/Christianity general/

How are you to day my brothers in christ? Got any Christian literature to recommend?

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Other urls found in this thread:

princeton.edu/~rbenabou/papers/Religion December 1g_snd.pdf
biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 6:25-34&version=NIV

God bless you!

What else but the standard works, friend.

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how did this board get contaminated with retarded christcucks? surely everyone who pretends to be a christian here is just joking? god isnt real retards have fun following your book of fairy tales. all the arguments for god have been debunked throughout the years

Great stuff.
What exactly do you want?
Read it brainlet.

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Just report these shit threads, they are not about literature despite any pretense to the contrary

Blasphemous atheist dogs like you should unironically be put to death, you are a pox upon every culture and civilization you contaminate

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Ah yes. A containment thread. It worked for the science fiction and fantasy folks.
Yet making these Christian generals had the opposite effect. It only attracted more, larping and otherwise, christcucks. You infested Yea Forums and made it a lesser board.

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I found this book to be a very interesting look into young Christianity when it was still very cultish and counter-culture. The whole book is not nearly as cool as this one line, but it's a very unique look at it when it was still a minority religion and full of lessons suggesting people disregard tradition and the establishment in favor of the new and cool cult of jesus.

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I've recently started reading the unabridged version of St. Augustine's City of God. It's incredibly interesting on so many different levels, and his numerous rants about Romans are, maybe, at certain places unfair, but surprisingly entertaining:

> All the spoiling, then, which Rome was exposed to in the recent calamity—all the slaughter, plundering, burning, and misery—was the result of the custom of war. But what was novel, was that savage barbarians showed themselves in so gentle a guise, that the largest churches were chosen and set apart for the purpose of being filled with the people to whom quarter was given, and that in them none were slain, from them none forcibly dragged; that into them many were led by their relenting enemies to be set at liberty, and that from them none were led into slavery by merciless foes. Whoever does not see that this is to be attributed to the name of Christ, and to the Christian temper, is blind; whoever sees this, and gives no praise, is ungrateful; whoever hinders any one from praising it, is mad. Far be it from any prudent man to impute this clemency to the barbarians. Their fierce and bloody minds were awed, and bridled, and marvellously tempered by Him who so long before said by His prophet, “I will visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquities with stripes; nevertheless my loving-kindness will I not utterly take from them.

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Does God poop?


Wasn't he the guy who said women should all wear exactly the same clothes? Like good luck with that bro. Utopianism is next to socialism.
Paradise Lost is great, other than that, I don't know what this thread is even asking for. Faust is trash btw.

The hymns and homilies of St. Ephraim the Syrian are enlightening and poetic. Essential for anyone interested in the writings of the early church.


He goes beyond mere poop
He is omnipoop

But read some of his other works first

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>having dinner (kosher) at my Jewish girlfriend’s parent’s house for the first time
>things seem to be going well
>the topic of salvation and possible resurrection of the body come up
>her dad asks me if I follow 613 mitzvots of the Mosaic law
>I tell him I don’t follow the Hebrew covenant because it has been fulfilled in Christ and made obsolete (cf. Hebrews 8:13)
>”fulfilled in Christ?”
>I explain, “Christ is the culmination of the law so that there may he righteousness for everyone who believes” (cf. Romans 10:4) because “the letter kills, but the spirit gives life” (c.f Corinthians 3:6)
>”ah okay”
>the rest of the dinner seems to go fine
>I got a text from my gf today today informing me I’m no longer invited to join them for Hanukkah
>my gf says we need to talk

based and logospilled

How is God the Lord of Everything when he is not the Lord of the evil that men do?

our lady of zeitoun, thousands of non Christians and Christians alike providing testimony that Jesus appeared after death, and many others that im not gonna waste my time to name. believe/dont believe what you want to, but dont be a fag and throw around the word christcuck at people just cause "muh big brain hurr they dum i smart"

the jew fears the christian gamer

you really think jesus got ressurrected literally?

It literally happened, metaphorically

St. Athanasius - On the Incarnation




Yes, and anyone who thinks it was some clever metaphor fails to understand Christianity.

Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation.

princeton.edu/~rbenabou/papers/Religion December 1g_snd.pdf

Daily reminder the overwhelming majority of leading scientists are atheist


Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.


Daily reminder religious people are less educated


Religious people are literally a lesser breed of human

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daily reminder that evolutionary biologist Dawkins married multiple times but never successfully reproduces

Maybe mature women are not suited for him.

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Why would it be bodily?

to be clear, denying evolution is silly, and those most scientists are more likely to deny evolution by their actions in their personal lives

Who cares?

Anyone know any poetic narratives like "A Woman Wrapped in Silence"? Anything regarding the BVM would be nice too since I'm in the midst of consecration to the BVM

we need the universities to be disestablished Henry VIII style

Is God heterosexual?

that nigga god made man in his image and mans a hetty so yea my nigga yea

How big is His penii?


Can I see it?

Currently reading City of God, book 13.

Cool. Good contribution to this thread and board. Interesting!

I'm reading La Rochefoucauld's maxims. He was Catholic. Though, his maxims has a great influence on Niezsche.


To what saint?

>For what advantage is it, that the world enjoys profound peace, if thou art at war with thyself? This then is the peace we should keep. If we have it, nothing from without will be able to harm us. And to this end the public peace contributes no little: whence it is said, ‘That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life.’ But if any one is disturbed when there is quiet, he is a miserable creature. Seest thou that He speaks of this peace which I call the third (inner, ed.) kind? Therefore when he has said, ‘that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life,’ he does not stop there, but adds ‘in all godliness and honesty.’ But we cannot live in godliness and honesty, unless that peace be established. For when curious reasonings disturb our faith, what peace is there? or when spirits of uncleanness, what peace is there? - St. John Chrysostom

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The Saint Of My Fucking Cock Asshole

>If you are a Christian, no earthly city is yours. Of our City ‘the Builder and Maker is God.’ Though we may gain possession of the whole world, we are withal but strangers and sojourners in it all. We are enrolled in heaven: our citizenship is there! Let us not, after the manner of little children, despise things that are great, and admire those which are little! Not our city’s greatness, but virtue of soul is our ornament and defence. If you suppose dignity to belong to a city, think how many persons must partake in this dignity, who are whoremongers, effeminate, depraved and full of ten thousand evil things, and at last despise such honour! But that City above is not of this kind; for it is impossible that he can be a partaker of it, who has not exhibited every virtue.

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why this nigga head so biiig hahaha

hes an alien, jesus was too

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Book of the New Sun.

I can't recall, or maybe I haven't yet encountered St. Augustine explicitly saying that women should wear exactly the same clothes. However, he does talk about men and women. Paradise Lost is indeed great, but how is Faust trash ? (are we talking about Goethe's Faust?). [I think that Faust is one of the greatest literary works in literature, especially if one is able to read it in German]

>To yield and give way to our passions is the lowest slavery, even as to rule over them is the only liberty. - St. Justin Martyr

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Who /reformed/ here?

Formerly Reformed, currently Orthodox although imo Reformed is as rigorous and serious as protestantism can possibly get.

Have you read Kuyper and Van Til yet, brother? You can't forget to dialogue with the Dutch.

> le genius man
> "hallo genius i am le devil giv soul plz"
> "ok"
> meet hot babe, get babe preggers, kill brother in law for some reason, babe aborts, then dies
boring as sin morality play/10

>"all flame"
That's actually a misleading translation. The correct translation would be "If you will, you can become super saiyan"

>terrified of going to Hell no matter what I do
is there a cure for this?

> 6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: 7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

> For God so loved the elect, that He gave His only Son, so that the unconditionally elected could have eternal life
According to which you prove election through works, to works soteriology in which you earn salvation through works. Not really that different.jpg

that book is deep stuff, frater rose was redpilled.
Pic related is also extremely based for a prot, reading it atm.

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it happened. really.

This was the reason why I hated Faust, and Goethe in general when I first read him. Always hearing: "Goethe is a genius" and this sort of moral and artistic nonsense interpretation I hear about his work Goethe. Similar case was with Shakespeare, where when commanded to read him and then to appreciate his "genius" you end up hating him. BUT, this is not the case with Goethe or Shakespeare (but let's stick with Goethe here), there are many ideas in the language and the plot. Here's the counter argument: If it really was a sin morality play, why would there be a second part? Why would Faust get scot-free? There's more in it than it might seem at first glance, also, it is not that Faust made a blind mistake or that he got cheated by the devil in any conventional sense, and the devil here is more the extended "evil" of Faust, remember, says that something along the lines: "There are two souls in me" (in German: "...zwei Seelen wohnen in meiner Brust") and more importantly, why is he all doing this and for what? Faust is not doing it for some knowledge, instead he's doing it for the understanding what holds the world/nature together - it is knowledge in it's most essential and life moving way (connected with youthful energy). For all of this, I think, there's nothing typically Christian or religious about Goethe's Faust. (think of the obvious example: Walpurgisnacht)

I apologise for some obvious mistakes I've made here in writing this post, and rushing it (I just really get excited when talking about Faust)

...Why would Faust get away scot-free*
...also, it is not the case that Faust made
remember, he [Faust] says something along the lines of: "..."*
...why is he doing all of this, and for what?
... he's diong it for the understand of what holds the world/nature together*
For all of this, I think, we can't say nor pin Faust to be typically Christian nor a morality play*

its almost like... people are craving religious meaning!


Faust never uses the power the devil supposedly gives him. His brother in law, baby, and gf all die. Completely pointless.
Shakespeare wrote good plays (but also sonnets, because that kind of trash was popular, "if this be error and upon me proved I never wrote" lol)

daily reminder the goal of life is not meaningless "innovation" and "progress". 'you will always have the poor'

doubting Thomas

Westminster Confession of Faith

any similar prayer/poetry kinos?

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>Posting religious threads on Yea Forums

Thank you for publicly, if anonymously admitting that your shitty millennia of superstition does in fact rank to you on the very same level as Harry Potter

really good post

Do you think loving thy neighbor only applies to people around you?

Wheres the proof that God doesn't exist?


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I believe in god and 100% have a higher IQ than you

what model lawnmower you own?

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first day on Yea Forums boys?

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Christfags belong in

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>how did this board get contaminated with retarded christcucks?
Yea Forums is, in part, for discussing particular philosophical works. that you think Christianity is just dumb fairy tales and not serious theology studied for thousands of years is a clue that you are missing some information.

Aquinas proved the existence of God.

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Based retard

Praise Him, Praise his Son and the Holy Spirit.
our God is good.

Fine day for prayer.
I'm reading some epistles today and St Gregory of Nyssas work.

Blessings, May God illuminate your heart and mind. Lots of us had periods of disbelief and struggle with God. Keep seeking. Keep an open mind. Challenge your presuppositions!

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God proved the existence of God.
Romans 1
>18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
>19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
>20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse

the only book written by angels not mortals
tells the true story of Jesus from angelic point of view

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/Christian/ was on InfiniteChan but it's now down thanks to a retarded incel

It would have been more appropriately named /catholic/ desu. Ya know, since the p*pists banned everyone.

Unfortunately I finished this recently and found it pretty shallow. Hoping Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future is better.

How are relations between everyday believers and lower level priests of Catholics and the Church of the East?
Do they interact enough?

Oh so eightchan is still down. That explains the increase of absolute braindead posters

Kill all non whites.

Great statistics you have there user
How about this one?

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Nope. Orthodox had a big presence there and we challenged Catholics all the time, but we did it within the rules.
Only problem with prots were the tiny subsect of loud baptists. Baptist posting would often break the rules though, false flagging, calling everyone not like them satanic and wicked mary worshipers, idolaters going to hell, basically imitating Pope Anderson and sowing discord and denying the faith of others.

Why are you here?

I spit on Sc*ence and Tec*nology. THOO THOO! Praise Kaczynski!

>that meta-study by (((Miron Zuckerman)))
>all anti-religion and can't do metaphysics


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Considering atheists are supposed to be all fools with no exceptions, I'd say that's a pretty good score

>implying anyone still takes that seriously

>appeal to popularity
The psychology and interests of the masses don't change the truth.

Waning popularity that's completely justified. For instance, can you name me the last big breakthrough in metaphysics? One that actually produced results?

Why are You here? Go back to your shithole, you ruin everything you touch cultist moron.


based atheist

probably became a catholic priest so he could be a neet and read books all day


this is his book. i think he's the first to defend atheism in print

Whenever an atheist converts and begins to seek the good that is a breakthrough and a benefit.

>can you name me the last big breakthrough in metaphysics?
metaphysics isn't in the business of making new trinkets and faster iPhones. It simply exists as a dimension of the real, encompassing ontology, morality and epistemology; the more you recognize it the more it begins to transform you.

If you believe in the truths of math, the laws of logic, the existence of universals, or that good and evil exist you're already granting the reality of abstract metaphysical categories.

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the bible tho

Do you even know what metaphysics stands for? How would it ever produce results since it's by definition atemporal, immaterial and cannot be verified you inbred pile of shit

Praying does nothing

>It simply exists as a dimension of the real, encompassing ontology, morality and epistemology

Proof it

>idolaters going to hell
Lol. Papists can't handle the truth.

I never insulted you, why are you so hostile and bitter? This is a thread of Christian literature and philosophy. If you disdain it just leave. We've had a presence on Yea Forums for years now.

Check out Dumitru Stăniloae, probably the greatest orthodox theologian/philosopher of our time. Who was also a priest. His books are fantastic.

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>Do you even know what metaphysics stands for?

Apparently it stands for unfalsifiable horseshit

how's your prayer life, user?

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So why did fedoratards of Yea Forums get triggered by this thread? Does it harm their safe space?

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why should we use falsifiability?
falsifiability is not an empirical entity, it's a metaphysical criteria for judging scientific methods...it operates at a meta-level to science.

the laws of logic or math are not empirical entities that change over time, like rocks or trees. They are universal, metaphysical categories.
Even the idea that only matter exists is a metaphysical presupposition that can't be verified empirically. It's just something you wish to believe and so you see the world through that lens.
Human freedom is metaphysical, freedom of the will to act on behalf of the subject's intentions instead of being a slave to deterministic causality.
Human morality, do you believe raping and killing kids is objectively bad/evil? That's a metaphysical claim. etc
Most of our lives operate around metaphysical claims we take for granted...the materialist can't account for these things, so he rejects or ignores metaphysics.

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>prayer does nothing.
The function of prayer is not simply to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.
It has changed me and many people I know.
Prayer is more important than your job.

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No, falsifiability is an epistemic method to arrive at reliable knowledge. It doesn't exist in some metaphysical realm we don't have access to.

And the rules of logic and math are intersubjective tools we use to describe the world. Without humans to use them, there isn't some magical primary One floating in the sky. Logic and math existing is completely dependent on the human brain existing

>Logic and math existing is completely dependent on the human brain existing
Entirely false. Matter only holds itself together in the forms we know by following a metaphysical/mathematical model. Or am I supposed to believe abiogenesis is caused by random particles randomly hitting each other?

if praying worked you wouldn't need doctors. you wouldn't need welfare

this world works as if there is no god or that there is a god but he's an indifferent or an evil god

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>praying is wishing to your genie
Shallow idea of prayer. see this post :

Even Plato solved your number claim there bongo. Numbers exist outside of our head, they are placeholders for concepts in the world or outside of it. See 0 for example it simple does not exist empirical. On Mandelbrot sets where only discoverd afther we had enough computing power to see them. They can even fin in your brain because are infinite.

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Gee, almost like all bad stereotypes about fedoras is true.

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>Or am I supposed to believe abiogenesis is caused by random particles randomly hitting each other?

Abiogenesis is an unknown right now, so this is an argument from ignorance

where is this definition of prayer found in the bible? you got this shit from a non-biblical source. it's some new age definition of prayer.

historically praying was done to get god to do shit for you or to ask for advice. since god doesn't talk to people it's virtually impossible to get advice from(since he most likely doesn't exist)

and by abiogenesis I'm being quite light. Perhaps you have some assumption regarding how matter or the universe came into being? You can't belive in a first/singular cause because you wouldn't be an atheist. And if you're saying that matter has always existed, and there is no first cause, well, again, you're entering the metaphysical domain. Would you agree to an effect (the current moment) without a cause? Atheism is the ignorance towards the fact that the chain of empirical causation simply doesn't make sense. And I don't mean it doesn't make sense metaphysically, it literally doesn't make sense physically.

it's from kierkegaard

>he doesn't answer to prayers therefore he doesn't exist
Why do atheists have such piss poor understanding of prayer?

isn't that theism?

your god is spontaneous, causeless, sourceless, purposeless, meaningless

why does god exist? what is the purpose of a god? what was he doing before creation?

>N-NO why are you giving me metaphysical answers to metaphysical questions??
>I want to see with my eyes then i will believe
>Human senses have no limit
>J-Just leave humanity alone for a few decades-we will discover everything t-theres no limit


god's whole existence is meaningless without a creation

god can't be a creator without a creation

Thou shall not blaspheme, ye papist scum

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because if they had a proper understanding they wouldnt be atheists

You can say the final prayer goal is to achieve theosis. You can connect to God. Obviously not as atheist. Even in the Bible Jesus did not did miricals for unbelievers

>>I want to see with my eyes then i will believe

I know, what a ridiculous demand

>Even in the Bible Jesus did not did miricals for unbelievers

and why is that? he could make atheists into believers over not by just appearing

>Perhaps you have some assumption regarding how matter or the universe came into being

No, I simply accept that this is an unknown right now

over night*

if god were real, faith wouldn't be necessary

I miss that board desu, been posting there for nearly 3 years now....

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Humm how about you read it his next line explains it.

Christianity is bigger than the bible, I'm orthodox and we have saints and the church to help guide us. It's a living tradition, not just a book that fell from the sky as some people think. The quote I gave you is from Kierkegaard a rather wise protestant.

>Where does the bible say that?
Where does the bible say prayer is good for you? lol... Paul tells us to pray without ceasing, it's an attitude towards the world, a sort of mindfulness of God at all times. We don't pray simply to ask for material gifts.
There are different types of prayer. One is canonical like Our Father...another is prayer of the heart like the Jesus Prayer or contemplative prayer which is more esoteric, and another would be free prayer simply talking to God like in the psalms.

If you understand what is essential in life, what is absolute you want to assimilate it and live it, that's part of human nature.

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Not only that you don't accept it as being unknown, you're making a false logical statement by using the broken empirical chain of causation as an argument.

Imagine calling anyone else a "larper" and a "cuck" while posting about fucking Stirner.

forced love is no love at all

god is terrible at converting non-believers

He hides and doesn't show himself so you know that he's there and not just a myth
He threatens you with hell-fire for being skeptical(for rational reasons). it's irrational to believe in something without evidence

he allows all this competition(islam, hinduism, etc) whithout coming down to show people what the true religion is

if the christian god exists he must be a very incompetent god

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>if god were real, faith wouldn't be necessary
Because God is real faith is necessary since #1 man is not God (i.e not omniscient) and #2 man is free to choose (if knowledge of God was undeniable like seeing the sun or feeling a heart attack, then man would be coerced into the relationship, it wouldn't be voluntary and loving.)

Cringe new-wave shit


Then why does God torture people for not loving him?


a loving god wouldn't create people and then torture them to death because they didn't kiss his ass

>I'm orthodox

Cringe and bluepilled

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Random reminder that God is dead and remains dead.

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i am not arguing against the existence of a generic god. i am arguing against the christian god in particular. that guy does not prove that his particular god is the true god.
whether a generic god exists or not is irrelevant to me. if a god does exist, i don't think it's a benevolent god much less the christian god because the evil int he world contradicts such a notion

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what christians will do is try to prove the existence of a generic god and then assume that god is their god.

proving the existence of a god doesn't mean that god is the christian god. prove god is the christian god

It's not really the case of God torturing non-believers, it's more non-believers (and believers for that matter) that are torturing themselves.

But you have a point: we live in a world that is fallen, and all of us, no matter how pious, suffer from original sin. Faith is about returning to your original Being, which is an existence completely in tune with God. Like Adam and Eve in the Garden.

I don't think that's possible in this life, atleast not until the return of Christ. Good thing then that are souls are eternal, and praise the promise of an eternal life with God.

Imagine taking neetchan out of context

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>Then why does God torture people for not loving him?
The experience of God in the afterlife depends on the character and spiritual state of the individual. The saved and the damned will both experience God's light, the Tabor light. Those who made effort towards their salvation, who love God will experience his presence as Heaven, while those who shamed themselves and disdain God will experience his presence negatively, hellishly.
God doesn't torture anyone himself, he wants all to come to the truth and be saved, the awareness of your sins and your pride will torture you.

exactly user it is a ridiculus demand
you are implying that there is nothing beyond your visual perception or in general of your senses
something that even scientists agree on
that everything you see listen or feel is merely a trick of the mind

>anderson icon
Hope you escape that cult and become a Christian.


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the all loving benevolent god created a world in which this happens

he made it so in order to eat you have kill other living beings. what a dumb designer!

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The only question that matters ITT.

Then why should I be condemned if I don't accept what I can only comprehend as mindless speculation? Isn't your god supposed to be all-knowing? Doesn't he know that humans can't work on questions of knowledge without sense data? Sounds like a pretty dumb god to me

It's already addressed bin this tread come on, stop repeating yourself.

>le god is dead!!! man
Imagine taking a philosopher who speaks in hyperbole seriously. Big lol.

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Evil only makes sense in light of a perfect God, not only morally perfect and just but also interested in man and the fate of his soul and his judgement. Also a certain degree of human freedom is necessary for man to be responsible for his actions.

Otherwise what you perceive to be evil is just your own preference, a transient phenomena that doesnt mean anything in the grand scheme of things and warrants no judgment.

nothing wrong with that image. Repent means change in faith not 'get away from sins'

As for the video, john 1:1

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a loving god that puts people in a concentration camp(which is basically what hell is) is an oxymoron


i m telling you that there are things beyond your perception
just like asking a blind worm what color is the sky
and you re answering me why should you believe that the sky has a color since you have no eyes to see it
how can you judge something that you cannot even comprehend?
>empirical evidence and scientific approach is the only way to knowledge
underage detected

>how's your prayer life, user?
Mine needs improvement.

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Yes, addressed very badly. It basically comes down to accepting mindless speculation about stuff we can't know in the first place, based on more pseudo philosophical claims that don't stand up to even the mildest scrutiny. Also, we get some namecalling and some empty threats

If the Hell pill is too hard to swallow look up

I don't believe it myself though.

>i m telling you that there are things beyond your perception

That's a self contradicting statement. Reality is such that we by default can't perceive outside of our perception. This is like claiming there's dry water, it doesn't make any sense

>Evil only makes sense in light of a perfect God,

oh it's the freewill non-sense that has no basis in the bible. it originates with one of the church fathers who had to explain away the problem of evil so he came up with free will.

original sin

all of this crap was made up by the early church fathers. they use vague verses in the bible to support them but you can use the bible to support anything

i can use the bible to support being a neet

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 6:25-34&version=NIV

this basically supports being a neet or a homeless bum

this is amazing, only good post in the entire thread, good job user

Yo boys, what do I need to get into to understand the Gnostics and other mystics?

>if I don't perceive it then it can't be real!!
are you three years old?

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That's namecalling

>mindless speculation
not all knowledge is empirical, the majority of math is understood non-empirically, speculatively, it's proofs are grasped intuitively and abstractly, and if empirical data contradicts it (you find a triangle whose interior angles add to 185degrees, then the data is wrong because it contradicts our intuitions and logic).
Similarly matters about morality, freedom, purpose and how we ought to live are not entirely empirical but depend on presuppositions and values we hold.

We believe revelation is also a source of knowledge, hence things like prophecies, Christ predicted the destruction of the temple and expulsion of the jews from Israel. etc

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Thanks user

The Confessions by Augustine might be a good start

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Yes, and? It is generally expected that humans grow out of solipsism in early childhood. Do you have the mind of a toddler, or are you able to understand that your perceptions are not the totality of reality?

holy shit the ignorance
>by default can't perceive outside of our perception
>the definitive test for something to exist is to be seen by human eyes
how can you even use a computer?

As a reminder for the so-called Christians in this thread - if you're not strictly vegetarian and don't avoid leather/fur/down etc, your imitation of faith is equivalent to a pile of stinky shit. You already have examples of the Bible not being fully divinely inspired (if you believe it to be at all), like its rather light treatment on slavery for example. The Bible's view on animals is one of the most important layers of utilitarianism, narcissism, malice and 'Jewish' dirt. So if you believe that Jesus himself would joyously come down any day of the year, kill an animal and tell you that he CREATED his sentience and ability to feel pain in order to serve your taste and/or comfort. So buckle up and get over the cultural fuck-ups of that time if you wanna make it through your gate. A diet lacking animal products is largely proved to be the best for you. And come on, there are literal atheistic degenerates that are vegan, and you, with your whole body of ethics, metaphysics, chants and hymns won't do such a thing? Pathetic, if so.

Shortest and most to-the-point video: youtube.com/watch?v=wxs7V0I2q1Q . Note that the video is not the most recent view on nutrition, as it ignores most of the body of medical literature regarding the very expensive EPA and DHA long chain fatty acids supplements. In short, you don't need them, your body makes them from ALA, shorter chain fatty acid, found in flax seeds, chia seeds or hemp seeds, for example; also, from the available studies, they may even raise the risk of prostate cancer. You only need B12, as you're not eating food with dirt/poop on eat anymore in the current age (B12 is a vitamin produced by bacteria and some algae), and possibly an Iodine supplement, if you're not eating algae or consuming iodized salt. The B12 supply for more than 1 year for 3 people is about 20 euros. The Iodine supply for 1 year for 1 person is about 20 euros. Use cronometer.com for tracking nutrients if you're just starting out, reduce calcium recommendation from 1000mg to about 200-250mg minimum, since they're upped by the Milk industry and USDA.

Feel free to ask any relevant questions.

Math is an intersubjective tool we use to understand the world around us.

gnosticism was just neo-platonism mixed with a christianity (that expunged all the jewish elements )
they made the jew god the evil god

And that's a good thing!

I'm very curious about all that reliable knowledge outside of our perception. Please post some

>intersubjective tool can precisely predict the movement and geometry of atoms in a nuclear bomb to 0.0000000000000000001% accuracy
Nah, Math doesn't give a shit about your intersubjectivity, your social constructs, your language games, the make up of your species or brain, or your relativist pomo gibberish.
You either discover it truthfully or you don't.
You either use it accurately, or you don't.
A=A in the past, in the present, and in the future.

not reading this whole post but I'm gonna keep eating meat you big fucking dork lmao


Based on what?

why believe this and not believe god is an evil god?

doesn't the west boro baptist church accept god is an asshole?

Numbers, logic , the self, the past. All unproven by sense experience.
And the statement off all knowledge comes form sense experience is unprovable by sense experience.

You must look scrawny

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>t. Based retard doesn't know that man is by nature a sinner and constantly failing God

I have a question. How did your head get so big if there's nothing in it.

I don't eat meat but forcing non eating of meat to be a Christian dogma is retarded.

jesus advocated for voluntary homeless and told people to abandon their families(or else they couldn't be his disciples)

no modern christian is a true christian. they are all phony

terry davis was probably the closest to what jesus taught. he actually lived homeless with no possessions

>Numbers, logic

Intersubjective tools

>the self


>the past

Knowledge comes from records of the past

Not quite, since most Christian theologians would tell you that their 'ethical' system is the one in accordance with God. I would call 'retarded' an ethical system which allows murder and slavery.


This is your brain on dogmatic moralism

So there's no difference between a man who kills, rapes and enslaves and a man who does none of that?

Anyone who recognizes Jesus as Christ and the incarnation of God is a Christian

mostly all christians in the US anyway for tradition's sake or identity's sake and not because they actually believe that crap

you really think jesus who preached against the rich and told people to give their possessions away would be for donald trump?

Am not against extending it ,but that becomes personal choice, it's not dogma you absolutely need to follow.

us anyway are christian for tradition*

I'm not a Christian you spineless bugman.

I agree, Hillary was clearly the thinking proletarian's choice. She would've really sticked it to those banksters! Or, maybe the other way around...

Yeah, I can tell

Right now I have the personal choice of not grabbing a knife and stabbing my neighbor 3 year old niece and raping her dead body. Would Christ condone that? What's your point?

jesus wouldn't be for her either, since she's some rich establishment democrat who just wanted to maintain the status quo and not do a damn thing for poor people

There are two levers, user. Pull one or the other, or pull nothing at all. But what does the good book say? "Render unto Caesar..."

most right-wingers speak of christianity as an identity and not as a belief system.

many of them act contrary to what jesus taught

it says to give your possessions away and not to store crap in barns and to live like the birds. jesus preached a homeless lifestyle

read this

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 6:25-34&version=NIV

Unscientific post. No proof that numbers are just made up bs, quit the opposite all top matethics understand that are no making up shit but discovering it
So you take it on faith lamo
>Records of the past
They are still in the present, the past does not exist outside of the now.

Christo-primitivism -- how obscene! Forgive me, but I think I will continue to pull the levers. You get a sticker and everything, you know.

There are no basis to be made dogma.

jesus preached primitivism and the apostles preached communism

in the book of acts there is an example of them practicing a form of christian communism.

Dear God, christocommunism too! Please, user, this is getting rather nasty. I beg you to change the subject.


Of course, he poops strawberry flavoured rainbows.

read ‘Philosophy of Inequality’ by Berdyaev


how am i an idiot? it's in the bible. am i supposed to ignore it like most capitalists do?

you are imposing your own humanist values onto divine revelation. there’s a special place down under for that kind of heresy.

Shut the fuck up, rdt retards. The last thing we want is them making 14 different threads. Let them have a general.

that guy was a heretic because he believed in existentialism, individualism and all this crap that has no biblical basis
the christians and israelites were all collectivists. the concept of individual rights was an alien notion to them

Down undah!

Well, I didn't call you an idiot, but technically speaking all Protestants are idiots.

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Oh it shows rabbit boy, it shows

how can that be possible when i am not a communist?

i am neither a communist nor a capitalist. i want to live in a cabin out in the middle of the woods away from civilization.

t. heretic
what's your religion and church?

>Berdyaev was an existentialist individualist

how about u actually read instead of playing smart. communism is a satanic heresy. read pic related, it’s available online for free.

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Gnosticism is the real Christianity.

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you would have to ignore history believe that to be the case

jesus was a jew so he most likely worshipped a jew god, not a neo-platonic god

to believe*

What a weird argument to make, there's got to be a word for this fallacy but I don't know what it is. Classification fallacy or something.

gnosticism is the original luciferian heresy. telling you the creator is evil and to revolt against the created order. some even say it’s the root of the common satanic heresies of today. (pic related)

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>luciferian and satanic as synonyms
Oh son, you got some learnin to do.

You are not completely independent under a capitalist or communist system.

living off the land and sustaining yourself without participating in any economy(capitalist or communist) is true freedom

I can't handle this level of sheer heresy

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you ignant boy

You aware Gnostics took everything from Pythagoras and Plato which they took from Egyptians-Mesopotamians.
Some Gnostics are very clear with their rejection of the OT all together in the sense that it praises a "jewish god", Jesus is seen as a teacher and an allegory, Not someone that literally existed as the "son of god".

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regarding the problem of evil gnostic christianity makes more sense than orthodox christianity

gnostics will say that the creator god is an evil. that is why evil exists.

orthodox christians will say evil exists because of freewill and god didn't want people to robots or some dumb shit like. if you read genesis god did want people to be robots. he didn't want adam and eve to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. he wanted them to be ignorant of good and evil. it was satan who wanted them to know the difference

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Lucifer is the good guy though.

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then go be an isolated atom in da woods and ejoy your ‘muh radical freedom’. meanwhile I’ll enjoy my civic freedom. actually being something in relation to others tops being free and simultaneously nothing. that whole sartrean ‘muh others le evil’ thinking is brainlet tier

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Lucifer's rebellion against God is the cause of evil in the world. This is obviously only possible because free will exists, and the angels have it as well.

you are under demonic influence. wake up

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um no

god created adam and eve as a robotic gardeners to maintain the garden of eden. he didn't want them to have freewill(the knowledge of god and evil)

are you saying the serpent giving the fruit to eve was god's plan? if that's the case then why did punish adam and eve with child birth?

You are the one that should Wake up.

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What in the world are you even asking? Lucifer was the greatest of God's angels, but his pride caused him to rebel, becoming Satan, the accuser. If free will didn't exist, that wouldn't have been possible.

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You're both retarded. First off to the man in black, if Adam and Eve didn't have free will then how the fuck did they choose to eat of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the first place? Moron. Secondly to the other guy, the whole "Lucifer rebelled" story is fucking bogus and not even Biblicial in the slightest, it was all made up wholecloth. Revelation is a vision of the future, not of the past. Also, Lucifer is a positive word associated with Jesus, not a negative word associated with Satan.
God desired for Satan to be the Accuser in the first place, its not a role that Satan chose for himself.

Aquinas references The Apostle in one of his five arguments, so you proved his point, retard.

"In his apologetic treatise Contra Celsum, however, Origen changed his interpretations of Isaiah 14:12 and Ezekiel 28:12–15, now interpreting both of them as referring to Satan. According to Henry Ansgar Kelly, Origen seems to have adopted this new interpretation to refute unnamed persons who, perhaps under the influence of Zoroastrian radical dualism, believed "that Satan's original nature was Darkness." The later Church Father Jerome (c. 347 – 420), translator of the Latin Vulgate, accepted Origen's theory of Satan as a fallen angel and wrote about it in his commentary on the Book of Isaiah. In Christian tradition ever since, both Isaiah 14:12 and Ezekiel 28:12–15 have been understood as allegorically referring to Satan. For most Christians, Satan has been regarded as an angel who rebelled against God..."

>tfw going to pray in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament later

feels good

how was adam supposed to know eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil was wrong when there was no wrong in adam's mind? adam ate of the tree because he was ignorant of wrong. he hadn't eaten the fruit yet.
and yet god knowing this still told adam not to eat from the tree and punished him when he did

what a moronic god! christians actually worship this moron of a god

Woke up early this morning. Getting ready to go to mass independently. Going to confession for the first time in 6 years. Going to prayer the rosary with a prayer circle.

Genuinely afraid of returning to the faith of my cradle.

have you considered the possibility that indoctrinating children into weird rituals and bizarre mysticism is actually a bad thing?

watch your mouth

if god is omniscient why doesn't he just abort non-believers in the womb?

if he can see into the future he can know for certain what choice they'll make

the good that conquers evil is greater than the good that doesn't.

>macro-microcosm mirror
this is orthodox teaching though

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Have you considered that there might exist some form of Objectivity, and that the pursuit of it, as well as it's dissemination, must stand as an imperative?

This goes for Plato or any of the philosophers just as much as it goes for Catholicism.

Nah, is older than anything you can think of.

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still doesn’t explain why u are telling a christian to ‘wake up’ to a perennial truth they already subscribe to.

also, the corpus hermeticum was written atleast 2 centuries after christ, so pic not really related

You are a cultist that believe a church and authority should ever exist, if anything you are pretending to understand the meaning of something by appropriating its symbolism.

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>Egyptologist Sir William Flinders Petrie states that some texts in the Hermetic corpus date back to the 6th century BC during the Persian period.[13] Some similarities between the Demotic texts and Platonic philosophy could be the result of Plato and his followers' having drawn on Egyptian sources.[14][15]


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Gnosticism is not one thing, it's the original protestants.

Neither is Early Christianity as a whole, that's the point.

what a sophistic non-argument. you are literally saying nothing. “lol, u just don’t understand like me”
you can do better.

>you are a cultist
the church is universal and has no walls.

>you want authority to exist
i didn’t ‘will’ God’s authority, it rests in him sovereignly.

So you are saying that random shit is the truth ? Sounds like relativism to me.

Revelation is the most retarded shit that has ever come to existence.
First, authority doesn't exist in nature thus the church should never exist.
Second, "God's authority" more like revelation authority, is non-existent. Thus false.

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Scholarly consensus pretty much across the board since the 1500s have been that that they date to the early centuries AD. Only wannabe renaissance occultists still believe the hermetic corpus is ancient. A one-off scholar with an idiosyncratic opinion does not change this.

>appeal to nature
lmao, we are done i guess.

Yes fuck off cultist moron, go watch Jay dyer or something


All it's content goes back to older traditions in Egypt.
>A one-off scholar with an idiosyncratic opinion does not change this.
Is because of the references in the texts all points out is older, and you are not in any position to doubt a Egyptologist without first checking out the evidence.
Anyway if you want to go really ancient here we can talk how the Bible stole the flood myth from Gilgamesh.

Don't forget your water in the way, obey the authority, fag.

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>Imagen having a coherent argument
Ops you can't lamo

You should be sucking the feet of the corpse. Like your mommy does.

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What is the truth?

no u
have fun worshipping lucifer’s authority in your little hermetic cult

>appeal to nature
so u are a modernist?

>authority doesn’t exist in nature
let’s grant you the faulty presupposition of your (non)-argument: proof?

>therefore the church shouldn’t exist
how does that follow your premise?

>God’s authority is non-existent, thus false
prove the non-existence of divine authority. u are just stating opinion like a sophist.

Well, I am an agnostic but I know an epic called “Paradise Lost” by John Milton that tells the story of Adam and Eve, it’s a good choice if you like Christian epics.

I have been researching the causes for the rise of atheistic degeneracy in Western culture and found its origins in the MATHEMATICAL COMMUNISM of Bertrand Russell and Alfred Whitehead. Image is a letter that describes the role of Russell in promoting the New Math movement in education which taught children the philosophy that everything is uncertain, promoting the questioning of God's Word. Richard Dawkins is just a petty showman compared to the evil of Bertrand Russell, who was the original anti-Christian atheist "intellectual" who poisoned academia. These two demonic mathematicians worked successfully to cast mathematics into uncertainty, resulting in the postmodern disaster of hyper-relativity.

You may also have noted that the philosophy of Alfred Whitehead has been shilled here a lot recently. THIS IS NO ACCIDENT, his work is every bit as satanic as Bertrand Russell's, so satanic that it is literally evolution as a religion, with evolution as god. I am not joking, read this page: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Process_theology also read this page: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_North_Whitehead

Whitehead's work as a communist intellectual infiltrator was to cast all philosophy into doubt via a different angle: from metaphysics. Process philosophy is METAPHYSICAL COMMUNISM, which is revealed by the work and life of another degenerate process philogopher Gilles Deleuze: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilles_Deleuze He was a homosexual, atheist, and anarchist, chief architect of the demon-worship relabeled as "accellerationism" that is being shilled heavily.

The Christian has absolute Trust and God and seeks righeousness because of it, and this is the very thing that these mathematical communists want to destroy. The Devil tries to make you question and doubt everything you know, and so the Devil has worked through these "rational skeptics" who have hidden their degenerate intentions through false and satanic authority.

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God Never intervened in human affairs, period.
God didn't create religion and its institutions, humans did.

but see, now you are changing your assertion. you stated that parts of the hermetic corpus was dated around 6th century bc. now you state (rightly) that it dates from the early christian period but draws on older egyptian scriptural tradition which we do not have access to. I have no problem with that. I also have no problem with the fact that the holy scripture of the jews deal with events that other sources in ancient mesopotomia also dealt with. also

>you are in no position to question an egyptologist
by what authority? His NATURAL merit? I thought there was no authority in nature. your love of naturalism makes me doubt that you really believe in the metaphysical teachings you make claim to.

you are just making groundless assertions.
on what authority am i to take your statements of truth? If by natural reason you better start arguing for your position instead of blurbing stuff out.

>without first checking out the evidence
Which you didn't and probably won't.
>holy scripture

Who killed Jesus?

Religion(allegorically as jewish religious leaders), Government(allegorically as roman soldiers/police) Money(allegorically as the money changers). Period.

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Any Krautanons here?

by what authority do you determine the truth value of a given proposition or statement? how do you know anything? basic epistemological question

Christ started a Church.
It has dogmas, a clergy, rituals and sacred literature. His apostles told us how to distinguish followers from heretics.

Government needs to submit to God's law as well and be in communion with his Church, lest it turns to satan.

Money is not evil itself, it's the love of money, the idolatry of money that is the problem.

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Christ didn't exist, neither the apostles, is an allegory.
When you say "God's law" you are actually saying Man's law, cause you believe in the authority of Man.
Jesus himself loathed money that's why he himself did what he did on the temple.

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No authority is required here in the first place.
On this case based on recognition of patterns alone leads to the point that everything of the Corpus Hermetica is way older than is actually thought to be.

Your statement is inconsistent. You are still appealing to the natural faculty of pattern recognition as the ground of epistemological authority. You just made an appeal to empirical evidence / natural observation and reasoning as authoritative. thus you are inconsistent, because you claim that there is no authority in nature yet you presuppose natural authority in your reasoning.

if you were to be consistent in your worldview you couldn’t actually say or know anything. Even if you accepted materialist naturalism, you would have to concede that the inreliability of your cognitive faculties would shed doubt on the authority of your pseudo-god, the human mental faculty as the ground of ultimate truth.

Only God’s revelation, which is altogether perfect, can be the axiom of a consistent worldview. The fact that you have the ability to discern is evidence to the truth of God; we call it general revelation.

I don't care what your cult ideology told you to believe dude. We were talking about the historicity of some texts and now you go full retard.

>Christ didn't exist, neither the apostles, is an allegory.
Goofy thesis, go ahead and prove it.

>When you say "God's law" you are actually saying Man's law, cause you believe in the authority of Man.
God can inspire and guide man to the truth, being omnipotent and good, it's within his jurisdiction.

>Jesus hated money
why are you invoking Jesus if you think he didn't even exist? If you deny Christ then you deny God and money is neither good nor evil but just a utilitarian tool you can use to satisfy your desires.
You aren't Christian so stop pretending to know what you're talking about, you hate our religion and you hate God, all your interpretations are marked by egoism and blindness.


> Lord, Lord, did we not make effort towards out salvation?
> Yes, but you masturbated between recieving the Blessed Sacrament and dying, so to you the Uncreated Light is hellfire

you opened the dance by challenging my worldview Every worldview has to axiomatically presuppose a ground for epistemological certainty. How is taking the debate to a presuppositional level going ‘full retard’? I’m picking out inconsistencies in your reasoning, and you just can’t/won’t defend yourself.

all we can do is try, repent and have faith.

> 4 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats,

The parables of the vineyard and the talents compare God to a capitalist, heretic.

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SeeYou haven't check any evidence yet, our talk here is truly pointless when you reject to look at the evidence at hand.
But is no wonder you reject evidence, since you are a Cultist "christian".

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Faith is what saves you, according to Sts. Paul and John the Evangelist. That's why it's "I never knew thee". Nothing we can ever do can earn salvation, our works are as filthy rags. Accept the free gift of salvation, then work on serving Him.

>why are you invoking Jesus if you think he didn't even exist?
Because Jesus in an allegory.
>Goofy thesis, go ahead and prove it.
>God can inspire and guide man to the truth, being omnipotent and good, it's within his jurisdiction.
Sky man tier belief in god.

>have faith
>Accept this
Those are things you do.

If you can't argue your position then why are you here? Just to regurgitate fedora memes from 2008?


Jesus never existed, get over it.

The original argument was that Satan was a good guy and that the gnostic heresy was the path to truth. You told christians to wake up to the more ancient truth of as-above-so-below and attributed it to Hermes.

I pointed out that the perennial truth of macro-microcosm mirroring is christian dogma and added as a mere side note that the hermetic corpus does not predate christianity. You then started to question the validity of divine revelation.

The main argument was never about the historicity of hermes. I couldn’t give two shits. Stop the sophistry and rhetorical tricks in effort to sidetrack the debate.

kek, even liberal atheist historians don't argue that anymore.

I know you're angry with God, keep seeking, keep reading, try praying. We have more evidence of Christ than Socrates or Plato, and more scriptural support for the bible than any other ancient text.

Satan never existed either, fuck off already dude.
Also seeYes it predates christianity, nothing about christianity is neither original nor new.

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There's an astonishing difference between believing in the possibility someone existed as a jewish rabbi at one point in time and being the "son of god".

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So far in this debate, you have shown yourself as a self-labeled gnostic who reasons like a naturalist modernist and when pressed on his epistemological presuppositions confesses to be a nihilist who can’t say nuthin bout anythang. when drawn into the light, you start diverting the topic like a sophist instead of facing the debate.

You yourself came into the /christian/ general and started spewing your inconsistent drivel against the faith. I am calling you out on it. Deal with it.


There is no debate here, just you ignoring and rejecting evidence, which you have still yet to check out.
Deal with the fact you won't check it out 'cause it will prove you your little religion is nothing but an unoriginal cultist mess.

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evidence of what? The only mention of evidence was in relation to the historicity of the corpus hermeticum. A mere side note to the debate, no one gives a shit. It changes nothing.

The debate started when you declared LUCIFER WAS THE GOOD GUY and started spewing gnostic doctrine, then began to attack divine revelation. I called you out. You refuse to answer my points like a defeated sophist.

> worshiping the Logos is like worshiping the sun because both are worship
the Constitution was a bad idea too

Yes Lucifer is and was the good guy. He's an allegory of enlightenment, not literal of course.

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I guess you mean the US Constitution? There hasn't been anything greater than it ever since.

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>Why does God exist?
Because there are many metaphysical problems that can only be filled by the existence of God
>What is the purpose of God
To fill in metaphysical holes, and perhaps something more but we can't know that for God's nature is beyond us.
>What was he doing before creation?
Human can never ever comprehend something that is not part of this physical reality. All language is created by the brain which is a organ created to transmute the reality around us, but not to understand the real truth, therefore you can not explain God or reality above or beyond ours.

Of course there is a difference. But God's mercy is infinite. Are your hypothetical men repentant of their sins? This is necessary.

Go have fun with your satanic worship and eternal damnation. People who read this thread will see your utterly inconsistent reasoning and how you refuse to address it when pressed and your following sophistry as testimony to the fact that you are not one to follow.

>satanic worship
>eternal damnation

Calm down cultist.

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Your resort to cheap rhetorical tricks and inability to actually argue your point is not flattering to anyone.

I see you conceive of your luciferianism through a humanist/nihilist framework and that this is somehow a comfort to you.

The greatest deception the devil pulls is convincing people he isn’t real.

in a monarchy, the king is responsible for what happens. In a republic, no one is responsible and decisions are made by virtue signaling.

>implying the ends of scientific knowledge are morally good

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goodbye, thread!