>uni is starting to demand me to write a thesis
This, among many other reasons, is why I hate academia
Uni is starting to demand me to write a thesis
Dang I haven't try to get master degree because of exactly this.
why did you enter academia in the first place then, square?
sack up and leave champ
Same. I've had enough of this bullshit, I quit!
writing a thesis is easy, jsut pick a teacher that is most open and helpful and have meetings with him so you know what to do and rewrite book and paper passages or follow steps to do absolutely useless research assignment.
What do you mean by a thesis? What level and department are you in?
I didn’t do it for undergrad
My masters program noticed a lot of people doing everything except the final thesis and then not graduating, so they started a new, shorter and simpler thesis with the conditions of (1) completing it in one semester rather than working on it indefinitely and (2) presenting it. I did that
That's research. that's what you are expected to do at academia. If you want to just take courses and be a student go visit coursera.org
"demand that I write a thesis"
"stipulate that I write a thesis"
"mandate that I write a thesis"
"ask me to write a thesis"
"order me to write a thesis"
"compel me to write a thesis"
but not
"demand me to write a thesis"
>not being able to write a thesis in a couple months
so much for the smartest subchan
Lmao they lowered the bar
have sex
/sci/ is the smartest sub, then /his/, then /x/. Yea Forums is largely people under 20 with a few truly deranged trannies who pull the average down further
His is trash and lmao x really?
STEM gorillas aren't smart. their brains are incapable of intelligence. calling a STEM simian "intelligent" would be like calling a graphing calculator or google search "ingelligent"
Do maths
Why are you even here.
Sounds like you're just lazy or dumb or both! Play less videogames.
>Wtf, I have to put in effort and prove competence and understanding of the discipline to get my degree? This is outrageous!
I feel you OP
Really, I just don't want to have to do anything ever and just get paid for enjoying myself
Life is suffering
go back
You forgot the "starting to" part. It makes no sense to start to demand a particular thing.
Lol exactly
I challenge anybody who says Yea Forums is a dumb board to spend an hour browsing that shitpile.
Good for any of the hard sciences, bad for anything in the social sciences or Humanities.
t. has never read the kind of stuff that Math post-grad students or professors write
Agree, /his/ is full of zoomers, diaspora posters and people who want others to do their high school homework for them.
Not saying Yea Forums is awesome, but I feel average poster age here is way higher.
/his/ just seems terrible
I was looking forward to the board's creation because I liked Yea Forums history book threads a lot but now I don't even go there, just seems like /pol/
>tfw CShit simian
>don't even have a thesis requirement, instead have to do a "capstone project" with four mouthbreathers for an entire year and can only do a thesis on top of that