Does he understand postmodernism?

Does he understand postmodernism?

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Does really understand any philosophy? Probably not.

He's one annoying, dickhead yobo that's for sure.
He said that women aren't capable of powerful positions

One does not need to understand postmodernism. It's rejection of science and objective reality is all one needs to know to properly judge it as a dangerous and false idea.

Not even a little bit. He's still a great self-help writer, though.

>He's one annoying, dickhead yobo that's for sure.
He is.

>He said that women aren't capable of powerful positions
He's right on that though.

Then explain me the ceo of google.

*the ceo of youtube

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I dont know. Although tell me how one does understand postmodernism? It is used in such a way there is no right definition. Postmodernism is against any order and is just relativism in different coat. Reading postmodernism is interesting at the start but then it becomes just..whatever you want it to be that is not coherent and orderly or whatever that is not stable and how it was. Understanding postmodernism is impossible anyway and the idea is not only shit but dangerous to society.

Um, he read this book and constantly cites it.
I think he understands it bro.

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>postmoahdernism, HEHEHH!

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Very simple, user: she's there because the conglomerate who's truly in control (controlled by men, by the way) is investing a lot in inclusive branding and they need at least one of their main products to have a female CEO.

Also: she's Jewish.

sucking hicks cock doesn't mean he understands it

>masculine face
>probably steeped in natural test
U tell me user

Plus if there's a major fuck-up, they can just use her as the scapegoat.

Nobody understands postmodernism because it is not understandable, it is literally anything + copy paste postmodernism tag onto it. Feminist postmodernism, socialist postmodernism, marxist postmodernism, art postmodernism, philosophical postmodernism, postmodernist theory, postmodernist society, postmodernist faggots

>can't tell if satire

All you need to know about postmodernism is a three(3) letter word:BAD.

>Does he understand a vague descriptor of various intellectual, artistic, and literary trends?
Idiotic question. His conception runs counter to what I'd say is the right one, and on that basis I'll say he doesn't.

Whatever he's describing as postmodernism he understands and critiques nicely. The semantics are wrong, critique is right.

lol kiddo this isn't a hunter/gatherer society anymore.

This, when a woman's intelligent, she's almost always masculine

>no true scotsman

Oh Lord take me now, I'm done with this world.

Prove it.

No one seems to.
Of course you'll hear commies say "how can there be postmodern neo-marxism if postmodernism rejects marxism?" and i know the tranny had really glittery facepaint and nice purple lighting when he said this to you but you should be able to work out that this is a really dumb argument.
And honestly it's just an attempt at evading the point. When someone is trying to communicate you should be trying to communicate back, not trying to police definitions.

What is there to prove, exactly? On the Jewish part, it's quite easy to check so I hope I don't have to provide you with sources.

On the rest: Google (or "Alphabet") has been pushing pro-diversity and "women empowerment" for years now, just like any other silicon-valley tech, progress is part of their branding. They fired employees for stating simple biological facts (see the Damore case) because they want to rule a total egalitarian ideology.

Female CEO are always jokes, they're simply here for virtue signaling, always in control of extremely stable products, no female ever saved a company from a dire situation.

>explaining postmodernism
It's clearly about the history and roots of PM

Yes, he is Deluzean & Guattarian

Written by an clueless objectivist, no thank you

i always found his approach to be more guattarian deleuzean

he understands postmodernism just not marxism

no no no, he doesn't understand pastovern neo moxie

>the history and roots of PM