>Sun Tzu's The Art of War provides valuable and applicable advise for everyday life
What kind of person do you imagine?
Sun Tzu's The Art of War provides valuable and applicable advise for everyday life
Someone who was once an infant and will grow to eventually be a defenseless old man. I see him as a human between these eras, the latter half may never be. I see possibilities of happiness and sadness. I hope that their life is joyous all the way though. I remember the stupid actions I made in the past of cutting others joy. I see now too the potential to ruin this persons joy. Just by calling them lesser because they find merit in a book. Just because I don't see the beauty they do. I remember to never hurt happiness. I see a type of person that deserves to be happy. Everyone deserves to be happy
upper management
t. upper management
what does it feel like to destroy the very thing that sustains you
>The cultural appropriation of Eastern traditions is okay as long as it makes you happy.
>he typed this in English
Not sure what you're talking about.
The Art of War is just common sense. Yeah, no shit that you wouldn’t want your enemy to know your moves ahead of time.
Do you lay in ambush against your subordinates? Makes sense, since upper management is plagued with psychopathy.
>The cultural appropriation of Eastern traditions is okay
You could've left it that, Chan.
The greatest work in Chinese language along with Confucious seems written by a 10 years old kid.
>The Art of War is just common sense.
Makes one wonder what the point of the book. Smart people already know "common sense". Stupid people won't be able apply it effectively.
more like aspirational lower-middle management creeps who think they're generals going to war every time they call a weekly meeting.
Ron Swanson
>Do you lay in ambush against your subordinates?
How could you tell?
Maybe it's not that common before.
a white person
what even is cultural appropriation
This, holy cow, I stumbled upon 'The Art of War' at my sister's house and actually read it, was not impressed, it's some fortune cookie PSY101 type nonsense.
Greetings user, it has been a pleasure to find a post of this kind, thank you for sharing with us. I share a picture I find beautiful in sign of gratitude.
>Dude, just like attack your opponent when they aren’t expecting you
Bro if there is wet ground like put his ass on it like those dumb ass french knights that got shot by british peasants with long bows 800 years from now because they were downhill and stuck in the mud in their retarded armor.
Someone like this.
Someone who owns Penguin Classics editions of The Prince and Meditations as well
>mfw my old supposed n+1 moron calls the cuckshed meeting place the 'war room' and was deep into neo-HR stuff
>finally become effectively assistant of my old n+3 who is b&r and the only time he invoked corporate sounding bullshit was a weekend of 'team building' to bring the three guys he likes in the office to a hunting trip
Lower management was a mistake.
>read Sun Twu
>it's terrible
>get an old edition of pic related from grandfather library, give it a try
>it's literature of the highest order
How can people still shill the fortune cookie platitudes instead of the strategic masterpiece?
because it's easy
my tattooed female cousin who's doing some middle management shit like "controlling" thinks ching chong is the wisest man alive who has empowered her in her business dealings beyond belief
>leave your enemies a place to retreat so they don't fight to the death
aaaaah yes at last i truly see this applies to literally anything i fucking want it to
Someone who likes to jump out of hedges and scare groups of children.
this guy
A 13yo with bad bo
Works out
>Everyone deserves to be happy
Fuck you.
joe rogan watcher lifter or stoner bro
What does her being female have to do with it?
She could have easily been your tattooed male cousin and still be an idiot.
Sometime I feel like sun tzu wrote this to make fun of commanders who don't know what common sense is.
Managers and executives who always wanted to larp as generals but were too cowardly and beta to join the army.