What books should i read before 30?

what books should i read before 30?

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Güd büx

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I'm 25 and dont know how to ride a bike or tell the time on a analog watch

how does that happen??!

>tell the time on a analog watch
wtf are you talking about

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Fuck imagine being this autistic I bet you struggle to identify your left from your right too fuck sorry dude I hope you find peace with your mental handicaps one day

>actually get my hands confused
>when screwing something in or turning a cap I often try both ways to figure it out

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I've never had the need to do either
why would I need to learn how to read that stupid watch when digital watches are a thing?

People still have digital watches?

>learn how to read that stupid watch
what's there to learn? you're telling me you don't know what time it is in the image? long narrow hand is minutes, the fat one is hours

no I dont and I dont care
I can ask my phone what time it is if I need it to

>Having a digital wrist watch.
Are you 9 years old?

Fashion is for normies and normies are clowns

you dont look cool wearing a watch on your wrist anyways
it's not 1960 anymore

>why wear a tie when you can wear a clip-on bow tie

where is that image from?

She’s Barry Pink, a nice girl meme from the people at [s4s]

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funniest shit I've read today

You’d get rekt by Yea Forums you dumb old cunt

starting strength

Let met try...
Is it 10:02?

the absolute state of zoomers lmao

Last I looked, it has sunk in quality. Lots of nasty people.
I don’t care to beat them up

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10:10.1=5, 2=10, 3=15, etc.

This, needing to know the time is the definition of slavery

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Stupid narcisstic cunt you don’t know what you’re talking about EVER

Kill yourself retarded OLD whore.

Should I learn swimming at 23? I never learnt it cause it never seemed quite necessary

only if you want to go swimming? it's good exercise

watch user here
no, dont bother. you will literally never ever need it

I learned late in life to swim, though I don’t need it much at all, it was a good experience. You probably need the physical and social activity.

dont listen to this tranny

>falling for the tie jew

Don't listen to

Any self respecting person should be able to swim. I can't believe how much your parents must have failed at raising you, for not teaching you such a basic skill.

I bet he uses shoelaces too

>Any self respecting person should be able to swim
acording to who? if he wants to swim for the sake of exercising or the sport then he should but if not there is literally no need to learn such a meaningless skill.
knowing how to make fire with nothing but sticks and how to plow the land were once "basic skills" yet I doubt many here know how to do it

I'm 26 and I only eat french fries, should I learn to eat some other food besides french fries? It's the only food I like and the thought of any other food literally makes me sick

I'm 29 and I never even bothered to learn how to eat, useless skill if you can get your nutrients through a tube, and I don't even know how the tube works lol, eating is for normies, setting up the tube is for normies

I get where he's coming from. I never learned how to properly read analog clocks, I can read them but it takes a bit of time for me to "convert the image" into time, if that makes any sense. Guess I'm just permamently thinking in digital or something. It's just more convenient to pull up my phone and see the time instantly.

there were never any analog clocks hanging on the wall in your house or in school?

You should read Bukowski before 25, because it's just silly to read if after that age.

i'll try and find this , and maybe make a vlog about it
I've only learned how to ride a bike at 28, just get a kids bike and learn
that;s the name of the book?
i mean i learned how to flop around at your age , you just need a mask and confidence

The Holy Bible

what books should i read before 50?

Pointless reply, le cute post, fucking kys

currently at Mathew tbph

Are you fucking retarded? If you, in your entire life, EVER want to be on a boat, or anything related to deeper water, being able to swim is a must. Hell, even just in case you need to get someone else out of a bad situation, you should learn it.

>even just in case you need to get someone else out of a bad situation, you should learn it.
Saving another person in most cases would be impossible anyways unless the drowner is a small child, you have a flotation device, or you're an Olympic tier swimmer because they will likely drag you down with them.

>wasting time reading about ancient jewish laws on how harshly you can beat your non-jewish slaves and how you should stone non-virgin brides to death on their father's doorstep

I know how to swim, but I never learned to ride a bike.

so, are there no serious suggestions so far?

>Deuteronomy is the only book in the Bible
>he doesn’t know about the new law
Jesús loves you

Matthew 5:17

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."

maybe try actually reading the book you absolute hypocrite

The only good character was nebuchadnezzar.

>not working in a field where a watch is a necessary part of the uniform

Nope. All I had was a clock built into my TV decoder and my nokia 3310 I used to play snake on, both of the clocks were analog.

Those that appeal to you and ones that you find interesting or intriguing. There's only so much of shit you can read in a given lifetime, so make the best out of it and read what you feel like reading, don't listen to others as to what you should or should not read.

well you could have a 100 skills but without social skills it all goes to waste

>He actually believes this
NPC Normie drone bot detected.
You could be the greatest social butterfly ever but without an actual personality it all goes to waste.
It's far worse to be dishonest with anyone then to be good looking in their eyes.
Good social skills with truly good people are just the result of a tame, honest but kind, easy going, passive but active, person.
But you're not being social with good people too often. You're being social with NPC Normies who's virtues are that of
>"Without social skills it all goes to waste."

>tl;dr Good social skills are different for different people, as such there isn't a set curriculum for Social Skills. There's no such thing. It's adaption to every individual. But adaption should only ever go so far. To go too far is to devolve into dishonesty.

I know how to swim, but I cant ride a bicycle, I am also a really bad driver unless I am driving automatic, in which case I am a semi-bad driver
ooh, I also have zero social life, and after work just read or stare at the ceiling until I fall asleep

well that's not what the employers out there think

what channel is the vlog

Jesus calls anyone not Jewish a dog you know. He calls gentiles dogs in it, as in goyim. Look it up. The jews themselves ironically believe he's boiling in literal shit for eternity over being a false messiah.

Look it actually up or actually read that abhorrent blight of a book.

It should have died a desert realm religion. Damn Rome.

Faggot. It's a shit thread anyway though.

This. Different people have incompatible taste and personalities. There's no time to read it all either so you'll be wasting your time inevitably like a normalfaggot does when shopping around for people they don't like. Eventually you settle before you even give that many people a try. It's better than nothing.

As it is we just read and don't have relationships but you're faced with the same limitations mathematically and objectively over personality. No time and no real search engines for things so subtle. We'd have to be mind readers. This thread is pointless. It should read:

>>Wizards (as in 30+ losers), list your top ten fav books of all time.

Then he could have chosen what matched with what he had already read and read what he hadn't that anyone similar to him listed. As it is OP was today as always *checks watch* yep, a faggot. It's a faggot everyday. It's going to be a faggot tomorrow. I personally won't be here because I'll be reading far away from the faggots online, or rather, the people online.

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>3 books posted in the thread so far
Fuck this board is garbage