What are your thoughts on this gentleman?
Was he right?
What are your thoughts on this gentleman?
he had mommy issues and a deep-seated castration complex, of course he was right.
some of the best quotes on jews and women you'll ever find come from that jew.
>The most inferior man is still infinitely superior to the most superior woman, so much so that it seems hardly permissible to compare and rank them.
>Woman’s mind is neither deep nor high, either acute nor direct, but the precise opposite of all this. As far as we can see at present, she has no “mind” at all: woman as a whole is mindless, or mindlessness itself.
>The desire to be the object of sexual intercourse is the strongest desire of woman, but it is only a special instance of her deepest interest, indeed her only vital interest, which aims at sexual intercourse as such—her wish that there should be as much sexual intercourse as possible, no matter by whom, where, and when.
>Now it is possible to answer the question which was formulated as the central problem at the beginning of this second part, the question about what it means to be Man and to be Woman. Women have no existence and no essence, they are not and they are nothing. One IS Man or one IS Woman, depending on whether or not one IS somebody.
>"Sex and Character" - Otto Weininger
Based incel
looks like mentally ill
Roasties fuck off.
>as much sexual intercourse as possible, no matter by whom
So incels are all volcels?
He's talking about women's desire for intercourse to take place in general, no matter by who, not that women themselves would have intercourse with any random man.
He's very based and redpilled desu.
>laughs in Claire Voisin
>cries in Simone Weil
Sex and Character argues that all people are composed of a mixture of male and female substance, and attempts to support this view scientifically. The male aspect is active, productive, conscious and moral/logical, while the female aspect is passive, unproductive, unconscious and amoral/alogical.[8] Weininger argues that emancipation is only possible for the "masculine woman", e.g. some lesbians, and that the female life is consumed with the sexual function: both with the act, as a prostitute, and the product, as a mother.[9] Woman is a "matchmaker". By contrast, the duty of the male, or the masculine aspect of personality, is to strive to become a genius, and to forgo sexuality for an abstract love of the absolute, God, which he finds within himself.[10]
A significant part of his book is about the nature of genius. Weininger argues that there is no such thing as a person who has a genius for, say, mathematics, or music, but there is only the universal genius, in whom everything exists and makes sense. He reasons that such genius is probably present in all people to some degree.[11]
In a separate chapter, Weininger, himself a Jew who had converted to Christianity in 1902, analyzes the archetypal Jew as feminine, and thus profoundly irreligious, without true individuality (soul), and without a sense of good and evil. Christianity is described as "the highest expression of the highest faith", while Judaism is called "the extreme of cowardliness". Weininger decries the decay of modern times, and attributes much of it to feminine (or identically, "Jewish") character. By Weininger's reckoning everyone shows some femininity, and what he calls "Jewishness".[12]
>No men who really think deeply about women retain a high opinion of them
yes, he absolutely right
there are however, a few exceptions
correction: was
SEX AND CHARACTER sex and character SEX AND CHARACTER character and sex CHARACTER AND SEX character aaand sex
>tfw the only copies of the new edition of Sex & Character are sixty fucking dollars even from used sellers
sex and character, sex and character, go together like fat and america, let me tell you broooother, you can't have one without the otherrrr
I really hope this summary is inaccurate, because it sounds boring as fuck. Not edgy, offending, provocative- just the most boring bundle of opinions you could find in 19th century thought.
Of course
Good thing you'll never find out because you read and comment on Yea Forums summaries of books instead of reading books!
Read the book, faggot
He's heavily influenced by Schopenhauer, Kant and Darwin. It's only boring if you're a fiction tranny.
Consider women not even existing proper, but being LITERALLY Ontologically projecting out of Man, Sophia refusing incarnation proper, etc. A lot of women even speak of being helplessly anchored to Man, even watched by Man from within.
I wonder what it feels like to be a woman. It’s probably awful
he was pretty based and redpilled
God, it's a genuine tragedy that he never learned about autism. What a shame.
Weininger was a homo and a repressed tranny who advocated for homosexuality
Jewish autists from turn of the century mitteleuropa definitely write the best books, the essence of literary modenism is here and not with joyce and the angloes. Wittgenstein, Schoenberg, Canetti and Karl Kraus, amongst many others praised Weininger as an epochal intellectual.
glad that he killed himself
Why are the greats always self-loathing incels? And he absolutely was right
>shot himself in the house where Beethoven died
Right on the diagnosis (he's far from the only one but he states it clearly).
Wrong on the treatment.
Feminity is not the blight he makes it out to be. There are of course biological reasons for it, but weininger would dismiss that which is fair enough. However I don't see the issue with feminity even on a psychological level. In a way weininger misoginy converges with many feminists in denying feminity, wanting women to renounce it and turn themselves into second rate men.
hateful bigot
This dude tapped into the akashic records, but only the "women" section
I haven't the time to read every single book shilled by everyone and their mothers (including the one shilled by Yea Forums), I wouldn't even if I were reading nonstop. You have to judge a book by something somehow, be it its cover, commentaries on the internet or a friend's rec or something else. That's too bad but that's life.
And Weininger isn't particular high on my list of "masterful writer I should absolutely read". So yes I'm afraid in that particular case the opinion of Yea Forums, the only place where I can easily exchange with people who have read him, will have a significant weight in my decision.
>bashing fiction and associating it with trannies
>list of influences that include 3 of the most influential writers of the past 300 years
You're not making a very good case for it. By your own token I could be reading one of the hundreds of other authors who were influenced by Kant, Schopenhauer and Darwin (heck I could just spend my year reading all major German idealists).
Anyway I might give it a swing when I'm finished with my current backlog.
I'm starting to see a trend here.
Nice thoughtless reflex. Are you the guy who exclusively thinks in Yea Forums memes? Have you started fixing your brain yet?
Of course he was right, even more so when he said that woman is woman's own worst enemy, wanting to destroy the pure and virginal in order to reduce their sexual capital to men.
He also said in the last few pages of the book to never go full incel because it is not their fault, for it is nature that woman is the way she is.