What's the last book you read?
What's the last book you read?
Tender is the Night
Hit surprisingly close to home.
The Song of Roland.
It's very unusual that I can say this about a "classic," but it kind of sucks.
Guenon's first book on Hinduism
The Prince.
Hamilton's Mythology
Enquiry on the Origin of Morals
Regarding the Pain of Others - Susan Sontag
Brave New World
Nixey: The Darkening Age.
Fucking Christians.
Would you recommend it? I have it on me and I don't know what to read right now.
Storm of Steel.
All of Pushkin's incomplete works: Dubrovsky, Peter the Great's Negroe, the Queen of Spades
The Biography of St. Seraphim of Sarov by Valentine Zander
12 Rules for Life.
By Dr. Jordan Peterson.
Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age” by Father Seraphim Rose
Can recommend its realy good for how short it is.
tale of two cities, bawled like an idiot
Absolutely based
Like finished or just read at all? Cause last book I read then was God is Not Great. It's been mostly shit so far.
Consolation of Philosophy, Boethius
Why shit?
It was just a long magazine article kind of read with a lot of good points
I just picked it up yesterday and read through the intro. What were your thoughts on it?
finished American Psycho yesterday
The Idiot. Was actually taken by surprise by the end. Not just the plain aristocratic romance I thought it was gonna be from the first third.
I find it funny that other people are following the same memes as me. I just finished these two.