Why do so many people today not write cursively?
Why do so many people today not write cursively?
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Because they're stupid americans
takes too long.
Only ever write cursive in letters or when bored
Rude. I write cursive.
It exists literally to expediate writing.
Rules of writing:
1. LEGIBILITY, it's fucking worthless if no one but you can read it
2. See rule 1
Cursive only came about as a mitigation of shitty, watery, ink and leaky styluses. Older manuscripts were all block.
English has been degraded to a pidgin language for mischlings whose only priority is receiving another day's wages to squander on fast food. Anything requiring training or cultivation necessarily falls to the wayside when a language becomes a pidgin. Go look at how Australian aborigines "speak English." That's the future of English, about 20-40 years down the road. That's the real process of creating a form of newspeak that isn't even conceptually capacious enough to permit thoughts of revolution: niggers with iPhones.
In some cases not oneself can read it after some time. It's also not being teached anymore in some schools.
>a pidgin language for mischlings whose only priority is receiving another day's wages to squander on fast food.
But enough about the Norman conquest.
The Angevins brought troubadour songs and created the exchequer. Immigrants bring this:
The non-meme answer is that people are more likely to type than write by hand (more likely to type an email than write a letter, etc.), so it is more important to train a child how to use a computer than to have good handwriting.
I cannot help but feel that even typing will slowly disappear since people have it easy to say things. It is almost if we are going back to the days of the "oral tradition" but a more efficient one. But even that may be a stepping stone towards a telepathic communication.
It's completely useless to me. If I'm writing for other people I will have to print anyways and if I'm writing for myself I use shorthand.
Why did he go off into the mountains? What did he learn?
That's just an American thing. They get taught that "joined-up handwriting" = "fancy loopy time-consuming letters". Literally the whole point of cursive is it's significantly faster than printing, but idiot teachers don't teach them that.
Look at , and weep for him. too.
why would i lmao. just makes it harder to read for other people. I write roughly 5 sentences of text by hand each day, mostly just taking notes ect, so it doesnt really matter
Because they don't write by hand very often, so they don't mind that it's slower. Notice how professions that still write a lot by hand, such as doctors etc. near universally use cursive.
I heard some zoomers can't even hold a pen right. Sad!
Only niggers can't read cursive.