It's 4th grade, and your teacher asks you bring in a favorite class. What book, Yea Forums?

It's 4th grade, and your teacher asks you bring in a favorite class. What book, Yea Forums?

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Mein Kampf

Probably Artemis Fowel or something like that.

Carl Schmitt

A Harry potter book has porn images taped in it

"The Story of My Experiments with Truth"
Mohandas K. Gandhi Autobiography

This is the first book I ever read fully on my own. I read it during the summer of me coming into 4th grade.

The Satyricon

When I did that in 4th grade, I brought in a video game strategy guide. Pretty sure I was at least partially "that kid" in school.

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The hobbit perhaps. Or redwall.

I can barely remember any books I read in elementary school. I know that I enjoyed this series, as well as the Captain Underpants novels, but I read them in third grade, not fourth.

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Probably After Man: A Zoology of the Future by Dougal Dixon. Read it at my cousins house and became went through a phase where I was obsessed with creating my own animals for like a year.

Oh, good answer

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Some Roald Dahl book

Sideways stories from wayside school was the funniest shit to me when I was in 4th grade

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lord of the rings

fanged noumena

My sister was 10 years older than me so I usually just stole her books to read. I remember reading angelas ashes during grade 4

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phenomenology of the spirit

the stinky cheese man, or the book I wrote in 3rd grade

Lmao you sound like you were a faggot 4th grader. Ghandi has never even played Halo:combat evolved so why would you ever give a single ounce of a fuck about his opinion on anything?

Dinotopia or a series of unfortunate events

Probably some Harry Potter or Goosebumps book

>my favourite book in the 4th grade
Eh, that was a while ago. I really liked this one book about an american girl of indigenous ancestry who went out into the woods and got really close to nature. No idea what the title of the book was however.

Mein Kampf

That's about ten years old, right? My favorite book then was Ender's Game.

I remember I got in trouble one the third grade for bringing Rainbow Six.

The Goosebumps issue book with the sponge under the sink, or the camera that kills people who you take a picture of. Simpler times :)

>a series of unfortunate events
my nigga


Can't wait for 4th graders to learn about the collapse and learn to pack munitions for the boogaloo

anything by Goethe

i hated books first 20 years of my life.

Did you know that they even made a game? Glad it's kept up to date for the zoomers.

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