Hasn't had a great author since Homer

>Hasn't had a great author since Homer
>The Socratics literally ruined philosophy for 2000 years
>Plato was the most brain dead philosopher and was BTFO'd by a chink who didnt know he existed (Zhuangzi)
>The language is ugly and sounds grating as fuck
>No great musicians
>No great artists
>The food is mediocre compared to other cultures
>Their dances are retarded
>All Greek people are rats
>The country is filled with brain dead christcucks
>Their diaspora in America are the most brainless, tasteless, and petit bourgeois people you will ever meet
>Greek Christcuck Orthodoxy is the most brain dead form of Christcuckery. Literally no philisophical tradition just brain dead retarded mysticism. Cathlocism at least has a large tradition of great philosophers, composers, and artists.
>Literally a clown world country today
I am ashamed to be Greek the Turks should just take over already. I wish I was French or Italian.

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You aren’t even Greek

how can you say such stupid things. are you just doing it for the (you)’s

I don't think I've ever met a self hating Greek.

this board has the worst baits

not an argument

I am greek

Homer was the first of their “great authors” and not technically an author even.

Socrates didn’t write any of his shit down

The language is wonderful, especially compared to Latin


Hundreds of great art pieces = great artists.

The food is awesome

You can’t dance, shut up

Christianity degenerates everyone it infects

Capitalism degenerates the world

You are not a Greek

Attached: 522A1D7C-3536-40C2-94A2-A880AF150312.jpg (1800x1651, 1.24M)

based (admittedly i only know of him from the alexander soundtrack)

Socratics not Socrates

I am around the language and the food and I can say you are wrong.

Not great

Name 5 great artists and modern writers

You know nothing about Greek dancing

>The language is ugly and sounds grating as fuck
Don't know about ancient greek, but I don't see how someone could possibly claim the language is 'grating' post-iotacization

Wow cool thread! What excellent critiques you’ve made! I wish I was as smart and cool and funny and good as you. You should make more threads like this to help enlighten us brain dead westerners who don’t see as things as clearly as you. Absolutely spectacular! I look forward to hearing more about your philosophy!


>Socratics not Socrates
Ah, well in that case, you’re wrong.

I am from Burgerstan. Can’t you order Chinese takeout? No pizza joints? Greek food is still very nice, I don’t care what you say.

Not keeping up with contemporary arts but I like what I’ve seen of Cornelius Castoriadis, and Varoufakis

Attached: C6245B71-D621-4384-A010-92D64A454900.jpg (2000x1000, 278K)

I don't think you are really into Greek culture to do such claims.

Greetings user! /sci here. I just wanted to personally thank you for making this thread. You see, my ego was hurt after learning that /lit was shown to have a higher average IQ. When I come to this board and see posts like yours, you fill me with joy because it shows that the tides are turning! Please continue to shit this place up with low-brow threads such as this so that /sci can take its rightful place as top average IQ!

>Cornelius Castoriadis

>... psychoanalysis can and should make a basic contribution to a politics of autonomy. For, each person's self-understanding is a necessary condition for autonomy. One cannot have an autonomous society that would fail to turn back upon itself, that would not interrogate itself about its motives, its reasons for acting, its deep-seated [profondes] tendencies. Considered in concrete terms, however, society doesn't exist outside the individuals making it up. The self-reflective activity of an autonomous society depends essentially upon the self-reflective activity of the humans who form that society.


it actually has the best but this is just poor quality

Nice try, you sneaky gypsy. Youre evil magic wont work here

Based Alexander poster

best track comin through

>No great author

Vangelis, Eleni Karaindrou

Theo Angelopoulos

Go away Shqiptar