religious. It does run up against the issue of why there are conscious states that feel good or bad, or why there is concsiousness at all, since unaware robots could theoretically do the job.

Fucking thank you. You are the only other user I've ever seen point this out. A small mercy, but thank you.

This is seriously based, but most of you faggots don't realize that.

Wrong. You've described the ubermensch's starting point.

Mind and Cosmos
Atheism and its scientific pretensions
After Virtue
On Human Nature (Scruton)
There is no question of physicalism
Aristotle's Ethics

Ask yourself, how do I know there will be a next moment?

How do I know that everything won't go black in the next instant?

Next time you go to open a door, ask yourself: how do I know what's behind this door?

Next time you are in a closed room, ask yourself: how do I know that there is anything at all outside this room?