/uni/ thread

/uni/ thread

What university do you go to? Which department are you? How do you like the faculty, students, and classes there?

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Other urls found in this thread:


University College Cork, Ireland, in the school of law. Faculty are pretty great from what I've seen and generally actually pretty Yea Forums. My contract law professor used characters from the Tolkien legendarium in the questions on my summer exam. Most of the students are soulless, dead-behind-the-eyes clever cretins.

I'm studying philosophy at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. It's all right.

I study philosophy and math at Stony Brook University. The philosophy faculty is great and the philosophy undergraduate body is alright. If any of you go there, add me on discord: pomoboi#9014

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I'm at Vic in Wellington. I want to die. Is Chch full of normies and roadworks?

University of Copenhagen, Assyriology. The only student there.

I'm in Classics and Comparative Literature
Some great professors in both departments
These are the two of the smallest majors in a pretty large campus
fellow students are usually alright
the quality of the program is hindered by the fact that its a mormon school

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Starting Langara College in Vancouver, BC next month at the tender age of 23 years. It's annoying that everyone my age is doing better than me, but such is life. Schopenhauer didn't enter academia either until about this age, so I tell myself I can still make it in academia. Deep down I know I'll never be able to conform to all the gay little cliques and groupthink that's necessary to survive in such an environment.

Full of normalfags, as you would expect. But there are exceptions.

u of minnesota
little zany but it's a good school overall
nice. tuition is more affordable too i understand. do they constantly try to convert you or anything?

already unironically mormon :^)

I’m a truck driver. I just ate a corn dog

TU Berlin, STEM. It's ok.


germany, studying (((pharmacy)))

oh no no no no

Incoming freshman at UPenn. Plan to double major in philosophy and computer science. Financial aid is the best, only paying ~$1000 per year. Also got into a research program where they fund your work with a professor.

Any tips for a soon-to-be ivyfag? Don't know how to survive around actually driven and outgoing people. Being ranked #1 in HS is easy, but in college I'll probably lose motivation unless I change my ways quick.

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Pitt, political science. Our philosophy department is good also, actually have mostly enjoyed the major. Plus it's cheap

B-b-but they transfer user. UBC isn't that bad. Academia won't hold a few years of community college against me for my whole life, will they?

Studying History and Studio Art (Printmaking) at Colby College
Great faculty and courses. Students are intense premed/gov/econ types--the arts/humanities are criminally small considering the quality of the school and our great museum

>Any tips for a soon-to-be ivyfag
Keep doing what you were doing and don't give up. It's not going to be easy and you might find it a lot more challenging than high school, but it's not impossible to maintain a decent/high GPA and still have time for hobbies.

Currently studying at the University of Basel, doing two majors in English Philology and German Philology with a master in English Literature and one in German Linguistics planned. I love the english faculty here. The people are really nice and chatty, the lecturers are down to earth and their doors are always open; they even regularly hang with us and kill a few beers or have a coffee. The german seminar is the complete and I hate it. Nobody speaks to anyone, the lecturers are the classic snooty german literature fellas who only live for gatekeeping. If I weren't so big into German literature and mediavistics, I would have changed the subject.

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Is it possible to make it big in academia if I got to a liberal arts school? I can easily go into Centre College(Good liberal arts school) or FIU(Mediocre University). The goal is to study Mathematics and or Philosophy and make it to graduate school. Anyone here know anything about Centre?

Y'all are actually going to college?

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Sure, it's free, the state gives me 900 dollars a month to do it and the Uni even gave me a job which allows me to live independently from my parents.

maybe look into what people do after attending Centre. A quick google shows a high-ish acceptance rate--usually the more selective the school the more competitive you'll seem to grad schools/future employers. If you're looking at KY, what about Berea College?

Got a history degree and now I’m in the Coast Guard. Gonna use the GI bill/TA to go back to school.

Philosophy at UC looks utterly autistic.

Good for you, sincerely. I never got the opportunity to and get quite jealous when I read these threads

What makes you say that?

Should I just get a bunch of dumb IT certs and coast on that or go back to school. Idk man I feel to old for college and have to start from the bottom.

Thanks, I know it's all "in my head" or whatever but I don't want to let my personal retardation to prevent me from making the most of a good opportunity.

I'll keep trying. Thanks user.

How hard is it to join the Coast Guard? Would you recommend it?

Don't be. Sometimes we do not get the chances that we would like in life, but any job is good and fine. Plenty are not being appreciated and valued enough. You might not have the chance to get a degree in whatever you have fancied at the time, but I know plenty of people that just started looking into what they care about next to working. One of my friends is a carpenter by trade, but in his free time he has educated himself on french literature for example.

University of Arizona. College of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape Architecture (Just Architecture). Not in yet, but I like pretty much everyone so far because they feel as shy as me. But I get more deep as soon as I feel comfortable being there.

Missing most of my HS friends, but it's okay.

It's the only branch without a quota. You have to really want to specifically be a part of the CG to get in. The tests and boot camp are the hardest too

I’m fresh out of bootcamp so I can’t give any refs as of now, but people seem to like it; however I happened to have been stationed in one of the worst places in terms of things to do. It was a 9 month process to go off to boot camp(which sucked) after first sending a message to the recruiting office, and now things seem alright. Don’t do drugs, do drink underage, and give the work some effort and you should be fine. Plus you get the same benefits with less bullshit. Also look into the Air Force, because the other branches aren’t really that great of a deal.

St. John’s College

It’s pretty lit tbqh, professors are great and I like all the students even if they are just degenerates.

Greek is a complete bitch and a half though.

Also, you won't be faced with geniuses everywhere. I was afraid of getting exposed and was terrified of uni during my freshman year, but it's really all in your head. Sure, you will find literal geniuses who can coast through courses easily, but that's not the standard. Don't fall for the impostor syndrome meme and don't give up, when you start encountering difficulties (especially if high school was ez).
The 3-4 people I know who went to UPenn were all hard-workers and had outstanding extracurricular activities, but that was it.

What do you mean?

I watched Hercules, enjoy gyros, and read most of the Rick Riordan series when I was in fifth grade. So, what's your point?

I’m thinking of going there for my MA. You have any experience with those students?

They’re all really chill, seem smart.

But if I’m being honest, an MA from there seems completely useless unless you just have 60k sitting around to burn. I’m not exactly sure what that MA would be good for other than maybe government work.

thinking of going to America specifically to do a fuck around MA there

I could mog you all but I choose not to

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If you’ve got the free money, go for it I suppose. MA program is interesting, but a very truncated version of the BA program we have.

Annapolis is also quite a nice city. Just don’t expect much in the way of nightlife unless you go to DC.

A Doctorate, huh? Cool.

Make sure you guys get a Computer Science degree so you have a $50-100k job waiting for you at graduation. You can buy a lot of books and coffee and pay off your student loans this way.

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I got the GI bill to use so I figure why the fuck not.

how much would this kind of girl cost

Nothing, she's the office whore.

Oh yeah then go for it, I’m on the GI Bill here. It’s a yellow ribbon so they’ll cover your entire tuition. Plus BAH rate here is 2,300 a month which is pretty kino.

English and Latin at the capstone. Faculty and classes are great. I've got 15 people max in my lectures, professors actively seek students out, campus life is vibrant. A lot of people aren't interested in what they study, so sometimes it can be hard to find discourse outside the classroom.

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Yeah, because all the other students are running around showing up on Live PD as crackheads.

Join a frat

>Join a frat

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U of A encourages not that in frats. But they probably do anyway.

i am this girl, except not in moment, my entire life is this clip spread out over time

Oriented towards those who take it alongside compsci. I vaguely recall course titles which read like traps for sci-fi nerds.

Also its small dpt is telling that its funding got slashed.

I'm only looking into KY because I have a lot of family connections in Centre but otherwise FSU would be the best option but I'd only get in through transferring from a school like FIU or MDC. A liberal arts college would be ideal because I have work already published in a magazine and a pretty decent folder already, also my gpa is lacking but my SAT/ACT came out really well. Berea looks nice i'm taking a look now as we speak!

>University of Arizona
graduated 8 years ago. it was an ok school

They're putting in more areas to work with. I'm afraid of SocJus, but I can't say it's a defining factor of the university.

New Rec center, clubs to join, and architecture seems pretty solid.

I think I'll have no regrets, but I knew I would feel more mentally stable at Tulane.

>plan to double major in
doubt it
thats a lot a of work

I'm a nursing student there lmao

Anyone else starting law school in a week and a half? (US)

Ahhh we're so close

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If you've got Yea Forums type interests we should meet up some time

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, studying philosophy and statistics? Any other UNC fags here?

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>no Torontoposters

Wollongong, Computer Science. Course is very easy, needs to be paired with your own reading/study outside of subjects, lacks substantial Maths focus.

I graduated several years back with a mathematics BS and studied philosophy as well, but barely missed the requirements so I could meet the 8 semesters rule.

Why would you come to a country where doing an MA is a terrible financial decision for the sole purpose of doing an MA?

UT Dallas

to dab on you with literary knowledge

UChicago here

What's up, I went to UofT for undergrad

Incoming freshman for the University of California, Santa Barbara. Planning on majoring in philosophy and then going to Law School to do criminal prosecution. Fin Aid has my back.

Any UC System Anons got any tips 'n tricks?

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Finishing my final year in philosophy
Have to get through symbolic logic, but the rest should be comfy ancient philo hopefully

Sweden represent I guess!
I study Religion and English in my bid to become a High-School teacher. I intend to earn a Doctorate in Religion, probably researching something like Oriental Christianity, Judaism or Zoroastrianism in the future.

School’s pretty cool, nice facilities and lots of fun people to talk to. I’ve yet to find a solid circle of uni friends to hang out with despite that though.

We had to go through a lot of identity politics bullshit but it seems like most people here aren’t buying it. Our actual lecturers in our main subjects are pretty cool though. Lots of, comparably, young doctors and professors who love the subjects they teach.
The guy in charge of the religious studies facuilty looks like a nazi-era propaganda poster of the ideal man.
Our Hinduism teacher is a rare book collector and is an internationally respected occult history expert, with splotches of silver hair in his otherwise jet-black cut, taken right from the pages of a lovecraft novella. Fit as hell too.

University of Turku, studying chemistry.

get a STEM degree, and you will regret it; don't get a STEM degree, and you will also regret it; get a STEM degree or don't get a STEM degree you will regret it either way.
follow your passion, and you will regret it, don't follow your passion and you also regret that too, follow or don't follow, you will regret it either way; whether you follow or don't follow, you will regret it
Hang yourself, you will regret it; do not hang yourself, and you will regret that too; hang yourself or don’t hang yourself, you’ll regret it either way; whether you hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both. This, gentlemen, is the essence of all /uni/

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UCC graduate here. My cousin is a law grad from UCC, they weren't very Yea Forums, i don't believe you.

Fucked up, i’m talking GU here.

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Unsurprisingly, no people from top-tier universities ITT. No wonder Yea Forums is so dumb. I wonder why I keep coming back to it.

i' doing stem and i hate myself for it. will apply for another uni in a few months

Finished an engineering degree, but regret the workfield and want to study medicine or theology.

Unironically would've regretted not studying engineering too

Ah nice, I am starting my masters in Basel this fall (Philosophy and Religious studies). You know about someone renting out a room? ;-)

People in top tier unis shouldn't be interested in these off topic threads or in showing off user

lmfao im going from there to UBC keep your head up, you can make it. if you want to talk drop some deets.

For Phil too, drop a throwaway email I can fill you in. Langaras dept is all analytics, heads up, given the Schopenhauer reference I think it fair warning.

University of Leipzig (Germany), Medicine

I was in Basel a few weeks back, a lovely place. I went to see the Picasso exhibition at the kunstmuseum and the curator was a cutie.

I study Literature at the University of Edinburgh. Most of the tutorials are comprised of autistic girls who sit in silence, so the level of discussion is never very high-brow. The lecture quality is very good though. Edinburgh is peak comfy too, especially in Autumn/Winter. Would recommend taking a trip here to anyone.

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Trinity College Dublin, place is full of pretentious hipsters but the faculty is great.

Going to be doing a masters at Exeter college Oxford starting in october.

Anyone got any advice for postgrad at the Ol' gleamin' spires?

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Applied math @ Harvard

Currently in Heidelberg, Germany. My Uni is so older than your national identity. Departments cool, Major cool, the STEM campus looks like a soulless hellhole compared to the old city. Quite conservative for a german university which is nice. faculty is quick to respond to questions and mails. computer science major bc i want a job

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avoid Edinburgh like the fucking plague in August though. The fringe is cancer and silent disco's on the meadows deserve the death penalty

Struggling to decide between either a 2year msc finance at an okay school or wait for a 1year msc finance at a prestigious school next year

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UC Berkeley. Was planning on doing mathematics and philosophy (mainly continental probably).
Fucked up first year by trying to deal with everything myself while having torturous debilitating depression.
Doing well in school now, but still have awful depression and no idea what to study. Should I aim for CS? Just philosophy? Maybe an interesting but not too hard stem degree?

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i did a biochem degree at the university of antwerp. I don't wanna spend my life in a lab, so i'm planning on studying computer science next year.
I'd want nothing more than to study history or philosophy, but it seems like such a blind waste of my youth I can't make myself pull the switch and do it.
I'm just gonna try to make a living for myself and spend the rest of my time reading once I'm in a stable situation.

University of helsinki, philosophy

Germanfag here, wanted to do a semester abroad doing NukeEng at UCB. Would you recommend it? How is the uni?

>not studying for the simple pursuit of knowledge, leaving pragmatism and reason in the dust
t. assyriologist

True enough, a friend has a play on next week which I’m flyering for. Have a certain guilt around it because I feel like I’m contributing to the problem.

>student loans
lmao you amerilard

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Medicine in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Eat my nut, goyim.

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PPE at Oxford :)

Just got accepted to a classics course here so I guess I'll let you know in a few years.

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>tfw NEET dropout

She's very cute but she'd be even better with longer hair tbqhwy family

I would actually. A friend of mine has a spot free.

Any other Münster anons around?

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Going to Erasmus to get a meme business degree. Probably going to switch to STEM next year.

Roxelfag studying medicine reporting in

SFU, Vancouver, studying philosophy and English.

another TUfag here?

What are you studying, user?
>inb4 philosophie bei Gil

I know a guy studying english and phil at SFU, J?
I almost went there but decided on UBC instead, how do you like it? and how is phil dept there? Im considering going there after my undergrad.

Which semester?

Fourth. What are you studying?

For me choosing UCB over my other options was definitely a mistake, but Berkeley still has great stuff. I know two people who are doing nuclear and both enjoy it. The student population in general I would say is a combination of try hards, hippies and liberals (although they exist it is nowhere near how they are portrayed. There are also large groups of cringey replublicans and zionists), and then most other people I guess. The campus is really beautiful unlike outside of campus where it is ugly and dangerous, but also very special and will hopefully grow on you with time.
They also have services you can use to get help like tutoring, writing help, and psychological services but just don't expect them to help you themselves.

I would definitely reccomend you do it if you can.

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Nice, tell us more about it

Quite a stab in the dark, however is someone attending Cardiff University and studying Philosophy or any language?
Would love to hear your opinion of the facilities.

>Classics department of a rigidly Mormon uni
Jesus, I can't imagine what these classes are like, or the papers being written in them

Just graduated from Georgia Tech with a degree in physics. This place was miserable. I liked most professors and had a good group of friends but the atmosphere of everyone on campus is nothing but endless stress. Every year we have a streak of suicides and this year it culminated in one of my closest friends since childhood hanging himself in the math building in November. Many of my friends graduating with me unjokingly agreed that another year here would end with them in the same position.

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I do geography at Plymouth university
I don't actually read except the occasional textbook
I just come here to shitpost and start arguments about things I know nothing about

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PolySci/Philo at Notre Dame. Campus is a funny mix of hardcore republican Catholics and the typical liberal college fair. I would like to go to uChicago for law.

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History at UCL

I've been there a couple of times, sat in a few lectures and courses. The lecturers were consistently great and enthusiastic, but when it came to plenum discussions, the room was practically dead.

University of Dallas. I’m majoring in psychology because of the department’s emphasis on phenomenology. It’s pretty great.

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>ctrl+f cambridge
>0 results

Symbolic Systems, Stanford

Oxford is outright better at philosophy and lit, so there's no surprise.

>actually doing a humanities degree
We only do science here buddy

Law and Economics at the University of Bonn with a year abroad at Cambridge.

You know computer science and philosophy exists in Oxford? Math & Phil is a thing as well.

Lol Oxford CS is even worse than Imperial's and thinking that there's anything in the UK on the math tripos tier is delusional nothing personal kiddo

I study biology at Stonehill College. It's pretty nice, biology is an interesting subject and the biology and chemistry departments have very good professors.

I'll be taking Greek and Latin to prepare for a PhD starting in September 2020. Gives me time to apply for more scholarships (Federal ones) and maybe try and find a job if I want out. Scared but excited to do a Phd at a mid-tier Canadian school, but the faculty are very interested in my work and Dr. Vanderspoel is a really highly regarded researcher.

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Yep, that’s about right. Most students just don’t care.

>Oxford CS is even worse than Imperial's
By what metric? We have more Turing award winners, more citations per paper, more papers per faculty, higher average salary, higher employability rate, and the curriculum is much better in my subjective opinion.
Some tutors are mediocre, but thats fine desu

Side note: Great repository of notes for the tripos: dec41.user.srcf.net/notes/

Nigga all your tutors left for deepmind and your computer science department is dead. Oxford has a good stats department but overall Imperial kids run circles around Oxford grads in robotics, software engineering, and probably cybersecurity and distributed systems

> higher average salary, higher employability rate
Than Imperial CS grads? Doubt it but all that says is what proportions of grads go work for hedge funds instead of pursuing research

China studies second subject I'm not entirely sure yet, as I want to change that.

graduated from the university of michigan last april. information science and user experience design. english classes were my favorite but i didnt major in it.

China studies as first subject, second subject I'm not entirely sure yet, as I want to change that.

University of Toronto
Political Science.
I love it here. Maybe I have really low standards but I've never had a cause to complain. The professors are clever, classes are fun, and I don't interact with other students so I don't know what to say about them.

>Doubt it
This sums up all your nonsense. There's publically available data that proves that Im right, but you wont bother to actually check it.

> you wont bother to actually check it.
Cause I know it's bs

i went to the royal college of music in london

Starting there next month for an MA. I did my undergrad at Oxford and there were at least 4-5 other students here on Yea Forums I actually met up with one

Same boat here

Molecular Engineering UChicago

What's it like being at Oxbridge? Are you meeting all the future famous politicians?

>read uni thread
>go to above average state college but nothing that would turn heads
>tread is full if Ivies and top colleges
>[/Spoiler]Could have gotten in if I tried

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This autist goes to U of Toronto


Never seen nor heard of this guy before. UofT is a big school.
Ivy schools are only good for social connections which are naturally wasted on us. I think it's different elsewhere. I go to what's supposed to be the best school in Canada and top 20 in the world, but I don't think it yields any particular advantages.

Anyone into a linguistics degree here? That’s what I want to do. I’ve got an associates in Arabic and a bachelors in international relations, so I guess that helps. I’m 24 atm, and I feel fucking old applying to grad schools

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I'm probably going to be studying Arabic for a year, how is it?

I fucking hate this thot. She looks like a used up mid twenties hag. Dresses like she works in HR too.
"Wine o clock!!!" she captions her instagram post as she anticipates the flood of dopamine that accompanies the fervoured like smashing of her thirsty followers.

True but Id rather go to an Ivy league than not go to one.

How is the political science department? Im currently doing my bachelors in polscie at the University of Mannheim and cosidering to apply to Bonn. Any insights?

Sublime, to say the least. Open up Lanes Lexicon for yourself to see how descriptive the three-letter root system is, there’s a reason the Quran is so influential and why its effects have not been erased in Muslim countries. On top of that, the camel herding motherfuckers didn’t even write its rules down before the Quran, they just remembered them from oral recitation and reinforced the languages excellence in poetry contests (Mecca was the site of the peninsula-wide poetry slam, which was part of the reason the pilgrimage went there in the first place and why war was suspended during those times); seven of the most excellent poems (known as the suspended poems, hung in the Kaaba itself).

> learn alphabet
> learn particles, three letter root system and how to identify roots in words, along with basic vocabulary
> learn grammar and morphology of nouns and verbs
> learn measure system and how to interpret the semantic context of a root from the measure used in its corresponding word


Do it, user.

Thank you, I shall do it.

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>three letter root system and how to identify roots in words
I just started learning a root-based language (not Arabic), and I was confused at the emphasis on the roots. Are the root -> noun connections of purely linguistic interest or will knowing them somehow help you understand the language in a practical sense?

Go to FIU or FAU then transfer to FSU. FSU has the best humanities in Florida and will give you lots of connections for a future in academia.

I assumed before I started that I'd be meeting all sorts of children of MPs and landed Lords, but it turned out to be bullshit. I once saw someone on here describe Oxford's admissions as "slavishly proletarian".
There was one Dutch guy at my college who had that radioactive 'knows-everyone's-name' politician personality, so maybe he'll be a future politician in the Netherlands.

Knowing that connection is the very semantic core of the language (at least in Arabic). It may not be as much a problem for common words, but to understand verbal forms of higher meaning, you must know how the root corresponds to the measure used, as lettered men use this to refine their expression.

Is the language Semitic, by any chance? Virtually all of them are known for their forms made from finite sets of consonants

>Is the language Semitic, by any chance?
Iranian (Avestan). Avestan roots aren't fixed at three letters but they are all monosyllabic.

guys how are you spending "the best days of your life"? for me i'm listening to planning for burial, reading Dostoevsky, browsing Yea Forums and drinking mate

you learn a root, learn prefixes and suffixes, slap that shit together and boom you learned 100 words

Mah nigga... don’t forget to study the Shahnmeh and all that shit.

If I’m not mistaken, there are elements of Indo-Iranian vocabulary in the Quran, not to mention how New Persian synthesized the two into something so divine and pleasing. Here are a few works you may like to read along with your studies:

> Foreign Vocabulary of the Quran by Arthur Jeffery


> pretty cool Indo-Iran etymology dictionary


> Sir William Jones’ New Persian grammar, he basically suggests that learners read the Gulistan of Saadi and claims that Perso-Arabic compound past participle phrases are more eloquent than those of even Homer, teaches a lot of good shit


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Here's my advice for those of you guys who like philosophy, but don't wanna end up working at McDonalds paying for a $69k debt: Take a semester or two off reading Plato, Spinoza, Hume, Kant, Heidegger etc. If you wanna learn some Greek or German while you're at it, go ahead.
Once you read through all the greats of philosophy, you'll notice that everything else in the world somehow calls back or mirrors the works of philosophers who've been dead for centuries.
Even if you attempted to come up with something new, it would be impossible to ever say something that does not somehow fit a description put into a philosophy book at some point in history.


Language major. TFW supposedly the #1 school in the country doesn't or won't provide any comprehensive courses on Hegel, Lacan, Heidegger, etc though the overall quality of the courses is solid

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>supposedly the #1 school in the country
Who lied to you?

US News and world report's college ranking. obviously, these rankings are essentially meaningless but one would hope that they at least are correlated to something beyond name-brand recognition

Also an incoming Freshman at UPenn, focusing on Philosophy and English. Was hoping to see someone else from our Ivy on here. It'll be crazy being the dumbest guy there, but I'm looking forward to living in Philly.

tfw applying to schools like princeton, international
probably gonna get yeeted
>Anyone here do DS at yale? Ideal for litfags, and is why i'm applying US

Thank you!

Jerk eachother off maybe?

DS like programs are available at Columbia and Princeton as well, not worth going to just Yale over. What country are you applying from, that will def effect ur chances and you might not get yeeted


but also be warned that these programs essentially only teach you the big quotes from each book because each book individually could constitute a course worth of material so they don't totally live up to the hype

I know plenty of people from the UK at Princeton so you definitely have a fighting chance given educational similarities and the generally favorable way the administration views the country's educational system

Fair, tend to read stuff myself anyway so shouldn't be too deep if i get yeeted.
Tell u what tho, SAT and shit is sooo fuckin dead. Unlucky yanks having to do it compulsorily.

Take the Oxbridge pill.

oh fs brah, applying there too.
Phil and Russian
>tfw your degree makes you unemployable

yeah its pretty shit and then you have similar tests to do for graduate-level education as well, shitty system IMO but the tests themselves aren't too bad once you realize that they don't really measure intelligence and are easy to game

If you go somewhere like Oxbridge or Princeton your degree doesn't matter, desu

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yeah I'm a german major so job prospects are grim

yeah managed to game a respectable score on the old self-study

it's either a lot of larpers or the actual neets don't dare to post in this thread. don't feel bad, you wouldn't say anyone here goes to an ivy league judging from the discussions in all the threads

it depends on what you want to do though

>still thinking name of college correlates to genuine intelligence and intellectual curiosity

University of Warsaw. Law.

you'll probably end up somewhere good then as long as your essay responses are good on the common app. My one piece of advice would be that when they ask what major you are thinking about, pick the most obscure ones possible as part of the admission process is that they are looking to fill departments that they have to fund as a school but aren't necessarily popular. So something like classics or French might give you a better chance than English or philosophy.

>russian major
>I may just make it

i myself study astrophysics at MIT. Double major with maths, of course. I'm applying for a PhD in machine learning used to categorize galaxies bassed on raw image data.

Last year there was only one Slavic studies major so your chances are definitely above average

the University of Life

If anyone reading wants a generic tip on how to get into grad school, if you do anything humanities related: learn 1-2 languages relevant to your field of study in undergrad

Knowing your target languages at a fluent level is a massive boost to your attractiveness as an applicant

>Working at a Funeral Home
Well it could be worse

i just made that up btw.

i'm actually a state college fag

is there any boost to knowing them at an OK or reading level or is fluency really that demanded

got em

hahahaha i only study history because i can't into pragmatic life and i wanna delay my suffering hahahaha

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I’m starting a PhD there soon. Is it nice?

Lmao I live in Berkeley and it is not dangerous unless you can’t handle being yelled at by homeless people. Most of Berkeley is rich white cat ladies.

boy, the world of ideas sure is a great one, much better than those filthy normies trudging through that imperfect chaotic mess every day.

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>preppy atmosphere without being uptight
>beautiful georgian architecture
>very attractive student body
>comfy small town atmosphere
>cheap tuition
>based philosophy department
Why kill yourself at georgia tech when you could make connections with a bunch of wealthy businessmen and their kids in milledgeville?

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I know I could go study history/law or philosophy at uni, but I don't wanna teach and I don't wanna stay in academia. It's not worth it for me then is it? I kinda want to do it just so I can say I studied at university, but that seems vain and retarded.

University of Vienna, german philology, getting my bachelor degree next semester. Want to pursue a master in medieval german lit. Profs are pretty nice, I won't get a job tho with my degree but I'm ok with it

trinity boy here too

you could be a barrister or solicitor if you're interested in that

you actually a camb student lad?

studying architecture in argentina and my country is imploding send help

i presume based on the course you're applying to oxford... fyi i have heard the russian faculty there are a bit crazy and student satisfaction is pretty low. but if you interview you'll get a chance to know some of the tutors anyway, good luck!

You should've studied Chemical Engineering instead

Who is this fluid druid?

oo tjena. umeå here
gl buddy

Move to Formosa and grow pot, amigo. You can always export to Brazil and Paraguay, and the cost of living is low

Same fag, but is anyone else doing a PhD??

lol cope harder, I guarantee you most, if not everyone, is telling the truth. Hell I know some IRL Ivy League friends who shitpost with me here

wait it out and get some more hours at your job. You can have a little more money and a better job outlook.

Northwestern, any girls hjere please love me im so lonely

I don't know what country youre from, but UNC Chapel Hill was mentioned and it is a public ivy. It's a tier 1 university, a US president, a vice prsident, multiple governors, Michael Jordan, etc. all went there. It's one of the best public universities in the country. Consistently top 5.

In fact, if you didn't get a full ride to an Ivy or something similar (Stanford or Johns Hopskins, etc.) it is one of the best schools you can go to without breaking your bank.

Other notable schools of the same calibur:

UC Berkeley, UCLA, UVA, etc.

Good to see fellow Yea Forums kiwis, UOA reporting in. Honestly feels like im in Beijing half the time though.

Econ and Philosophy here

Getting mogged by your stats major desu

Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam

University of St Andrews, completing a degree in Philosophy.

I'm having the time of my life tbqh, I love it here. The philosophy faculty is full of virtue ethicists which isn't the worst, it could be an autistic Kant bastion or *shudders* a Continental institution.

Fellow students are great so long as you avoid the inbred aristocrats. Genuinely the most spoiled, annoying people on the planet. Thankfully they mostly shit up the classics department instead.

How's it feel to be third in the league tables kek.
We're coming for you next.

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Don't worry we're all retards here at "the top" too. I'd actually say top unis are more likely to have mouthbreathing morons because mummy and daddy don't bribe the administration to let Brigitte into UMass Amherst. That isn't to say there aren't brilliant people at top unis but there's definitely a lot more variance than a standard state school. Some geniuses, yes, but mixed in with a bunch of spoiled rich kids.

see ->

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As somebody who spent 2 semesters as a NEET reading literature and philosophy before going off to study CS at a relatively unrenowned Mexican university, I highly recommend anyone to satisfy the desires of their soul this way.
Why would anyone believe that they cannot dedicate their spirit to both Humanistic or artistic pursuits and scientific, logical inquisitorial inspection of the world?

Go 'Cats!
Ill suck you off

UChicago has grade deflation

VERY big generalisation

>loyola chicago
>philosophy phd
>95% of the experience has been shit, but my advisor is the coolest fucking dude.

It's hard to answer because I have very mixed feelings about it myself, partly for objective reasons worth reporting, and partly for reasons more peculiar to me because I'm autistic and weird. Trying to give a nuanced answer and separate those two categories would be tough. Overall though I'd say it's good, but highly program dependent and highly adviser dependent especially. The only one-size-fits-all advice I can think of is to try to meet lots of professors who study what you study, or close to it. Take classes with them, form relationships with them, etc. You want to have as much room as possible to make lateral moves and develop good mentoring relationships in the unlikely but still possible event that your primary ones don't work out.

What area of study are you entering? No worries if you don't want to say though since it's Yea Forums.

What kind of phil do you do?

Also down to chat with anyone in Hyde Park about anything humanities related. Trying to relearn ancient Greek and basically starting from scratch so if anyone's interested in that.

Went to Reed College. Very comfy, found a group of radical right-wingers to hang with surprisingly enough. Studied philosophy and loved it, every class was small and many of my professors and I are still good friends. I wouldn't trade it for the world. The SJW force is high but the professors hate it and the phil department is autistic enough to shut it out.

Im applying for social thought PhD next year, any recommendations? Gf went there for undergrad so i know the place pretty well

dissertation is on derrida and vitalism

That's awesome, what vitalist thinkers if I can ask?

Social Thought is cool but there are definitely a small set of Social Thought "types." Do you know anybody who graduated from / was otherwise affiliated with it? I'd say try to get the inside scoop, not only for strategic reasons of how to apply most effectively but to see if you'd really like it.

Utah Valley University
My major is Emergency Services with a concentration in emergency care. The faculty is pretty knowledgable as they all work in surrounding fire departments as firefighters/paramedics. Most of the alumni here are students that have been rejected from either BYU or the U of U. I'm fortunate enough to already be working in my field of study.

Sounds based.

if not op then based psyop to make people who got into college feel better

>That's awesome, what vitalist thinkers if I can ask?

well it's really about derrida's philosophy of **life** but saying philosophy of life is vague and new agey. so basically where i'm going with it is how derrida digested freud and heidegger to poop out some really useful thinking on what makes life life. autoaffection being the front and center definition of life proper. there are some other folks i tie in--like hans jonas--but it's mostly about derrida and immanence i guess. buzzwords.

Nah that sounds really cool even though it's beyond my basic bitch knowledge of Derrida, is it more at a hermeneutic/geist level or do you go for the more Merleau-Ponty borderline panpsychist self-relating gestalt shit? Have you ever read Ricoeur's stuff on psychoanalysis as a hermeneutic of the unconscious? I haven't but I'm acting like I have

Any recommendations on Freud's deeper/more esoteric writings on depth psychology?

I went to UF. Please tell me we’re good enough.

Yea I went and talked to two current students. One doing his dissertation on Education and the other doing her dissertation on Hegel. I liked them both and we had a wonderful discussion. I sat in on some classes as well and loved them. What department are you in?

Huntingdon College, Montgomery, AL, History. I’m thinking of using summers to build up credits for an English minor, but am uneasy about it.

Was a good time. Headed to grad school soon, need to start applying. GF went to U of C and works at Harvard and I swear to god the kids there are airheads compared to the kids at Reed. I truly believe, despite its awfully vocal SJW pop, it is one of the last bastions of a proper American education. That will soon be dismantled unfortunately. I am glad I went when I did.

Sarah Lawrence College.


Graduated from UBC a few months ago with useless BA, currently trying to get job in Vancouver's potempkin village economy

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What's DS?

lads I have like 2 weeks to write half of my masters dissertation and I want to kill myself

>Incoming freshman at UPenn. Plan to double major in philosophy and computer science. Financial aid is the best, only paying ~$1000 per year. Also got into a research program where they fund your work with a professor.

So jealous

I'm at University of Iowa. Doing compsci as a fallback and am seriously worried about research opportunities

any URI lads? studying econ/philosophy




Hey I go to Umeå too. A lovely city.

University of the arts in philadelphia. I study music.

Anyone here attending University of Indiana? They have the best MPA program in the country, better than Harvard, so I'm going to apply.
Those who go, what are your thoughts?


Earth sciences and history
History is piss easy, just read a bunch of books/articles and talk about them. People are allright, professors are nice. Usually small classes (10-25)

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How does it feel when no one outside your country has even heard of your uni?

Would be amazing, maybe you can send him my contact?

I'm a really nice person, haha. Who would say that, but I feel like I have to promote myself. This is why it is always such a pain to look for appartments, it always feels like trying to sell your personality, especially when applying for a room in a shared flat. I would love to live by myself, but Switzerland isn't cheap so I guess a WG is my best option.

I am wondering, how bad is it actually to share your email address on Yea Forums? It's probably getting picked up by tons of bots, well let's see, I am not using this one for anything else:
Remove the %, don't know if it helps with the bots but maybe it does something

Local nobody cares uni, psychology

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course that theoretically covers all of the western canon. Like a great books program

same. Dropped out this february, haven't been doing anything yet. I plan on going to film school next year but it's pricey af

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Regarding Oxbridge though, would it be better to pursue CompSci at Cambridge or Maths+CompSci at Oxford?
I understand that Cambridge is generally regarded to have the upper hand when it comes to STEM, but that Maths+CompSci at Oxford is just a bit too tempting.

I pretend to go to University of Chicago for dat high IQ pus

I'm about to start at Columbia for financial economics. I moved to NYC a week ago from the other side of the country driving a box truck. Enjoying these few days of calm like the eye of a hurricane.

Oxford has a better admission process, because MAT is a great test, and CTMUA is stupid. Also, less stress, because the offers are easier.
Cambridge CS is more prestigious
Cambridge has better teaching quality as far as I understand (less shitty tutors)
Oxford has a very theoretical approach which I like. Cambridge seems to favor specialized CS stuff (I think graphics and comp architecture are core), which I think is pointless.
Oxford has nice joint degrees, and "you can study math in 1st year in cambridge" is pointless
Oxford CompMath core math part is very pure for whatever reason. I was considering doing it with hopes of specializing in ML and Stats, but having to study abstract algebra and geometry kinda seems pointless.
I have heard several oxbridge alumni say that if they had to apply today they would apply for compsci & math.
Cambridge has more choices, but I like Oxford's options more.
Overall, I'd say apply for Cambridge, so there's less competition for me.

No uni course has resulted in more death and destruction.

Anecdotally, the (sci)+phil are consistently the smartest people I've met

Gotta be in the right circles to meet the aristos, but I find the New Money / int'l lot much more fun

I graduated in June :(

Oxford and Cambridge cs courses are more similar than the towns are, so just pick whichever town you'd prefer to live in.

Personally, Ox any day. I don't know what tabs do all day in their village.

Ps read the comp+phil (ox) curriculum

I am planning to apply for CompPhil, any deep insights into it?

I was once taught by a Stony Brook professor doing a year abroad. Best class I ever took. In the end, she proposed I did a year at Stony Brook, but the program was only available for graduate students. Still wonder what life could have been if I'd been two years older.

where are you staying in St Andrews user?

Deep? No. It's just a really well-crafted course. Math/phys + phil also.

V dedicated faculty. Helps if you apply to colleges with large comp-phil intake bc it's a v small course (~12).

For prep: just do all the mat past papers twice over, till you average 60+, track improvement on spreadsheet. That's all they care about desu. Then read two *obscure* phil books so they assume you're well read (not the online recommend reading lol). They probably won't even mention them tho.

If you interview, just treat it like a fun day trip in ox, meeting cool people. Don't stress it.

Don't bother reading loads before you arrive just to impress other freshers.

If you have more specific questions ask

U of T student, studying Philosophy. It's not an Ivy, but I like that the faculty's big (more variety in professors' research interests), and the school has a lot of research opportunities for undergraduates.

Who was that professor? What was the class about?

>apply to colleges with large comp-phil intake
The only such college seems to be Hertford, so its been my leading choice so far. I would prefer St. John's or some others, but this preference is not strong desu.
>two *obscure* phil books
There's this website Millican made that lists a lot of recommended readings (its much more extensive than the rec reading pdf) for the course. I have read a number of books (some somewhat obscure) from there and greatly enjoyed them (they deal with the exact branches of phil I like). Does listing some of those books make sense? Or should I just list some random philosophers unrelated to the intersection of phil and compsci?
philocomp.net/links.htm (links and books at the bottom)
How obscure is obscure enough?
Any advice on writing the personal statement? I was planning to apply to statistics in other unies, but Oxford is more important.

>having to study abstract algebra and geometry kinda seems pointless.
>for machine learning

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>tfw getting the best uni advice on a Mongolian literature board
I love u frens

Not that user, but I have been working as a data scientist for years, and I have hardly used any geometry whatsoever.

I'm there too!!!!!!! Which courses have you taken?
Gotta take PHL245 and some 3rd/4th year courses.
Constantly sick so I gotta go down and ask to enroll
Start with the Greeks, unironically

University of Cyprus, Law
Eh, it could worse but it's not a super duper omega school like some of the universities posted here

Also, attend Colby. Studying English and Philosophy. Both departments have incredible faculty and I think actually benefit from being smaller.
Can confirm, the quality of the faculty and the incredible art museum were what sold me on the school, even though the school does seem more geared towards econ, gov, and bio. Wish it were a bit artsier and not as preppy/sporty but really can't complain about the quality of education.

Based. Athensfag here.

Τι μελετάς kαλαμαρά?

What's wrong with it? looks pretty sweet from the wiki entry

>The only such college seems to be Hertford, so its been my leading choice so far.
>personal statement
Write your ps for the second choice unis. Ox doesn't care so much - they have interviews to test your personality etc.
If you write a ps geared towards stats with a single para on comp-phil then I'm sure P. Milly will assume you're applying for stats elsewhere.

Main point: whether you get into compphil will mostly be determined by comp, and whether comp dep. wants you will be determined by mat + interview. If you get high enough mat you can be a mess at interview.

>studying electrical engineering
Bretty gud. Most of the faculty is very knowledgeable and experienced, and are heavily invested in the students since basically all of them are here as a retirement gig and/or were interested in teaching. Students are alright. Classes are generally good.

Why are you okay with that? How are you going to support yourself?

I'm nervous to go back to campus in the fall.
Last year, then I've got to graduate and find a real job.

>virginia tech incoming freshman
>international relations/economics

Good thing VT is ass for both of these fields. Strongly considering transferring out for W&M and UVA if I don't fuck up my GPA freshman year

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I'm starting at leeds Beckett doing Eng Lit in a month. I dropped out two years ago from Huddersfield due to a mental break and a few motorcycle accidents. They won't take me back unless I wait for a couple more years, so I decided to commute to Leeds Beckett, and stay in Huddersfield where I know people.

Going to be a senior at the University of Texas. Couldn’t think of a better school in the world for me

Studying History and German

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University of Banja Luka, Philosophy faculty, History.
Will start there in about a month
It might be a literally who uni but i heard the History department is pretty good.

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>Any advice on writing the personal statement?
Don't spend more than a few sentences talking about non-academic stuff, and don't sweat too much about reading. You don't need to be _well read_, you just need to demonstrate an interest. It can be as eclectic as you like as long as it's related to the course and interesting to you. Obviously as said, don't just pick books they've suggested, pick ones that interest you. Do not under any circumstances read "Think," it's what all the colleges recommend and will not make you stand out at all (and is also boring as fuck.)
Don't lie, you risk being caught out at interview. The only exception is saying you've read books which you haven't finished - if you are sure you can finish them in time, it's ok to lie.
Try and sound like yourself, if you have writer's block just start by explaining why you want to do your subject. Mine was 8000 chars to begin with and I ended up getting rid of my whole opening paragraph, just redraft over and over again until it's short and good enough.

It only needs to be good enough to get you an interview :-)

How’s Glasgow lads? Got a duel honours for history and economics starting in September but haven’t been to look at the place or anything

Was referring to abstract algebra mostly

it's pretty nice, good all-rounder, great student life. where are you staying? some of the accommodation is grim but that's really the only problem with it

It has some use cases, but only in very specific cases. You should only learn it on the job or while doing research, if you have to. I made a quick google search and most people seem to share my sentiment.

Don't develop the Glasgow Uni accent user, at all costs don't do it.

I'm studying philosophy at Seville University.

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actually, im starting this year.

Graduated in 2012. It's not an elite university like Cambridge (I didn't get in) but it's a standard, good Russell group university. Cardiff is also a pretty good city since all the shitty areas are kinda segregated.

Incoming freshman at Drexel studying computer science

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Applying for colleges in the US right now. Planning on majoring in econ or a science and minoring (or possibly double majoring) in philosophy. Any advice or recs for nice schools? I got a 4.1 GPA and my SAT score is 1400. Pretty shit so aiming low lol.

Unc here. Starting my first semester soon

Pretty good summation in all honesty, but I think you're understating just how many of the students are inbred aristocrats, and if not inbred aristocrats then wannabe inbred aristocrats.

Should i study history?
What do you guys think?

This year I'm getting through most of the major requirements (including 245). Last year I took the introductory course, alongside some philosophy-related seminars. Hopefully 245 isn't too bad.