So I just finished reading The Catcher in the Rye, call me generic or whatever but I want more books like this, this teen angst stuff, I want to find stuff I relate more too, any recommendations?
So I just finished reading The Catcher in the Rye, call me generic or whatever but I want more books like this...
now kill yourself
you're a manipulated cattle beast with very little hope of salvation
No, read Seneca instead
no u
Real shit, read some more salinger. A lot of his stuff follows similar characters.
any recommendations of what I should read from him?
he actually liked it kek
pleb filtered
He's a kid probably if he can relate, are you saying you didn't like that shit when you were 15?
As dumb of a 15 year old as I was, I was smart enough not to like it, correct.
This Side of Paradise, by Fitzgerald. It had the same effect on me. Then you can read Sentimental Education, by Flaubert. It's better to read Coming of Age novels then YA shit. In no time you'll be into deeper stuff. Keep it up.
You don't have a sincere bone in your body. This book is screaming at you
Then read everything he wrote, it's not like he published much. Nine Stories, Fanny and Zooey, and Rise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters/Seymour: An Introduction.
Absolute brainlets
There's a lot of stuff like this (and imo much better done) in Japanese literature. But well, you have to learn Japanese.
the japs are gay
A Clockwork Orange
What did you think of the part where Holden raped Phoebe?
Also don't listen to the midwits, Catcher is famously a 'bell curve' book where brainlets love it, midwits hate it, and patricians love it.
Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters is similar to Catcher in that it also has first person narration. It's really good, if you liked The Catcher in the Rye you'll probably enjoy it.
Which books would you recommend, user?
>Also don't listen to the midwits, Catcher is famously a 'bell curve' book where brainlets love it, midwits hate it, and patricians love it.
absolutely true, no memes
Try Journey to the end of the night,
literally about a man who travels the world (literally to africa and back, new york, europe) and manages to find a reason to bitch about every person he meets.
Brainlets hate it though
A good day for banana fish or something like that is one of Salinger’s best short stories IMO
>banana fish
good anime
Vernon God Little by DBC Pierre
Franny and Zooey
The Bell Jar is just as good YA
best answers: Demian, Franny and Zooey, The Reivers
options: Sorrows of Young Werther, Stoner, Crime and Punishment, Rules of Attraction
joke answer, but also good: Book of Disquiet
good post
Botchan is the Japanese Catcher in the Rye.