If you don't practice what you preach, what you have to say is irrelevant

If you don't practice what you preach, what you have to say is irrelevant.

If you preach an idea that amounts to "Make your own meaning, chase your dreams, positive thinking, desire desire desire, life is about success and desire" then what you have to say is irrelevant.

If you think existence is preferable to non existence, then what you have to say is irrelevant.

The only acceptable view on existence is the following:
>"Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, the best thing would to have never been born at all"
>Your purpose as a human being? You don't have one. You have 85 odd years at best of time to kill though. So ignore society, ignore your family, ignore your friends and ask yourself what you honestly enjoy in life. Today. Right now. Working hard today to relax later is a spook, a phantom. It never works out like that. Do what you truly want today, no honest man will ever say "I want to work a job for 16-40 hours a week for the rest of my able bodied lifespan" so think harder if that's all you can come up with.
>This isn't materialism or hedonism, if what you truly want is to sit on a hill for the rest of time then go do it. It's not about chasing false desires, it's about not regretting your days spent alive. Do what brings you IMMEDIATE joy. That's not impatience, the only thing that matters is the here and now. You could be shot in the face in 10 minutes, make sure your lasts thoughts aren't "Why did I spend my life as a slave".
>"B-But things cost money!" You don't need anything that you can't get without money. Comfort is your enemy, not your friend.
>"B-But muh famiry!" Everyone is born alone and dies alone, it's idiotic to invest so much of yourself in something you have no control over. Be nice to them if you like, but don't spend years of your life in misery for their sake. When they get too old or sick to take care of themselves, show them you love them and end their misery now.

I think that's enough to get us started, I'm far from finished but we'll see how it goes.

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I worked 11 months in an office job and almost killed myself, it's physically impossible for me to be a wage slave, so I'm working on my own company right now.

The economy is so huge. If you're not able to make at least enough to support yourself while only working a few hours per week you're honestly retarded.

>If you don't practice what you preach, what you have to say is irrelevant.
What you personally do is irrelevant to the worth of an idea

life is about slamming fat ass bitches in fast cars OP is just posting his mega cope between hentai jerk off seshs cause his is a sad gay faggot and cant keep it to himself lol

>What you personally do is irrelevant to the worth of an idea

If your idea was any good, you'd practice it yourself. The only reason why you wouldn't would be if your idea is shit: either unrealistic, idealistic or flat out a lie.

>mega cope
Everything but doing what you want, when you want is a cope. Slam fat asses if you like, but don't act like it's the only way to live.

hedonistic pleasures are the biggest, oldest and lamest cope ever.

while you are smoking a cigarette another smoker comes with a lit cigarette in his mouth and tells you that you're an idiot for smoking and you should quit

is it irrelevant what the other smoker says or not?

>is it irrelevant what the other smoker says or not?
It's irrelevant. He's smoking, if he wants others to quit he should quit himself.

is his advice wrong? should i follow it or not?

>is his advice wrong?
It's not worth listening to because he doesn't abide by it himself. Right or wrong doesn't come into it. If you want people to listen to you, practice what you preach.
>should i follow it or not?

Stop looking for excuses. What're you, a commie? Looking for an excuse to hide behind criticising capitalism while sucking on its teat? Something like that?

what does it have to do with capitalism or communism? you're just being retarded right now.

quitting smoking is a good idea wether the person that gives me the advice smokes or not. what the other person does is irrelevant, not the idea.

>what does it have to do with capitalism or communism?
My point is you clearly have beliefs you don't practice and you're looking for an excuse to justify your hypocrisy. You're not neccesarily a commie, but there's something you claim to believe in while not practicing it.

>quitting smoking is a good idea wether the person that gives me the advice smokes or not
If you knew nothing else about smoking, none of the health risks, none of the ingredients, just that you enjoy it and some other smoker comes up and says "stop". Would you listen? No.

Your analogy is flawed because you have prior knowledge of why smoking is bad and have already made up your mind. That guy isn't changing your mind on anything. If you don't practice an idea, that idea is worthless. It'd be like saying "You should be an antinatalist, but I'm gonna have 3 kids".

>If you knew nothing else about smoking, none of the health risks, none of the ingredients, just that you enjoy it and some other smoker comes up and says "stop". Would you listen? No.
that's my fault for being ignorant and i'm going to suffer because of it. it doesn't make the advice wrong

not practicing what you preach does make someone a hypocrite indeed, but being a hypocrite has no bearing on the argument itself (e.g smoking is bad)

>it doesn't make the advice wrong
I told you already, right or wrong is irrelevant.

If a guy with a gun tells me guns are bad and I should get rid of my gun, I'm not gonna fucking listen to him.

>but being a hypocrite has no bearing on the argument itself
Yes it does.

Nothing that comes out of a hypocrites mouth matters.

Would you believe a heroin addict saying it's great to take heroin more then one that says that you shouldn't just on that basis?

you may not listen to what a hypocrite has to say because he may have malicious intent or some other dubious reasons, or maybe you feel that he has no right to give you advice, but if we are to judge the argument by itself, then no, it's not relevant who says it

>Would you believe a heroin addict saying it's great to take heroin
Yes, doesn't mean I'll shoot heroin but I'll believe him that it's great.
>more then one that says that you shouldn't just on that basis?
Well those statements aren't of equal weight. WHY shouldn't I take it?

>but if we are to judge the argument by itself, then no, it's not relevant who says it
Yes, it is relevant.

If a philosopher says the path to ridding your life of all suffering is asceticism but he himself isn't an ascetic then the idea itself is worthless.

you are a hedonist early adulthood and experience the complete sensuality of mankind, and THEN you settle down, become more spiritual and simple-minded.

>Yes, doesn't mean I'll shoot heroin but I'll believe him that it's great.
Why not, you know heroin is great now. The addict obviously has the best knowledge of heroin out of everyone. What reason do you have not to, user with no experience of it?

it's dubious that the philosopher doesn't practice asceticism even tough he endorses it, and you have every right to question, criticise and doubt him but then again if we are to take the argument "asceticism is the path of ridding your life of all suffering" PURELY by itself, it's truth value isn't affected by who says it. the proof that he brings in support of that argument is what's most important

>Why not, you know heroin is great now
Because just like with your smoking analogy, I'm aware of the dangers. If a smoker said smoking was great I'd believe him, but I wouldn't smoke.
>The addict obviously has the best knowledge of heroin out of everyone
And is at the mercy of his addiction. I'm sure heroin is great but it has negative effects too.
>What reason do you have not to, user with no experience of it?
Because non heroin addicts have studied its effects, the good and bad, and the knowledge is freely available.

>PURELY by itself

All thought originates from a man, and the quality of that man is just as important as his ideas.
>the proof that he brings in support of that argument is what's most important
The proof is his own actions, not the words. Words prove nothing, actions prove everything.

>posting big words on Yea Forums and not just killing yourself at that point
Holy shit kys

>If a smoker said smoking was great I'd believe him, but I wouldn't smoke.
If something has negative effects which you say overrule the positives, it can't be great. You can't believe both at the same time

>And is at the mercy of his addiction.
So a physical factor which can impact a persons actions, even if they wanted to do something else?

>Because non heroin addicts have studied its effects,
The addict that advises not to also has knowledge of its effects, though can't stop because of his addiction. Why is his advice irrelevant?

>If something has negative effects which you say overrule the positives
Never said this. I said that negatives exist and even though I'd probably love Heroin, I don't want to deal with the negatives. For the junkie it's worth it.
>The addict that advises not to also has knowledge of its effects
And as he's an addict he should be ignored.
>Why is his advice irrelevant?
Because if he truly believed the negatives outweighed the positives then he'd quit.

>So a physical factor which can impact a persons actions, even if they wanted to do something else?

Yes and? What's your question/point?

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>existence is awful!
>pleasures are good!
I'm so fucking tired of hedonistic, utilitarian and anti-natalistic little shits. You should understand better then anyone else that all suffering is eternal. What doesn't kill us may make us stronger, but it will always leave a throbbing scar. Your greatest achievements, your precious moments of joy are mere reflections of lowest points in your life. Taking this in account the best course of action is to either kill yourself or show humility and love life in its entirety

>love life
What's there to love, exactly?

If physical factors can change what a person does, then "practicing what you preach" is not completely based on the strength of the idea. If we establish that something physical can bring a person to act against an idea they hold, it is not the validity of the idea itself being challenged. It is instead the holder's own characteristics, which are entirely separate.

Kill yourself subhuman

Why is it that I realize what I should do, yet do something worse instead?

Because there is no "should do". Fuck that gay shit.

There's only what you want to do. And if you truly want to do something you'll do it, and if you don't end up doing it you never truly wanted to do it in the first place.

obviously everything

Because you are still flesh user, with its own separate wants

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There's no such thing as a drug you can't quit. It's hard sure, but if your convictions about your ideas are weak then why should I give a fuck about your ideas?

a man can do what he wills, but not will what he wills

Such as? What's your view of the world? How would you tell people to live?

Still coming back to the person and not the idea itself then

Because the two are inseparable.

Your ideas aren't worth the paper they're written on if you yourself don't prove their validity by taking action. Live your philosophy or fuck off.

>Because the two are inseparable.
We just discussed how they are. How can physical factors effect an idea? If two people hold an idea, how can the same idea be less valid for one because they aren't able to carry it out?

Not a single argument in support of what you said

It's obvious why I believe what I believe, if you need a step by step explanation that's not my problem. I'm not here to prove the validity of it, it's here so either accept it or don't.

>If two people hold an idea, how can the same idea be less valid for one because they aren't able to carry it out?
Because they're not carrying the idea out. It's that simple.

An idea cannot have varying levels of validity, it must be one or the other

Because you frame things in a bizarre manner that makes things more convoluted than they are.
You identify a path of action and another suggested by passion. The fact you end up choosing the path of passion is your own choice.

So, if I tell somebody on the internet to kill themselve then I should first kill myself? By the way, nice bait

Yes. And if you practice your idea it's valid, and if you don't then it's not.

>So, if I tell somebody on the internet to kill themselve then I should first kill myself?
If you tell them "the best course of action in life is to kill yourself", then yes you should kill yourself.
>By the way, nice bait
I'm 100% serious you cretin.

Why? If you’ve already answered to this question just tell me in which post.

The existence itself, my dude. Because existence is everything and the only thing there is. So, it includes your enemy, your friend, the joy, the suffering and so on. Everything. As for my views, it's a completley different matter that I don't want to elaborate on. At least on the chinese cartoons forum

Because if you don't stand for what you claim to believe in, why should others?

>As for my views, it's a completley different matter that I don't want to elaborate on
But you just did. So go on and spit it out.
>Because existence is everything and the only thing there is
There's nonexistence. You didn't exist before you were born and you won't after you die.

>You didn't exist before you were born and you won't after you die
Exactly. We can comprehend that and describe nothingness as nonexistence only because we happen to exist.

Nah I believe In Truth and God so I don't need to be a slave to some material bullshit you are preaching.

>socially isolated retard with has rewired has brain to reward short term pleasure

imagine my shock
also this

If you wouldn’t practice what you preach given the possibility, what you have to say is irrelevant.

I tell you you should quit smoking because it’s unhealthy. I’m a smoker myself and I know I can’t quit because I like smoking. I’m unable (determinism) to quit. I can’t practice what I preach because I don’t have the possibility, so I’m not a hypocrite.

Yeah a smoker would know better than anyone. OP has a halfpoint but insisting on it is retarded.