Land Ahoy

He's alive

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Other urls found in this thread:

All praise the hero boomer

>consent to all policy and policing
>brand it "accelerationism"

twin pincers homie

Acceleration is letting fascism take control in order to excite and harden the leftist opposition, right?

I think the next /acc phase in our (US) current situation is to elect Tulsi Gabbard, watch her try to wind the wars down, and then watch Air Force One crash in an obvious assassination. Best with wiki leaks proof

Based boomer. Glad he still alive.

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>Acceleration is letting fascism take control in order to excite and harden the leftist opposition, right?
do you actually get more retarded with every post?

Do you not understand the question or is it you don’t know how to answer?

Thanks for the twitter update. Accelboomers really are some of the best contributors to literature discussion.

Complex dynamics are both the signal and the amplifier. Unpredictable movement is exactly what you should expect.


No, he was just confused. You see, being a 'woman' and all, we expect you to make retarded and passive-aggressive posts, we just don't expect you to cross the gap into nigger-retarded ("shieet, wuz accelarayshun liek uh... fashis?").

mass shootings are the tactics without a strategy BTW

Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

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>reads meltdown once


Thank you.

My example was r/acc, and essentially correct. FYI.

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Have you read this article by the African American accelerationist AccelerateNRx? Very interesting piece

actually your take was closer to hardcore communist acceleration than fucking r/acc and the fact you can't see that makes me wonder why on earth you would talk about it

Now, let me ask you, my brothers, have we not paid our debt in full? Have we not paid our respects to these masters? In trust, in recognition, we stood behind them, built their places of worship, their museums, their schools, their hospitals, malls, and viewing halls. We cleaned the garbage from their dining establishments and accepted the most dishonourable service in their wars.


In turn they wanted nothing of us! They lengthened our leash and gave us a barrel organ!

(Mixed choruses of Amens, THASS RI'ing, roaring, and almost howling.)

Like good Jobs we accepted every punishment and the vile pestilence of their street corners. Liquor stores and bent ball hoops.

Yet We made Amends!


We made amends with the trash they surrounded our communities with, and we fought the war on the grounds upon which it could only be fought. We made a competition of it. If the capital productions available to us were nothing but a NeoGhetto, then we, WE, were going to live up to it and make it OUR destined culture.


And WE, my brothers and sisters, WE have arrived. WE are the future which our people laid out for us.


WE played the monkey with the crooked hoop. And WE became best at it.


WE sang the epics of the smallest and most fatal civil wars.

("MMHMMM", with echoes.)

WE donned the blackface costume and slang fried chickens and BLACK DRANK!

("MMMHMMM", rising now.)

WE sold our own deaths and harvested the organs without any Chinese Market to support us!

("MMMMMHMMMMMMM", standing now and heads shaking in agreement.)

WE worked at McDonalds when we knew we weren't going to make it, and gave every bit of leftover paper we had to those who still had a chance. The GRIP of black community. The cybernetics of AfroCO-OPeration!

All while NeoChinatown hasn't changed a bit. Just stankier and even more ran down. More missing dog posters than WhyChillun in Holl'Wood.

(Mixed choruses of MHHHMMMMs, Amens, THASS RI'ing, and roaring.)

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what is the leaked trip

Do you mean the election of Gabbard part? Not even that is l/acc.
You're just nuts.

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Read Burroughs' guide to the Electronic Revolution. He proposed to kill random people and frame r*ghtoids

first off you have already conflated l/acc and communist accelerationism which means you have already fucked up. if you are supporting right wing sentiments to harden the leftist opposition you are just using the Marxist accelerationism to hasten a leftist uprising (this is different from l/acc which is for pussies who don't like to work like Srnicek/Williams and co.)

worst prose I've ever read

Books for the rise of China?

>white nationalist
Why can't dumb people see shades in racism? Especially when Land himself is so critical towards white nationalism.

The fact that so many people on this board take Nick Land and accelerationism seriously only shows you how far Yea Forums is from becoming a place where people with legitimate educations in philosophy congregate.

>that photo

oh no no no no no no

how do these people LIVE

If only you would post a genuine critique then we could have a fun discussion.

>no fun allowed
i learned philosophy retard

Do I even need to? There's nothing I can say that can convince you otherwise because fundamentally any idea peddled by Land or any of the hordes of trannies who worship him are unfalsifiable through virtue of their obscurantism. But the inherent weakness of the arguments as a whole comes out to anyone who is well-read in any academic stream besides the explicit route to Land through Deleuze.

Continental philosophy has this problem more broadly but Land elevates it to new heights. He is the poster child for worthless thought

Philosophy isn't supposed to be fun you fucking loser, go get laid or watch movies or read literature.

If I saw you in real life I would beat you up, I bet you're some pale 5'8'' loser who read too much YA fiction as a kid and thinks he's the protagonist of his life

>just an analytic cretin
should have guessed
>it's meant to be bland
maybe you're just an empty husk. where's the vitality?

You're not trying to have a discussion you're posting snarky drive by comments. Making bare claims and saying someone out there has a killer critique isn't persuasive or productive. It's not even entertaining to anyone. That kind of post is clearly more cancerous than any kind of bad ideology or philosophy.

Have sex
There is no killer critique needed. A critique of the kind of bullshit that permeates every element of Land's writing was conceived well over a half-century ago by analytic philosophers. I'm not going to sit here and educate you on the history of philosophy

also, have sex

Why do you post if you don't want to have any discussion? You seem to only care about posting bitter comments and talking about how much more educated you are than everyone else. How can you act like you're policing the quality of the board when you're trolling instead of having a genuine conversation? Nobody believes the act. You just look stupid.

Blow it out of your ass faggot, Land is worthless and you're a meme

Acceleration isn't 'letting' anyone do anything. The personification here is an obsucation. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity of any given process, accelerationism is keeping this rate positive (how high depends). The point is that "fascism would take control to harden the leftist opposition" anyway (or whatever narrative you want to apply in this case).
Accelerationism gets around the contemporary post-modern problem by not even attempting a meta-narrative, though it could have a vector hence it's variants, and, instead, merely accelerating existing processes; "accelerationism is wahtever the process makes it mean."
Since Land is so fond of engineering metaphors, I'm referring to cybernetics, think of it as a system with zero damping amplifying a disturbance infinitely to asymptotically reach some theorized endpoint.
The internet is one such system, but there are so many things happening simultaneously that it looks like noise, which, not incidentally would look Gaussian (I am referring to the central limit theorem). So the endpoint, in the case of the internet, is really an illusion, borne of reducing a multi-dimensional distribution into a series of expectation values.
Do forgive me for the somewhat beleaguered metaphor, but it is difficult to explain this shortly; Land was guilty of a similar unnecessary obscurantism as the post-structuralists.

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You can't compete in rational discussion so you retreat to rhetoric. You can't compete in rhetoric to you retreat to name calling. Keep digging your grave.

Why would we ever want to import precisely the kind of people that Land (and Yea Forums counterculture in general) are trying to do away with? Maybe instead of making appeals to authority from the comfort of your ivory tower, why not put your “informed” perspective into actually critiquing or challenging accelerationist ideas?

This is a coward’s way of avoiding confrontation. If you actually had a defensible position wrt your opposition to Land, you would’ve said it already.

Women are a mistake

I’m sure you’re familiar with the utterly brilliant remark by Elon Musk where he says that it would be unfortunate if the human species was to turn out to be the biological bootloader for artificial intelligence. There’s a huge amount going on in there. All of our terrors are going on in there, that notion of what a catastrophic failure in this domain is going to be like. But also, what you see happening here is this rending of the fusion of humanity and intelligence where suddenly you begin to think — and a lot of people are — that actually, we’re not abstract intelligence. Our intelligence is supposed to be instrumental in relation to our humanity.

We are a specific biological species with a set of interests that are determined in terms of species preservation, not in terms of intelligence optimisation. Maybe intelligence optimisation collides in an extremely vicious way with our biological species’ interest in terms of human self-preservation, whether as something recognisably human — whatever that means — or even as a carbon-based life form, or as something whose basic mode of reproduction passes through the DNA molecule. All of these things are open to a whole variety of extreme scenarios.

But it makes perfect sense for someone to say, “What science is telling me is that I am a transmission device for a hereditary piece of DNA code. And that’s where my interests lie. I don’t have any interest at all in the optimisation of intelligence insofar as it’s going to move the whole reproduction of complex chemistry on this planet onto a new reproductive substrate.” That’s extinction; that’s a disaster. But it’s a disaster that could still be intelligence-optimizing — a disaster that could still be, in cold, neutral terms, the most glorious thing that has yet happened in planetary history. It’s entirely compatible that this could be totally consistent with the worst nightmare in our biological history as a species.