I like these books

They're pretty good

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why would you post this you fucking retard

Because I like the books

Are you from Reddit? Why are you posting Terry Pratchett?

I too like the books

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I like them too but unironically.
First two are crap though.

I like them too, user. Ignore all the pseuds who can't have a laugh because they only read philosophy.

Humor power ranking
999. Cancer
1000. Child cancer
1001. Douglas Adams
1002. Recent Adam Sandler movies
1003. Birth defects that make a baby's face difficult to look at
1004. Terry Pratchet
1005. Hypothetical Terry Pratchet and Douglas Adams collaboration

Marx put an occasional joke in his writing.

>999. Cancer
>1000. Child cancer
quite funny
>1002. Recent Adam Sandler movies
funny if watched ironically
>1003. Birth defects that make a baby's face difficult to look at
straight u hilarious

I used to read this a lot in high shool

Don't cut yourself on that edge, hon.

Opinion disregarded.

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I mean seriously, a hideous baby is classic dark humour comedy gold

This is an extremely reddit post. I don't want to get involved in the rest of the discussion.

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God, will this board ever produce anything more interesting than
>I like book,
>book dumb and you dumb,
>[same as above but with a meme]

1. When the punchline is that you format your posts like shit
2. Too wordy jokes
3. reddit
How is liking the 2nd most popular uk author specific to reddit? Most of us knew him before reddit got popular.

surprising for this kind of eclectic fantasy satire to be so popular

Don't listen to the haters. Terry Pratchet is GOAT and was numb for like a week when he died. He was basically like a second father to me, since those books got me through a fairly rough upbringing. His humorous footnotes are the best, I like them better than Douglas Adams' because they're short and sweet.

Rincewind and Twoflower adventures are GOAT. Books with Death/the Wizards/Witches are good as well. Sam Vimes is absolutely fantastic and was a fascinating character. I particularly liked the wizards as a metaphor for the backstabbing, bureaucracy, and old men doing fuck all except eating expensive dinners in academia. I really would have liked for him to expand on that more, since the jokes practically write themselves.

Welcome to Yea Forums, enjoy your stay!
but seriously Yea Forumstards should, if no one else, be articulate enough to NOT have to resort to HURR DURR THATS
>t. never been to R*ddit because the site layout gives me a migraine

Reminder that Susan is best girl and Reaper man is pure Kino.

Wasn’t always like this.
Maybe it wasn’t good, but lit had the potential not to be complete garbage. The memes had some originality and from time to time an user would actually read a book and report back.

Now it’s a shitfight between pol nazis and discord trannies and neither care about books, but both care very much about fulfilling their definitions of intellectualism. Mostly these involve linking to spreadsheets and coming up with new ways to call each other names.
Some boards are still ok, but lit is lost for good. I only show up here occasionally and end up more disappointed with each time.

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I like this post. Also, read Carpet People if you haven’t. Some publishers misclassified it as a children’s book/series, but it’s somewhat comfy and very optimistic.
If you want more wizards you could read Science of Discworld, but ironically the “scientific” chapters can get very subjective and opinionated. Pratchett co-writes those with two pop scientists, who imho just don’t fit in.
Also I’d criticize Last Continent, somehow that didn’t go as well as Interesting Times. But yeah, Rincewind is the best wizard.


>Pratchett co-writes those with two pop scientists
I thought one of them was Ian Stewart? He's a fairly big deal in the branch of mathematics called "Catastrophe Theory", but sure he also does some popular science type writing.

Also anyone who like Pratchett should give Pynchon a whirl, full of goofs and gaffs, a real riot.

Most pop scientists have an academic background. IIRC even the infamous Tyson has a phd in something.
Maybe I’ll check him (Pynchon) out sometime, but I’m way behind on classics at the moment. Once the damage caused by my laziness combined with this country’s rapidly deteriorating education system is somewhat contained I’ll dive right into the 4chin meme trylogy.