OK guys I'm going to read 100 pages today. Wish me luck

OK guys I'm going to read 100 pages today. Wish me luck

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You'll be back here after 5.

enjoy user. i read 100 yesterday

I already wrote 2 hours and read 2 hours. Im only halfway through my daily routine. Too bad I write like shit and only read YA.

>Why yes I do read 5 pages a day, how could you tell?

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I feel like only brainlets are obsessed about the amount of pages they read in a day. Isn't it much more important that what you read is intellectually stimluating than how much you read? You won't be able to read a 100 pages of something that is not so easily digestable in day, while still completely understanding it and not forgetting it any time soon, without having to go over it again.

i agree user. its also how enjoyable the book is. when im hooked to a book i can do 50+ page spurts but when something is extremely boring its hard to manage 10.


70, now I'll watch some Yea Forums approved movie


Go for it fren, I believe in YOU!

This man is correct but good luck to OP anyway.

I wish you good luck, but i warn you that if you don't enjoy it, you'll probably not read it all. It took me some time but i learned that you can only truly read what you like. If you simply skim through books you don't really enjoy as a facade for "i NEED to read this to be educated on X topic, or to discuss with Yea Forums" you won't get very far. You'll probably forget 99% of the book because you weren't focused on it (how can you be focused on something that bores you?), so it was truly a waste of time. Not only you didn't enjoy it, but also you're not going to remember it. Read what truly interests you, and if nothing truly interest you then get some books from the countless Yea Forums charts and skim them until you find one you enjoy. After you read what you enjoy, then you comeback to those 'foundational' books you haven't read (in my case i love the Greeks but i don't care for the romans, so i've skipped them for now).

But there are often books about topics I enjoy, that are so dense with information and dry that even if I am into it, I will have problems remembering the information. What should I do in that case?


I have the same problem, and no solution as of now. The only thing you can do is keep rereading until you drill the information on your brain. It's a struggle but it pays off in the end, i guess.

I like to measure it in hours more than pages

I know it's bad but I usually will read for something like 3-5 hours every once a week or so

100 more today frens

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Weak minds take to numerology in absence of God. Dick measuring is Satan's wily craft

That's the spirit!

I measure it in chapters.

This is how it should be done.

This is even more retarded