Which movement was right?

Which movement was right?

German idealism
Logical Positivism

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Pragmatic poststructuralism


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maoism desu

My bowel movement

>no mention of Platonism

Genuinely marxism

>the apotheosis of thought is standpoint epistemology vs Quine
we're doomed aren't we lads

Pessimism is the supererogatory ceiling of all systems.

"right" is relative.

Nihilism isn't on that list, so none of them are right.




>hasn't killed himself yet
Really makes ya think

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nihilism wouldn't imply killing yourself, that would be pessimism. Nihilism is just unconcerned with life in general, existential nihilism that is, there are different types.

>bby Guénon

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>feminist epistemology
Please, kill me, make it quick.

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>nihilism is stoicism
Are you retarded?

Nobody implied that

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>I am nihilist
>I think that I should maximize my happiness
You are retarded

Whatsa matter?

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That's hedonism, not stoicism. Absolute fucking brainlet.

You’re not getting this whole philosophy thing, dear.

At least try to think things over. Try on a different belief pattern. Go away from the screen awhile and have a thought experiment

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>hedonism is nihilism
>implying hedonism and stoicism aren't the same
Read Buddha brainlet

>13646484 (you)
Don't recommend me with that shit namefag

How often do you guys think butterf*y showers? I hope it's something like once every few weeks.

I don't know and I really don't want to know, thinking about her smell is probably a hell of a memetic hazard.
However, I really fucking hope next time that this femcels takes a shower she does so with Zyklon B to be quite honest

Daily. Can’t remember the last time I had to go more than a day without.

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>German idealism
>Logical Positivism
2/10, perversion of the above
7/10 and I'm actually butthurt having to admit it isn't bad
9/10, becomes a 10 with phenomenology

>immediately equates happiness and pleasure
You're hedonist alright.

whys there no line from aristotle to plotinus

Critical rationalism

zeno was a pupil of crates and crates was a pupil of diogenes and diogenes was a pupil of antisthenes and antisthenes was a pupil of socrates, not aristotle. this chart sucks

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>'Bout to get nuked
Aristole, Aquinas, Nietzsche, Stirner, Rand.
Metaphysics- you exist in a world that you can interact with.
Epistemology- correspondence to "the real" is irrelevant. You exist in a world that you can interact with, epistemic value is what bridges the gap between your mind, and what you can exert in the world.
Ethics- you exist. Your goal is inevitably to live the best life possible. If you're above a midwit, that means setting goals and embracing the meaning that comes with struggling to achieve your desires. Just like a book or tv show, it's only worth experiencing when the characters are working towards a goal. The goal itself is being, the struggle is what is meaningful.
>sorry for the boomer length of this post.

also skepticism came from pyrrho, not from aristotle

>categorizing movements like that is peak analytical philosophy pseudery

Why do you post on an account and not as an user? Not criticizing, genuinely curious.

i want to smell her stanky puss puss

Post Structuarlism, imo

Ego, obviously. There is literally no other point to maintaining almost any long standing trip, even if they might claim otherwise.

>implying the eternal pursuit to maximize your own happiness isn't intrinsically selfish and hedonistic
Let's be REAL

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