What should replace Christianity in the West to restore meaning to peoples' lives?
What should replace Christianity in the West to restore meaning to peoples' lives?
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Agnostic theism
liberalism already did it
He said restore meaning, not cannibalise it for profit.
People are getting by just fine. The error is to assume your personal depression indicates some societal dysfunction.
Christians are so fucking stupid I can't help but to chortle.
Depression, anxiety and isolation are skyrocketing in the west.
idk what should replace Christ, but what will replace him is unironically some Scientology 2.0 bullshit with more "scientific backing". we're heading towards it.
Some pantheistic YOU ARE THE UNIVERSE hive mind spirituality
This but unironically.
Islam (quranism).
no u
I have noooooo fucking idea. I have things that work for me personally but I don't know if most people will mesh with it like I do. There's two properties you want a replacement to have, which is
(1) The replacement has to give people guidance and fulfillment in their lives
(2) The replacement must be relatively homogeneous
That is to say, with respect to 2, people have to all identify under a common label. When a society has common core beliefs they believe everyone else has, societal trust goes up.
If I were to propose a guess, some charismatic rhetorical genius writer who's proficient in philosophy must offer an amalgamation of all the wisdom about the good life we've gathered in a package that's flexible to interpretation. You must be able to see sparks of Jesus, the Buddha, Epicurus, Seneca, Aristotle, Kant, Mill, modern psychology, and the deeper cultural sentiments imbued in the country in what they say and write.
I don't know if anyone is up to that task.
It may be that religion was irrational because some irrationally and inconsistency was needed to keep the chaotic assemblage of people together under a common identity. Once we push this very rational, straight reading of texts attitude to the public, we will cease to be sheep and more like stubborn goats. It's already happening.
"Like theories of science, religions themselves are languages; specifically, they are scriptural and doctrinal languages taking as their content a single shared reality including not only the physical universe, but subjective beliefs, codes of behavior, and notions of the sacred arising therein. This implies that a metareligion is a comprehensive metalanguage of religious languages. However, to exceed the limitations of dualism and couple with science, this religious metalanguage must also be scientific in bearing. In fact, it must bring spirituality and science into contact on all scales of reference. How is this to be accomplished?
All intelligible languages include logic as a syntactic ingredient, which means that ostensibly independent languages share common syntax and are merely parallel aspects of one all-encompassing language, namely logic itself. This implies that a sufficiently powerful formulation of logic comprises a common language for science and religion alike, and can thus function as a bridge between them and their respective symbolic and semiotic aspects. The fact that all intelligible languages include logic as a syntactic ingredient implies that a sufficiently powerful formulation of logic comprises a common language for both science and religion, where “a sufficiently powerful formulation of logic” expresses logic on a metaphysical level appropriate to its application to reality as a whole. This amounts to the requirement that it be a supertautology, i.e., a metaphysical analogue of logical tautology which employs logic as the identificative syntax of a generic reflexive identification operator. Supertautology describes the structure of an ontological and epistemological metalanguage bearing description as “metaphysics” in the sense required for a true understanding of spirituality and religion.
To model religious languages on the appropriate metaphysical level of logic and consistently express their interrelationships, the CTMU employs a trialic metalogical language which constitutes its own universe and its own model, and is thus capable of autonomously validating certain religious claims of truth and consistency. In effect, this language comprises the "metascripture" of a verific and potentially unificative metareligion. Its supertautological structure is that of a Self-Configuring Self-Processing Language (SCSPL) exhibiting referential closure and thus reflecting the structure of the self-contained, self-sufficient reality in which we live. Encoding the relationship between man and Deity, humankind and the metaphysical structure of reality, it is the only valid basis for eliminating the existential confusion and religious conflict that threatens our world without sacrificing that which makes us human."
these two
good joke
Christianity again
Better and more theologically resilient Christianity
There is no "west" without Christianity
Dragon accelerationist neocameral pseudo-gnostic posthumanism.
Just as much of an error to assume everything is fine just because you are or because you think GDP is a measurement of the health of a society.
Meaning never happened. Now we are free. Stories are proliferating. Exploding in all directions.
We live in the best society ever created
Your personal depression is irrelevant
This is a Greek board. You already have the answer.
We're beyond the point where any individual explanation or worldview can give a person's life meaning. Any attempt at embracing meaning has to be flexible changeable. Eventually the mood of one worldview is going to leave us and we have to move on to another.
>How can we re-break our legs so that we can continue to hobble around like invalids, bros?
Unironically fascism
Until aliens appear, we are the only consciousness. We have the duty to explore the universe. We are the only being that might understand the complexity, the full beauty, the sublime awe of creation. Our descendents must fill the universe with intelligent awareness.
Pic for you
Ha forgot pic, but that was the one I meant!
Spengler didn't believe that Christianity was inherently Western, though.
It is not because GDP per capita is high and medicine is working well that our society is healthy. Our society is fucking shit.
I don't have depression and I'm a quite happy person. But that's mostly because I don't follow modern liberal culture.
Repackaged neo platonism
That's hippie bullshit.
I think we should go back to bear worship tbqh
People. Life is endemically meaningless. The only meaning life has is the one we the individual gives it. No one religion or philosophy can be provide meaning for everyone.
This is the kind of ideology that has led to the trainwreck that we have nowadays.
No, I was just responding to
>There is no "west" without Christianity
and that soon there will be no west.
It's already begun.
Doubt it, OP's statement implies Christianity gave people's lives meaning, so if anything it would be organized religion.
>but finding meaning for myself is hard wah wah
That is the challenge. Succeed or fail.
Haeckels Monism
>That is the challenge. Succeed or fail.
And how is that working for most of the people?
Psychiatry and doctors or at least that is what will replace religion.
People are still kept. They are considered merely labor and parasite by the prevailing religions and pseudo religions of the current world. It’s not working out well. This is why we need it changed.
he looks like stefan molyneux
They fail, obiviously. How or why is that your concern? Find your own meaning. No one can give other people the meaning of their life, and if they believe them, they are fools.
Identity politics
We have a shitty culture (if we can even call what we have a culture) if people have no guidance and are left to themselves.
ethnostate fascism or islam. it will literally come down to one or another
Culture provides solidarity, comfort and tradition. You are mistaken to think it must provide guidance. I don't deny my solution is imperfect, but it IS a solution, and one more tenable than some sort of utopic society hivemind.
How is a culture where only some kind of superman can thrive a good culture?
What makes you think only a "superman" can create the meaning for his own life?
Perhaps more corporate cocksucking so maybe the next global economical crises that will happen solely because some greedy Jews wanted a few more cents will happen a little later during our lifetime.
Else, secularism.
Isn't that the definition?
I'm with ya, brother
Whatever replaces it will grow organically from a post collapse society. For now, just live your best life...there's nothing for you to do
Eastern Christianity
i think a pagan-luddite tradition wolud fix everything
This, because it’s the truth
Qur'anism isn't Islam because you can't make sense of half the Qur'an without extensive context
This is why no one is asking rightwinger nut bags
Don't you have some katana skills to practice or something?
Communism. As it was meant to.
Why do you think they spend all those years setting up their martyrs and killing off all the heathens?
>That is the challenge. Succeed or fail.
I really hate the perpetual adolescence society is stuck in. I can't turn my head left or right in today's world anymore without seeing such astoundingly stupid sentiments anymore.
I hate all tripfags but I've never seen a more insufferable tripfag than you. I've never seen you once write something with a semblance of originality. The fact that you weren't IP banned long ago is a testament to the incompetence of half chan's jannies.
J. Murphy Safe What Might Be Good About It nu Christianity
Read a nice book on the subject some years, actually.
My sentiments exactly when reading your whiny drivel.
Hahah why do you act like you should be taken seriously when you’re a dumb troll
meaning in other peoples lives has nothing to do with you, stay out of other peoples lives
how did you find meaning in life?
IS the attention whorish your end goal ?
spengler didn't advocate for fascism though you brainlet. prussian socialism is not fascism.
>dude let's just worship black science man lmao
>there is no west without brown people in the desert
No but he did support Mussolini as the best figure to lead the West into the Caesarian age.
>dude just find your own meaning
art and music. read nietzsche
yeah, we live in the age information technology. Everyone has access to so many viewpoints and arguments backing up every single one, it's almost impossible to settle into the safety of a single ideology.
"if the end of capitalism seems to many like the end of the world, how is it possible for Western society to face up to the end times? In a major new analysis of our global situation, Slavok Žižek argues that our collective responses to economic Armageddon correspond to the stages of grief: ideological denial, explosions of anger and attempts at bargaining, followed by depression and withdrawal."
capeshit, vidya and celebrities
>Thinks this is a bad deal
You are exactly like the little ant who misses his NPC life under a sovereign.
Try to be more human.
Outstanding post.
One video can answer that:
Check your ignorance and stop following blindly your masters.
>measures greatness by income and wealth
>ignores the objective displacement of man from nature
>falls for the pinkerton meme
>unless he has a gf hmm
>whips open NYT aggressively
>takes a latte sip
>tips his hat to you
Did somebody say culture?
Non trin christianity
Platonic theurgy under the heraldsm of Paganism and structural psychology
>believing lies funded by various religious and political groups to overturn the current world order
This, too bad Varg got banned
>believing these guys instead
Anal dildo for the masses.
And my diary desu.
So, Islam
Eugenics to produce high iq and low openness traits, which should replace the people in the west. Then the benefits of openness would be gained by people with all 5 human moral elements after they systematically dose psychedelic mushrooms and DMT to become spiritual as well.
You did good high openness people, but your development was more like help tires, and you were dysfunctional and morally colorblind as a result.
Circumcision is evil baby torture, Christianity rightfully banned it.
Read Hegel you fool.
If you think you can create your own meaning then you don't understand philosophy or religion
This but definitely drop the psychology. It's the opposite of religion.
Strange bait.
It's provocative but every word is my true intent.
Christianity never gave (most) people meaning to begin with, it served purposes of cohesion and value propagation. It's possible to have these through secular institutions
The answer is probably an informed and compassionate liberalism combined with the liberty to pursue one's interests
>an informed and compassionate liberalism combined with the liberty to pursue one's interests
fucking lame
The political ideologies are dead, only barbarism ahead. I am glad as much as terrified.
I like this post because it's such a succinct statement of the main dogma of the therapeutic state. The collective "personal" depressions of every member of society cannot possibly indicate a societal problem, because mental health issues arise spontaneously from the individual. The environment that one might think causes mental illness is purely coincidental and unrelated. Absurd.
Vulgar degenerate racial materialism.
There is no "west" in this sense of the western civilisation which has actually unfolded, without the fusion of Hellenic philosophy and prophetic wisdom inherent in Christianity even in Christ's own day. Western intellectual history is uniquely conditioned by monotheism, of both a Christian and platonic source. The bifurcation of the creator-God and his creation, and the model of God found in the trinity defines the bedrock of even atheistic thinkers. If Christianity had not taken root in the west, the "west" would mean something entirely different. We'd just be another version of the East, endlessly jacking off about the "One" and flowing rivers and monist bullshit like that, which is the perverse tradition that racialists like you want to foist on us (Heidegger etc.)
But it's not going to take root, it's alien. And Christianity isn't going anywhere
Worm headed fool. Of course you can make your own meaning!
Liberal Fascism
>not a single comment mentioning Daoism or Buddhism
you guys need to chill the fuck out
To understand the opposite of nihilism, you need to understand the roots of it in the Cartesian-Newtonian universe of the Enlightenment era. In this model the universe was created largely as it was, and is essentially a machine of cause and effect started by a First Cause which also sustains it. Everything is determined by mechanistic rules, including animals, which were though to be literal automatons. Humans were exempted from causal determinism by free will, which was given by God as self-creative inspiration.
This view began to be challenged in the era of Darwin who described a process that could account for life without requiring a creator-God, a trend that would be followed in every scientific field. God effectively died but the mechanistic universe model was largely maintained. This resulted in active nihilism (humans as the sole creators of meaning, who create meaning ex nihilo from a meaningless existence) and passive nihilism (even humans are mere meat robots.)
The sciences have moved increasingly away from mechanicism but it's remained in our public philosophy and the way we largely think about ourselves because it's the foundation of the entire world order, exemplified in the paradigm of game theory which describes humans as self-interest-maximizing agent-automatons. It has become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The opposite of nihilism is not theism, which is the root of the cancer. Theism is the monopolization of creative originality by an All-Creator, and the opposite is the anarchization of creativity, a pan-creativism where all occurrences are simultaneously self-creating and created by the categorical other, featuring both bottom-up causal influence and top-down self-influence. A metaphor is considering the universe not as a creative unity but a self-creating tapestry where each thread is created by and creates others. Instead of meaning being absent, created ex-nihilo, or a singular end to all things, meaning is infinite in potential and inexhaustible, an endless becoming where meaning is both objectively experienced as an immediacy and a subjective aim towards the future.
The perspective of life from this is engaging in one's existence as co-creative relationships between all things, most especially others humans which we are capable of sharing the most interiority and meaning-creating with. It is seeing other humans beings as other life-artists and engaging with them in the art of shared lives, to recognize individual autonomy and interdependence as not being in conflict but mutually essential.
good post
ever read burtt's metaphysical foundations or funkenstein's theology and the scientific imagination?
Nope, i'll check them out.
>The answer is probably an informed and compassionate liberalism combined with the liberty to pursue one's interests
This is what led to the current problems.
Progressivism is the new religion of the west and equality is their God
Kekism and digitology
Nothing. Humanity should be allowed to spiral into a collective self-destructive depression until it voluntarily self-obliterates.
Social Democracy and Civic Nationalism baby, you need both of those if there's no God
How about rationality and reason
Good post. Everyone could be depressed but it still count as "merely" anecdotal experience
>the bifurcation of man and nature, principle and issue, isn't what led us to this quagmire in the first place
I'm almost jealous of how ignorant you are
Fuck off, Christcuck. You have nothing in common with the Greeks.
Get your own philosophy.
This but unironically. Worship the wise wolf or be put to the sword. Remember its only a LARP till you succeed.
>rationality and reason.
so go back to catholisism again .
The restoration of the dragonsphere and the conversion of the elect into dragons
this is good.
Actually to expand on this, Neo-Platonism is clearly the closest philosophy to being correct. But it completely lacked a exoteric shell, resulting in Christianity being the religion to spread to the retard masses. If neo-platonism is to be restored it needs a exoteric layer that plebs can get behind. Considering most political movements are spearheaded by losers who have nothing to lose and every reason to hate society as it is, might as well make the symbolic representation of The One a beautiful young looking wolf goddess no?
Sacrifice apples,blood, and sweat for the wise wolf and you will be rewarded with fertile fields and fertile wives.
I would argue music is the most tangible form of this metaphysical tapestry that's constantly being woven.
Individual moments of lucidity and meaning are transcribed into a universal language. Over time it evolves into a web of patterns, emotions and images anyone can tune into at any given time. It is free from any kind of pretense, since it is fully abstract in nature and therefore a direct glimpse into the human mind. Music seems to me the purest form of poetry. This is why I'd encourage everyone to look into composing your own sound collages. The satisfaction and consolation brought about by being able to externalize your ideas so accurately and directly is unmatched in my eyes.
Often times I have listened to my old tracks and instantly I am transported back into the exact state of mind I was in when I created them. Those tracks have become my most precious possessions. I have never written any amount of text that has brought me as much comfort as those little compositions. Get music making, I'd say.
Catholics must eat beans
i agree. here's something i did when i was 15 or so. mixing is bad but i get good memories whenever i listen to it. clyp.it
What did you make this on?
think it was the demo version of fl studio lol
yeah I remember, I literally had to record the audio externally using hotkey recorder cause i couldn't save audio files. good times. i didn't know anything about mixing though. i just had this melody in my head.
Circumcision is not required by the Quran, in fact it's heavily implied to be forbidden because God created human beings in the best shape and only the devil inspires to tamper with God's design.
>Neo-Platonism is clearly the closest philosophy to being correct.
how come?
this is terrible but also revealing. technology has made us less reliant on good government so nobody really thinks it matters, until it really will matter.
Master morality
pre-rabbinical Judaism
>0 results
face it, dumbasses! The next big thing to give everyone meaning in life is merely waiting for the next big thing to release.
Why bother with mere spirituality of any kind when you can enjoy the next great movie (or book in the case of this board) as well as the taste of a brand new refreshing drink!
This is our future. People do not want something extra to care about, they would rather relax and enjoy the time they have.
Religiosity of any kind, I suspect, will become niche, but it will still prevail in some sense.
That book is absolute fucking nonsense
There's a reading no one said consume, newfag.
the ubermenschs but who are also a furries
> without the fusion of Hellenic philosophy and prophetic wisdom inherent in Christianity even in Christ's own day. Western intellectual history is uniquely conditioned by monotheism, of both a Christian and platonic source.
I think you think that's a good foundation but Plato's school single handedly poisoned Western thinking all the way through accepting Christanity, to the Enlightenment and all the plebian, egalitarian movements we have today.
All the heroic, cultic spirituality of the Greeks that was WORTH keeping was discarded.
Instead we got this desert religion that overtakes native religions and erases the identities of peoples. Its the European elements of Christianity, emphasised since the Renaissance, that actually matters.
Radical fundamentalist Christianity
Or some estoteric Hitler occult shit
No one has said Stoicism
>dude it's the end of history bro
>it's gonna be epic and based neoliberal capitalism and buttsex until the end of time
You just posted cringe bro.
White nationalism
>trash economy
see >What should
>Dante was stupid guys, yeah I’ve read Dawkins
National Socialism
>I have listened to my old tracks and instantly I am transported back into the exact state of mind I was in when I created them
pictures can do that too
so can smells
Empty devotion to shallow IPs and the corporations that make use of them. Not that they should, but that's what's happening. Politics too, I guess. I have been surprised as of late by the one unintended consequence of the diminishing of region in our society: Fandom/political fundamentalism.
Porn, anti depressants, sugar based products, 6:30 curfew.
Zoroastrianism unironically. It’s a proper religion with proper traditional and fundamental values that is weak enough to centre itself on Europe.
It's not the same for me. Maybe it's because I'm generally most sensitive to auditory information. Sounds really carry a lot of abstract connections and meaning in my life. I have quite intense sound synesthesia.
>to exceed the limitations of dualism
There is no "limitation" in dualism.