What are some Yea Forums books on maths?

What are some Yea Forums books on maths?

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Récoltes et Semailles

Alice in Wonderland

Attached: Shelter.png (364x577, 262K)

Euclid's Elements

Actual list:
Dedekind essay on reals
Penrose's physics book
Feynmans lectures
Frege's foundations (phil of arithmetic)
Number Devil (lol this is srs)

Can list more if you want.
Do you mean textbooks, or books about mathematicians and history, or philosophy of maths?

Penrose, reddit
Feynmann, reddit
Frege, meh, kinda boring
Dedeking, that's not lit

In fact nothing in this list in Yea Forums, it's either reddit or just straight up boring math/phil of math.

Wer ist diese Spermadämonin?

Bullcrap. Penrose is lit af

Who is she. Tinyeye yields 0 results. She’s magnificent

He's a muh simulation tier retard. On the level of Elon Musk, Feymann, GeoHotz, and all the other painfully boring high IQ stemmie brutes

>using Tineye in 2019
Google image search is 10x better, user.

>she's a sapiosexual
so I guess none of us have any chance
not that we would even if she was hetero

Sapiosexual means she likes booksmarts nerds so we defintily don't have a chance.

Very reddit and anglo. Master race French mathematical list coming through:

>Poincaré's science and hypothesis
>Schwartz' A mathematician wrestling with his century
>Hadamard's Psychology of mathematical invention
>Honorary French G. Hardy's Apology of a mathematician
>this (by Grothendieck)

that was my point retard, but you not getting it just shows how retarded litanons are

Your comment about heterosexuality cast doubt on it, and like any mathematician I am distrustful of ambiguity. So I judged preferable to make your point clearer, even at the cost of making the joke more obvious in the process.

Next time be a bit more careful with your jokes in mathematical threads. I will be watching you.

i'm a little biased. you need to be doing math to appreciate it. so just read textbooks and do the exercises

unironically good:
> the number devil
> claude shannon's mathematical theory of communication
> ito's stochastic calculus paper

autistic but kind of canon
> flatland
> a mathematician's lament

ignore and run away from anyone who recommends
> the signal and the noise
> goedel escher bach
> either rudin; needlessly challenging introductions to topics that should be learned and then moved past


this guy is correct

Attached: vin.png (1366x581, 765K)

Alas, too young. Oh well.

Penrose is miles above Elon Musk. He’s also the only one with big enough balls to publicly think beyond the current fashions and trends. Also offers something that can be falsified and tested. His thoughts on conformal scaling and early entropy (as explained in closer to truth or on mindscape by Carroll) are pretty neat. Maybe he’s weird but personally I’d wish for more scientists to at least engage more with his model. He et al. claimed three sigma for the cmb rings coming from a prior eon. That’s something.

You mean it's hard to find in English or hard to understand? I've read the first 100 pages or so in French and it's very accessible, often almost convrsational in style.
Okay apparently it has not been translated into Engilsh. Maybe something to keep me busy for a while after I complete my PhD.

there is a translation on a website online, ive read it

Nice, do you have the link? Mostly for Anglo anons who are missing out.

Gravity's Rainbow

Bolzano, Paradoxes of the Infinite
Frege, Foundations of Arithmetic
Halmos, Naive Set Theory
Spivak, Calculus
Łukasiewicz, Leśniewski, Tarski, basically anyone to come out of the Lwów Warsaw school
Brouwer and Heyting on intuitionism

Gödel, Escher, Bach struck me as being more about psychology than maths.

Pic related looks exactly like a girl i know if she wasnt an alcoholic holy

Le reddit harkens loudly with this one

alex's adventures in numberland
good lord that girl is pretty

Can anyone recommend any good books about Cantor?

Unless you're reading the treatises and books for fun, learning math in a "/lit" way is very bad idea.

As an example, Kiselev's stellar geometry books cover much more ground than The Elements, and is just as elucidating in its explanations and proofs, with excellent problems to boot.


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Here senpai easy asf and gets u hyped Infinitesimal: How a Dangerous Mathematical Theory Shaped the Modern World, by Amir Alexander

neal stephenson baroque cycle cryptonomicon

I love this place. This is the only place I feel at home. Love you guys.

Mathematicians lament is good

which is why you should run if someone who pretends to hold it up as a math book

i forget if Mathematicians Lament is the same as this one, but there is also this one really informative asslong rant about how the Intro To Differential Equations class that all colleges teach is a useless, shit-tier math class that has been taught largely identically since the days of Cauchy

Attached: Mathematics, Basic Course.png (992x886, 614K)

It's anglo-garbage.
This is /sci/ and not in any way Yea Forums
I got cryptonomicon, any non-fiction Yea Forums math books? Shit heavy on the philosophy and motivation and criticism and none of that retarded bourbaki definition-theorem-proof bullshit?
Anglo shit


This thread is shit. I'm guessing the only people posting are /sci/ brutes or Yea Forums pseuds hence why people are recommending the worst of both worlds

>Schwartz' A mathematician wrestling with his century
Looks interesting

What's happening in Chapter V tho?

Attached: schw.png (551x580, 78K)

Sapiosexual until a chad who happens to be an intellectual journeyman opens up about anything that implies self-awareness and "concern about the world"

>ito's stochastic calculus paper
This one?
Doesn't look like much to me.
(My favorite paper is Riemanns on the zeta function)


Has he written anything digestible?
(t. physicist, regularly sitting in the cafe he wrote the incompleteness work in)

This is a fantastic study on the the perception of what algebra is, from Galois to Grothendick
>Corry - Modern Algebra and the Rise of Mathematical Structures
(not too light of a reading)

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tridejur.uy/ssm Balance_UI_Dolar

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the professor and the housekeeper is a short novel about an old math teacher with no long term memory. not about math directly but cozy book and you can think about math

the french ruined mathematics by favoring rigor over intuition

read the russians


The British mathematicans alla Russel sperged out with rigor and the Polands/Russians wholeheartedly went with it, see all the constructivistm. Meanwhile, intuitionists like Brouwer were Dutch.