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>top _private_ employers
>State University of N.Y. System


NC stands strong against the Walmart hordes

What's up with universities being top employers?
Do they mean like all the admin/security on campus or something?
Can someone clarify?

my fellow burger punkers, how many things you have consumed today?

>Mayo Clinic
I laughed

How is a state-funded public institution whose continued existence is guaranteed by the state "private"?

Any university that isn't a dogshit diploma mill spends most of its money on research, and that employs a huge number of people all the way from part-time undergrad lab assistants to professors to full-time researchers attached to school labs contracted to do research
My uni had an attached "research institute" that had thousands of full-time employees working mostly on government defense contracts in various facilities all over the state, and billions of dollars go through that place every year

The United States Government is the world’s greatest threat to society. At the start of the cold war they embarked on a crusade to destroy freedom, and democracy, wherever it may lie, and they haven’t stopped. They’ve already killed the right to privacy, and they’re going to continue. They hold a standing threat to destroy any nation which dares empower its people through the abolishment of the US government’s decrees, whilst themselves refusing to fight the growing threat of communism in China. The US Government is embarking on a cold war against freedom, whilst China is busy waging a cold war against the west. Whichever one wins, we lose. The future is destined for dystopia, and the American people are the only people who can stop it. The US Government are the only organisation capable of defeating China, and the US populace are the only people who can stop the US Government. The fate of the future is in the hands of a bunch of retards who think the skin colour of the protagonist of the latest super hero movie is the most important political issue in the nation.

By that logic none of the entities on that list are "private" given that every single one of them is only able to stay alive because of absolutely massive subsidies from every level of government, alongside tax breaks and specially crafted laws.

SUNY is literally a public institution though

lmao this country is a fucking joke

Ah I get it now, thanks for the clarification.
It's nice to see that R&D is still a top priority. I went to a shitty public linguistic uni in Europe so there's a slight difference there.

It's literally a government entity. The picture is stupid.

God Bless the Military Industrial complex!

The student unrest in 60s America was in great part due to this awareness amongst the student body, an awareness of the university system's complicity in the governments crimes in vietnam and the creation of a totalitarian technocratic system at home. The university itself was not seen as a benevolent neutral institution but as a weapon of war and an integral component of the military industrial complex and corporate america. CIA was involved with LSD experiments amongst a broad range of mind control programs such as the indoctrination and brainwash of political assasins.internet hacker culture, sillicon valley all came from the same military industrial nexus of psychological manipulation.

today I will remind them

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Shitty Cornelius knockoff. It's no wonder he's been trying to cross mediums for so long.

Is there a Tesco equivalent to this map?

Is this any good?

Why do you think the cost of higher education is so fucking expensive? Endless legions of "administrative staff."

so is boeing and general failures faggot

How the fuck are all these schools and hospitals top employers?

They have markets where they can charge almost any amount of money for their services.

I ate three slices of pizza and I have a tummy ache

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Thats walmart, doltus

I'm embarrased to be American. I wish I were German or Czech or Norwegian or something.

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