All incels should read “The Balloon” by Donald Barthelme...

All incels should read “The Balloon” by Donald Barthelme. It gives them something constructive to do (imagine a Christo-like art installation) with their sexual frustration. They could take inspiration from this, rather than Eliot wahwah girls won’t have sex with me Rodgers. Mass killings could be avoided. While the narrator isn’t an incel, per se, one of the reasons he inflates a balloon the size of 45 city blocks is sexual deprivation.

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whats the big issue about getting sex, lads? literally just go to a night club, get drunk and talk to girls

Incels incels incels Vox Buzzfeed pathetic seething yikes cringe oof. Instead of incels virgin Twitter upvote Instagram incels Yea Forums Jon Oliver, we should be working to Vox VICE Medium privilege Vox Buzzfeed Twitter Instagram iPhone Twitter. Support me on Patreon Instagram incels raising awareness Eliot Rodger caturday Yea Forums incels, incels queer voices dialogue conversation allies Twitter follow me on Instagram.


completely out of place in your post. caturday is a day of great blessings

Yea Forums, the notorious "asshole of the Internet" famous for its Caturday memes and EPIC for the win pranks against Scientology, is fast becoming a den of incels incels incels why are youths turning to violence why don't they like sushi and being a 31 year old virgin with no family who has to grovel for a benefitless 19.98/hr a week job selling iPhone covers to abusive morons with no theory of mind? Incels incels twitter. Julia Rosenkrantz is a journalist, author, poet, and ferret mom. When she's not tweeting about incels she can be found watering her cactus or catching some sushi at an outdoor film festival with her boyfriends Chet and Yoshi. Support her on Patreon if you ironic begging for money is still begging for money.

>Mass killings could be avoided

Thats what sex is, lads.

At least you earned fifty cents today.

Then man up and build a nuke.

It’s really overrated.

It is, indeed.

Can't drink

I think the process of getting it is what makes it overrated. As an average man, in most cases, you have to jump through too many burning hoops to get laid.
If you have an FWB or a girlfriend it's great. I myself had sex once with a girl I was not attracted to and had to almost beg so it was atrocious. All of my friends that have girlfriends and FWBs say it's great and they love it.

>build a nuke
Come on boomerposter, that’s completely unrealistic, change it to acquiring one of the missing nukes.

Inceldom is a social problem that results from hypergamy and redundant drug perscriptions, and simply ignoring or trying to cope with it is unacceptable.

I prefer the mass shootings to a bitchmade attempt at pretending that this situation is normal or acceptable. If there is one thing we have learned about modern progressives, it is that if you want them to do something, the easiest way is to murder them until they apologize to you for being murdered, and then start making demands.

Worked for the Muslims.

>a night club
I absolutely despise people who go to night clubs, been to a few before and they seem to attract the worst kind of normies.
>get drunk and talk to girls
With my looks, the amount of alcohol someone would need to consume in order to find me even somewhat attractive would literally kill them.
Plus, alcohol makes me very quiet and withdrawn.


You're just too picky?

lmao the byline is spot-on

Even drunk girls reject my pencil of a penis when it's time to have sex. This has happened to me twice by now, first time I thought it was just bad luck, second time caused the realization that I really am an incel. Both of them felt oddly "tired" after they saw or felt my penis, and just began to sleep after that. The rejection of rejections. How can I not hate women, when the same thing is bound to happen again, and even if it doesn't some day, why would that alter my general view of women as pleasure-seeking soulless animals not worth respecting. The damage is already done, and nothing will change that.

That's terrible to hear, brother. We're in the same boat. I dated women and the moment they reached for my pants there was a drop in their mood. They complain about a headache or say they're tired and that they should go home and get some sleep. The next day I'd get a text saying how sweet and funny I am and I'll find someone else and the rest of the staple platitudes.
Women really are awful.

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Yeah, I'd rather be alone than be with anything below a 6/10, which I used to be myself easy but then I got kinda fat so loneliness and hatred will do for me, thank you very much

Thanks, and I am sorry to hear that. What has happened to you is exactly what I fear will happen to me too if I ever find a girl that would be interested in a relationship. The moment they realize that I won't be able to satisfy them sexually is the moment they don't want to have anything to do with me anymore. I understand that this is just a fact of life, and I am a victim of that fact, and that there is really nothing I can do to change that, but I have yet to find a way to accept that. Have you found a way to cope, or will the feeling of inadequacy always be there, no matter what you do?

Autistic levels of self improvement. It's just pointless over compensation and cope. The inadequacy will always be there.

It’s two times, dude. There are some girls who would like you, it’s just a matter of finding you. Chance is a cruel mistress. It hurts because the rejection is on such a base level, intimate. But I’ve been rejected so many times now, it gets less painful, when you accept the woman is a living breathing human with their own desires and aspirations that just so happen to not coincide with yours and you take it less personally.

Thinking about dating my sister's best friend because she's kinda fat and overall maybe 4/10. I'm reasonably sure she likes me, I don't know her that well, but she's quiet and not terribly obnoxious and hasn't been completely corrupted yet. I'm not really attracted to her sexually (i'm not really picky though), which I kinda like because I would rather limit that sort of distraction. Sex is cool I guess but it's just like any other drug. She wants to be a grade school teacher which means she likes kids. Might make a decent wife, I don't know.

I was not prepared for these posts

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second barthelme i read. liked it a lot thanks