What's a book that gives that feeling of warmth like listening to a beautiful piece of music? What's the book that feels like home to you? I've read a lot of books but have never found one that gives me the feeling music, films, elder scrolls oblivion do.
What's a book that gives that feeling of warmth like listening to a beautiful piece of music...
The Holy Bible
Finnegan's wake
Does every thread have to be the same two posts
why no one answer :( i put pretty picture so people would click
crime and punishment
War & Peace. Listen to 1812 overture.
That was a meme before your grandfather was born.
Ulysses or Robinson Crusoe, for me.
Thomas Manns books and stories
Infinite Jest
>not Morrowind
I think that Yea Forums might be more your board.
Hermann Hesse books do that to me sometimes
Everything by W.G. Sebald or Giorgio Bassani, some books by Calvino or Marquez. Tove Janssons Sommarboken, Annet Schaap's Lampje, Murakami's The Strange Library (though nothing else by Murakami, because he tries really hard to give his books this feeling of warmth and it never works).
Wind in the Willows.
No, it's yours.
Oblivion sucks
Anything by Werner Bergengruen desu
for me, it's tale of two cities
Make those yards level, God damn it. It isn't even hard.
Paradise Lost. Though to be fair, when I read it I was 20, getting over a bad breakup and doing a fair bit of acid