Who are some genuinely obscure esoteric writers?
Who are some genuinely obscure esoteric writers?
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me desu
Me too
I've never heard of you
Please don't play around here, this thread is a place where the forgotten esoteric experts may rise from obscurity.
wow, it's alvin fai (alvinfail on instagram). good taste in art my friend
me as well
Do you want obscure content or are you saying the writers themselves should be unknown to the masses?
Ok, I'm waiting to rise.
Thanks, I love his work.
Edgar E. Saltus
R.H. Barlow
Ambrose G. Bierce (kidding)
Ben Dover
Hugh Gass
Big Benis
Bo Yin Ra
Massimo Scaligero
Edith Starr Miller
Rudolf von Sebottendorf
Athanasius Kircher
this thread is really kafkaesque
Kafka is actually pretty occult
Terry pratchett is bretty underrated
This thread is really Kafkaesque.
Robert Nye. Start with Merlin.
I'm obscure, but not esoteric. Does it counts ?
J.K. Lavater's writing on alchemy: forgottenbooks.com
Paracelsus's writing on alchemy: forgottenbooks.com
John Dee's writing on (enochian) magic:
All of them are known to people who are in the field (especially John Dee, who might be known even in popular culture), however, when it comes to knowing their work (as in: actually reading), I'm not sure that there are people who are familiar with it.
I wrote an extra and unnecessary "s" at "Paracelsus' writing of alchemy" *
Hans Blumenberg
Trenton Merricks
Andrew Ortony
Eric Gans
Cowper Powys
Ortega y Gasset
De Jouvenel
Jean-Luc Marion
Ludwig Klages
Thomas Merton
Erik Hornung
A truly Kafkaesque thread, indeed.
This thread is quite Kafkaesque, Orwellian, Lynchian, and dare I say Lovecraftian
Me too
And that's what OP asked for.
Are you saying that Lovecraft is obscure? His shit is in South Park, for God's sake
Damn, bro. I guess you just have to kill yourself now.
Feeling quite Kafkaeque in here, one might say
Doctor Octagon
Me as well.
My, my...how very Kafkaesque of user.
Have you ever seen Reviewbrah and Jorjani is the same room at the same time?
pls no meat touching
unironically this
Tim Powers is another one.