Was he right?

Was he right?

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He was a hopeless romantic, and it poisoned his mind.

reading is hyped by bourgeois and catholic monks who love to spend their day mentally masturbating. Reading books is the biggest scam created by christians.

No, you have to wake up at certain times and can't be asleep. So if ure a night owl it's a bitch waking up till after dinner also getting books in that u want can be a nightmare depending on the prison. In Norway it's more lax but u have video games and TV so

This but unironically

Malcolm X educated himself in prison.

Why does this guy have such a cult following? He was a cringey pop culture analyst with Marxist theory inserted to give his blogposting a certain air of intellectualism. Seriously, most of his published shit is literally blogposts. At least Zizek has a sense of humor.

Nelson Mandela got a law degree in prison.

You answered yourself. Because normies love pop culture references.
The man claiming music innovation is dead was a pleb that barely ventured beyond the RYM top 10


Prettt sure he was left

*kills self*

He was literally pic related

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unfortunately he hadnt read enough to realize that it wouldnt work if the person he killed was himself.... tragic


you mean the described un-pc leftist right? sjw liberal women hate him for exiting the vampire castle, egressing toward the outside (*hang*)

Yes but I'd like a citation on that quote please bookstore.

his cult following is weird, because it's very strong online, but i have literally never heard his name mentioned IRL or met anyone who has mentioned his book. yet he has this casual celebrity online. and i don't know where it has been fostered. he is like the jordan peterson of esoteric trans tumblr.

I do remember seeing something about how much of the Russian Marxist intelligentsia could only grasp such an understanding of Marxist theory because they had a lot of time to read in the relatively relaxed Tsarist political prisons.

maybe because of cuck philosophy

We know its you posting and advertising yourself here you shill. Begone.

>"radical" that shills for Disney and AAA video game corporations

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And then used it to roast children alive with gasoline-filled tires, and destroy the only successful country in Africa.

Why they didn't hang him from a streetlamp the moment they caught him, I'll never know.

>Being a Leftist is about towing the line pushed by giant corporations, the media establishment, and billionaire-funded think tanks
>People actually take this guy serious

So THIS is the power of the modern Left.

>he is like the jordan peterson of esoteric trans tumblr.
you'd think he would be popular with politically inclined people into popular music and not fucking trans people on tumblr
where did you even get that from

I cant tell if this is extremely contrarian or not. Ebic

liberals larping as leftists

He's incredibly well-known amongst the british left, by academics, radicalists and syndicalists running housing co-ops or community projects. Most of my friends (either graduates or masters students) have read a lot of his work and he was mentioned constantly by my tutors when I was at university. I think the hopeful allure of "acid communism", and the temptation to carry on the work that he started, has had something of a rejuvenating effect on his audience in spite of his suicide. It would be deeply wrong to see his death as an act of martyrdom, but I think it is important to note that the younger generation doesn't have to be riddled with the same anxious futility that seemed to corrode every ounce of Mark's being.

Everyone I don't like is liberal.

go to bed socrates

>mark fisher has been completely transformed into an npr starbucks communist with bookstore displays and his edgy tranny followers still think he's transgressive

Speak english, cunt.


Fisher literally wrote an essay attacking this kind nu-left SJW types. America fucking sucks, even your left is liberal.

Why do so many users on this board like him so much?

see This board is populated by British trash. I thought they were banned by their government from posting on these boards months ago? I wish they'd fuck off already.

Entry level taste and cultural knowledge
>wow, he likes Burial and Nolan???!!

just proves that he was right about his fears

The only who that made the right answer.

I've had the same idea.
Although not murder.
If my life is still shit between 27-30—then I will do something that gives me a few years in prison; being a Swede makes it even proactive, for intellectual freedom, only those already jailed can speak freely.

I'm the "british trash", the fuck is your problem? I was simply showing where the root of his popularity lies. Part of why Fisher is so revered over here is because his thinking is rooted in a particularly bleak form of british sensibility. He was an anxious product of the thatcher era, his thought has so much contextual significance that you've conveniently overlooked because you're an idiot.

Nani sore?
I get that reading is the epidome of high culture, but Catholic monks are just underemployed professors who are forced to read and research 24/7 instead of teaching a few hours, work full time and get an actual degree beyond a Master's [of Divinity].

>towing the line pushed by giant corporations, the media establishment, and billionaire-funded think tanks
That is literally conservatism
Which, granted, is pretty much just liberalism for the slightly retarded

so he was a product of his time whose works will likely become irrelevant and obsolete in a few decades

>Everyone I don't like is liberal.
Yes that is accurate thanks.

Depends on how determined the young are to carry on the consciousness-raising ambitions of acid communism. He's a boomer, sure, but that doesn't mean his diagnosis is off the mark, just that the cure is beyond his reach.

>you'd think he would be popular with politically inclined people into popular music and not fucking trans people on tumblr
there is a clear correlation between autism/aspergers, excessive internet use, unusual interests and beliefs, ie. landian accelerationism and an encyclopedic knowledge of popular music, sexual gender condusion, mental illness and alleigance to radical political ideologies with little connection to reality. yes you exist in the same general subcultural orbit as ''Those People''

anyone with self awareness can tell anti idpol ''leftists'' are just liberals and crypto white identitarians tho. If this was mai 68 or the great cultural revolution you would be the ones telling the students not to riot in the name of st. Marx and bourgeoisie respectability. you cant assault the reactionary headquarters, that is going too far! You dont understand the transgressive nature of political change, you are too attached to the old forms of the white world you are both a conservative and a fence sitter. The true revolutionary position involves unconditional support for all revolutionary forces and taking always the most radical and confrontational position, anything else is just complacence in the face of atrocity. We don't need less 'political correctness' if anything we need more of it.

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People who try to make communism "fun" and festive always fail because actual working class power requires stark discipline and organization, which itself requires authority.

They say "it's not my revolution if I can't dance", but don't understand that there is no revolution by dancing. Dancing, singing, partying, taking drugs, is exactly how the masses have been placated to their conditions for thousands of years.

It took a Lenin to raise the Russian working class out of lethargy and into a disciplined organization aimed at taking power, they didn't do it by dancing and taking drugs.

Yikes. You just described me bro

>diagnosed with ASD
>work as programmer (internet all day)
>experienced acute transient psychosis
>Read Moldbug, Land etc.
>Incalculable hours spent debating gender issues

But I'm trying to change... I've been trying to educate myself by reading left-wing stuff, and by thinking more pragmatically about political issues rather than holding these abstract, radical ideas, but "at heart" I'm still somewhat libertarian.

You realize that political correctness is literally just bread and circus spectacle to keep the masses occupied and focused on culture instead of the basic fact that they're getting fucked over HARD by Capital™, right? Or are you really so dense as to have written this without irony or remorse?

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based useful idiot

well, no...
if somebody works 40 hours a week, sleeps 56, eats for 7, and spends 7 cleaning and running errands/driving, then they have 58 hours a week to read, which is a tremendous amount.

Hello user, curious about what your thoughts are on this tide rise of politically correct culture. I suspect your semantics are just different than the common understanding of what politically correct means which is a faux pas that happens when anyone spends too much time in circles using technical phraseology or tautological methods outside the norm. What do you and specifically of Debords work and concept of the spectacle as it does seem that corporate media reifies the spectacle through appropriation of so-called PC culture. Furthermore regardless of if you feel this is or isn’t the case how do you reconcile the fact that capitalism has simply grown stronger and more hegemonic as political correctness and class consciousness has grown? I’ll take my answer off the air comrade.

Most people who attack disney and AAA games do it for the wrong reasons and use disingenious criticism to normalise and radicalise fascist ideas. So if you had problems with labor issues in AAA studios or are for some reason dissapointing with the pacing and cinematography of the latest starwars then go ahead. But it seems like many of these principled "critics" are uncomfortable with diversity and the very existence of marginalised people. You might just see it as old school nerd cynicism, but in this political climate some marginalised people (who can afford to take no risks!) will definitely see it as a red flag, while some knucleheads will see you as a sign you are one of them

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I’m curious about what exactly you mean by “can’t afford to take risks” when talking for the marginal.

huh, thanks for the perspective. I'm not sure why I didn't think of it like this before, except perhaps that I just shitpost way more than what's healthy, although your estimation about people spending 7 hours a week eating is a bit of a stretch, at least assuming that 20 minutes per meal is the average. I'd double that amount to accommodate food prep time and group meals. 51 hours is still a lot of free time per week though.

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I’ve found my personal readings of left wing and Marxist ideology has only turned me further right wing while suing their very insightful analysis. It might be appropriate to call me “post-left” if you want to put it in Marxist jargon.

I'd recommend you read the book from counterculture to cyberculture by fred turner and watch the documentary machines of loving grace by adam curtis. Hacker techie culture has its origins in the convergence between the military industrial complex of the cold war and in the hippie counterculture. Psycholgical cultural and technological factors are all intertwined but i'd understand why you would be attracted to libertarian ideas.

I just can't get into Adam Curtis. He sounds like those Zeigeist woke redpill videos when he talks about consumerism. Style over substance.

Shaun and Jen is a British faggot.

he sounds like a bitter faggot.

No he just didn't know of any chill jobs.
>be me
>work on an oil rig
>sit in one spot for 12 hours and watch a screen
>only really need to check that screen every hour.
>cant leave site, bad wifi, nothing to do but read and get paid 100k a year to do it.

>Working for oil

how did you get into this?

No. He was unironically proto-alt-right.

His best friend is now a Richard Spencer acolyte, no joke. That whole crowd went fash.

Who's his best friend?

this but irl plebs put it on the pedestal once they get into "reading for pleasure" phase going through pageturner shit-fi, harry potter, or, the 'le quirky educated bunch' through literary fiction.

Its ego masturbation.

If u don't read due to knowledge/work-related inquiry, you are either a show off or a drug addict

If u read occasionally, u good tho

adam curtis is style over substance

based retard poster

He's a bit babbys first redpill but Bitter Lake is a must watch.

>bought a 500+ page book of collected K-Punk essays
>they're almost all movie reviews

F**k you whoever told me to buy this.

>music wasn't as good as it was when I was a kid
Shitty thinker, got what was coming to him.

yeah I wathed all his shit but u have to take with a ton of salt

He jumps to retarded unproven conclusions just like that and there is nothing for you to question them.

Glad to know only Brits take him seriously, can dismiss him entirely now. The absolute state of British "intellectuals." Capitalist Realism was garbage and I'm sorry I wasted money on buying a copy.

>>music wasn't as good as it was when I was a kid
>Shitty thinker, got what was coming to him.
There's a whole load of these pop culture journalist cum academic types who just can't get over the fact music no longer has the social import it did 30 or 40 years ago. They can't into videogames which is the new youth culture so they just hand wring for a past they could still understand.

Why would you post in a thread about someone you virulently dislike? Unless, of course, you get off on the idea of your own righteous indignation?

>Glad to know only Brits take him seriously
We don't. For the most part he's still a virtual unknown. Only entry level cultural critics take him seriously.

I think as long as you don't flaunt it or make it part of your personality, it's ok.

>Who's his best friend?
They're referring to Nick Land, the neoreactionary thinker. Land, Fisher and also the cyberfeminist Sadie Plant worked together in a research group early in their careers.

>He was unironically proto-alt-right.
Your brain is literally an open pit which fills up with water when it rains.

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because that would've been racist
necklacing is harmless according to winnie mandela of whatever the fuck he stupid name is

What about Hitler?

>Nick Land
>proto alt-right
>a "Richard Spencer acolyte"
Come off it, Land's latest piece in Jacobite is a soft jab at white nationalism, and has spent a large amount of his career ridiculing the movement (though that's not to say his twitter persona isn't above race-baiting).

>ex-CCRU members
who let the moron out of his cage?

I didn't know Land was on Twitter, whats his @?


We can only assume it is still him after recent events.

self improvement is masturbation. satisfying your philosophical curiosity is meaningless without acting on your thesis. Socrates would agree with me, and so would Catholic priests (who incidentally after reading for 7-10 years straight then go on to give the rest of their lives in service).

but to answer your question yes he was right, of course he was right. the state subsidizes your time in prison. outside of prison, your labor is taken from you by corporations who are backed by laws. mostly safety laws re: housing, insurance, public safety. prisoners, like monks and others who live an interior life, are saved from the outside world by cutting themselves out of it.

What a cringy boomer fag.
