What's the point of fucking reading anything if you're already aware of the futility of understanding anything or anyone in their totality?
What's the point of fucking reading anything if you're already aware of the futility of understanding anything or...
Just chill bro, play the tune while you can.
The totality of anything is incomprehensible. Anything that is comprehensible is not yet total.
Open borders, General economy
Name one fucking thing, or subject, that is comprehensible. The more you study, the more you read, the more keen you become of your ignorance. Why read more? To realize you're a fool?
it is unironically the journey rather than the destination. you will never find peace in an end until you find peace through the means in of itself
You do not comprehend anything because you do not comprehend God because your nous needs to be cleansed.
The sooner you learn to let everything go the sooner you learn to live with nothing at all.
The pleasure of the text.
If you can bring yourself to join the ranks of billions who don't read, go ahead and do that. Those who read do so because they have to.
Everything is a totality in itself. And so as far as man knows, he is knowing of his own totality and the totality of all individual knowledge he possesses.
Da nose knows what the mind don't know. To cocaine say no and during reading don't doze or be nearah loud bulldoz. Douse yourself in the text and make it your spouse, get your fingers off the mouse but keep yourself in the house.
How can you be certain of futility if you haven't done any reading?
I have. I don't see the point of reading more.
That's some faggot shit right there.
If you didn't see a point you wouldn't bother asking.
I guess he’s trying to muster up a suicide attempt.
Ah yes, how in the world do people not do what you would do? How is it possible that we don't think alike, I mean, why are people different? Fucking brainlet.
Don't post in any of my threads ever again, you disgusting pseud trip faggot.
Read or don’t read, and you will regret it
Or something like that
You're getting too angry to properly understand anything we're saying. Take a deep breath and read more.
Take your meds.
Adopt a name so I can avoid your posts in the future
How did I misinterpret you? You posited that if I should not ask questions if I no longer see a point in reading, and I am assuming you say that if you were in my position. I called you out for being so close-minded. What the fuck does anger or any other emotion have to do with anything? Does swearing bother you that much?
You're still angry and you're clearly undecided. Why would you waste the time posting and closely monitoring this thread if you were sure of any sort of futility? Give this one a few reads before hammering out another poor answer.
That's a very silly question, but since we have endless morons asking what the point of living is without an eternal afterlife or eternal ramifications of their having existed, I'll try to take you seriously. We don't read to understand "everything" (whatever the fuck that would mean), we do it to understand more. We don't stay home because we can't travel EVERYWHERE. We don't abstain from sex because we can't fuck EVERYONE. All endings are arbitrary in education: it's a wonderful lifelong process. As you age, your knowledge and values shift too, and your experience colours what you read, so the same work takes on different shades of meaning and significance. There's no trophy involved: if you don't enjoy reading and your curiosity is gone, go ahead and stop. It won't affect anyone but you very much. But...look at this cover: doesn't it make you curious? Wouldn't you like to pick this book up, open it, and see what it is, and what it can offer you?
>What's the point
There is none. Now stop being a baby
You sound like a faggot.
it’s fun
You are a faggot.
Why do you have to know everything in its totality. Sometimes mystery keeps things interesting. Its your own ego that is compelling you to feel this way. Read for the sake of knowledge, exposure, and broaden perspective. That's it. Why do you autists have to make shit so much more complicated than it needs to be?
You sure seem fun at parties...
She thought of the narrowness of the limits within which a human soul may speak and be understood by its nearest of mental kin, of how soon it reaches that solitary land of the individual experience, in which no fellow footfall is ever heard.
Who cares about futility, man? Just read some books and enjoy the ride. You could be anywhere from 1 minute to 50+ years from death, and you should spend that time doing something you enjoy. Perhaps don't read philosophy for pseud credits and read some fiction or something that you actually enjoy. In the end, if you don't enjoy reading, simply don't read.
Futility of full knowledge =\= zero uyility in partial knowledge.
I dont really understand how my car or computer work, their maximum capability under all conditions of stress; i dont understand why 1+1=2. (This is, i am told, Mathematics at Masters level)
i just know how to use the above at a basic consumer level. That really *is* good enough for most people.
Ditto anything you can get from books.
>To realize youre a fool?
No, cabron. To realize you WERE a slightly bigger fool yesterday.
>I realize that the more i learn the more i know i dont know
>Since i can never know it all, why know?
Since you will never own all the gold and silver in the world, why work? Since you will never waifu all the 10/10 annefranks in the history of the world, why try your hand at love? Point is bruv, you dont need ALL of it; you just need enough for you, which tends to be quite modest.
>I'm not going to change how i think or present my thoughts
>So (You) take the burden of change
>Become a tagfag like me
>he doesn't want it all
You're pathetic, and so is everyone that lives in comformity.
OP, avoid the trap of Sloth.
It includes defeatist apathy, not just calorie-saving slobbyness.
Fuck you
Wanting as much as you can get =\= wanting ALL, which is realistically impossible unless medical immortality or tech singularity happens fairly soon.
I encourage you to get as much as you can stomach; just dont be disappointed you can't subsume the cosmos, because really now.
I'm not your enemy bruv.
As you read you grow connections and associations. This will expand your field of understanding. "Total understanding" is just potential space for you to explore?
What's the point? The point is the one of a pen; The point is the black diamond in your eye. The point is whatever you make of it