What are some books that expose the fact that modern social media lynching campaings like #metoo and twitter outrages...

What are some books that expose the fact that modern social media lynching campaings like #metoo and twitter outrages are just an expression of the fact that, to navigate in life nowadays takes the same amount of social effort that it would take a 19th century impoverished bourgeoisie man trying to get an arranged marriage to his daughter, to save his wealth? Seriously, you have to watch every single one of your words to not piss the right people, or the right group of people, or else your whole work is discarded and you're #cancelled. And the funny thing is that while this behavior was common in past times to the high class, it has now been properly socialized, and you have the same ethic and social rules you see in big corporations in Mc donalds wage slavery.

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dunno user why don't you write one
it sounds like you've got a lot to get off your canary like chest

have sex

one of the benefits of social media will be to prove to the people that end up mattering that eugenics is ideal

have you tried not being human trash? if you're not literal garbage you have nothing to worry about

What are some books which expose the dissociation between reality and the world portrayed by the internet, where some people begin to confuse the latter for the former and develop a twisted weltanschauung based on the prevalence of phenomena which barely exist in everyday life?

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what are you even referring to retard, at least let your projection have some context

“Define” worrying

Get into an argument with one of these people and they'll immediately start digging through your followers looking for nazis. They literally do nothing but throw adhom and guilt by association and it fucking works, which is the worst part.

Yeah but that 19th century bourgeoisie man is at least conforming to social norms that are either good natured or morally neutral. Contemporary moral values are all based upon finely crafted deceptions meant to do harm to those that believe in them. Evil at their very core

"literal garbage" = disagrees with me. See, HBD enthusiasts. Just try to even suggest that intelligence is hereditary and see how you're #cancelled.

The Culture of Narcissism and the Minimal Self by Christopher Lasch

Norbert Elias- THE CIVILIZING PROCESS Sociogenetic and Psychogenetic

From Counterculture to Cyberculture: Stewart Brand the whole Earth Network and the rise of digital utopianism by Fred Turner

States of Injury- Freedom and Power in late modernity by Wendy Brown

Also been rereading Henry James' novels about turn of the century new england bourgeoisie society, i think the age of reckless self expression is over, things change. Pre 1960s people were different from us in radical ways, in the way they saw themselves and presented themselves before others.

we must become the pitiless censors of ourselves- t. Alain Badiou by the way of John Maus

>The Man Alive film follows a therapy group over a week at Esalen. One of them is called Lillian. She is a wonderful person. She is spiky, cynical and funny - and above all original. She has come to Esalen because she broke up with her husband, had an affair with someone else - and now that has failed.

>Lillian is really good in the film at describing how wonderful she finds it to open herself up and finally express her feelings. But she is also sharp enough to see that in the process she is being sucked into something that wants to transform her. She has a great phrase about going up to the hot baths at Esalen where everyone sat around naked - "I looked down into the snake-pit and all the snakes looked up and said 'Brother'!"

>At the end of the week Lillian does what is the correct thing at Esalen. After having been hugged by the group she breaks down, cries, admits she is a bitch - while the group sit watching her approvingly. She even reaches out and hugs another member of the group who she had previously been rather cynical about.

>It is a very tender moment. But Lillian, and I think the reporter, also realises that the group are making her into a particular norm in the name of liberation. She is now a feeling person - and feelings are quite blunt things, which means she is becoming rather like everyone else. What is disappearing are the particular and original characteristics that her quick thinking mind gave her.

>But she is happier.


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the internet is the real and physical reality is the copy.

O shit (O shit!) Can I get an "O shit!" in this club?


>Get into an argument with one of these people and they'll immediately start digging through your followers looking for nazis. They literally do nothing but throw adhom and guilt by association and it fucking works, which is the worst part.

Sometimes I wonder why this kind of thing works so well.

because most people are retarded seals who clap when told

t. Pedo rapist

Fuck off reddit boomer/zoomer

Since when zoomers are HBD enthusiasts though?

So you've been publicly shamed, Jon Ronson

"literal garbage" = resistant to my masters' desires

its us against the big jew, stop treating the figments like people

No one I know worries about things like that. People try to be respectful of differences and it seems to work out fine. It's really less of a big deal than you make it out to be.

>The Bostonians is a novel by Henry James, first published as a serial in The Century Magazine in 1885–1886 and then as a book in 1886. This bittersweet tragicomedy centres on an odd triangle of characters: Basil Ransom, a political conservative from Mississippi; Olive Chancellor, Ransom's cousin and a Boston feminist; and Verena Tarrant, a pretty, young protégée of Olive's in the feminist movement. The storyline concerns the struggle between Ransom and Olive for Verena's allegiance and affection, though the novel also includes a wide panorama of political activists, newspaper people, and quirky eccentrics.

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Any books on how to protect your privacy in a world of increasing surveillance besides the basic "don't use social media, don't let people take pictures/video of your without your permission"?

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Hi user, I noticed you calling another human being trash. I therefore declare you to be a Nazi (this declaration is the entirety of the process of Nazi-finding). Watch your back, Nazi trash, because assault is legal when you first call the victim a Nazi.

just about any futurist or social theorist touched upon this on the information age. even sci fi. read lebon with mcluhan or sum shiet

I love seeing this twitter behavior on Yea Forums, it's so fish out of water, there are no people liking the post and condemning the guy in the comments, it's just a vapid meaningless truism that could have been written word for word by millions of people, that is then made fun of by everyone who replies.

It's not even the opinion itself it could have been argued for intelligently, it's the expectation that your pithy little regurgitation of progressive bolerplate meant to humiliate someone who stepped out of line would be met by the usual reaction, implied in your posting it at all, because you're not giving advice, and the guy youre talking to obviously doesnt give a shit about you and your volunteer policing for the social status quo, a task that is literally impossible on an anonymous imageboard.

it is just an amusing misfire of your unthinking impulse to shame someone and signal your holiness, and it has a directly counterproductive effect because any lurkers on the fence have now another example of one side actually discussing things and the other behaving like a mindkilled retard promoting puritanical social conformity.

I take pride in renouncing my whiteness and openly call myself a sjw scold. I earnestly think all decent people can and should do the same and to do otherwise can only mean you are an immoral person who is, at least by proxy, complicit in the murder and oppression of other human beings. the fact is White supremacy and patriarchy are unquestionably real and get innocent people killed. Rightists rely on irony and on nitpicking style and language because the progressive message is self evidently moral and attacking it directly would only expose them as fundamentally inhuman. political correctness is just empathy and basic human decency.

They don't want to get #canceled themselves.
Unironically the modern woman is pretty based and I admire her hypocrisy and her ability to lie.
Honor is a spook and slave morality.
It is quite fitting that the bearers of life have the true will to power.

i'm always amused by the upper-middleclass artschool white-guilt twitter folks condemning the "white male" classics and lauding african american and female writers when all of the great african-american/female writers lauded the "white male" classics. that's who inspired them to write.
Toni Morrison knows more about James Joyce than everyone on this board combined.
James Baldwin practically worshiped Hemingway.
Woolf flat out stated Tolstoy was the greatest novelist who ever lived.
Flannery O'connor wouldn't be Flannery O'connor if not for Dostoevsky and Kafka.
Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man was based on Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground and he shared the same editor with Faulkner and McCarthy, both of whom he admired.

these same fucking clowns will, in the same breath, claim Melville for his bisexuality after dumping him for his whiteness because these people aren't artists. they don't care about art

its supposed to be transgressive, it is supposed to make you feel uncomfortable because, buddy, you are not used to feeling uncomfortable.

transgression doesn't have to be blatantly illogical does it now. It can be transgressive and make people uncomfortable, and still make sense, and you didn't address the basic contradiction the user pointed out at all. Try to make an argument about that.

Also you are exactly like the guy who posted that stuff about not being a trash human being, you're barely a person, you just repeat phrases and stich them together like a zombie because you know saying those things good, saying other things bad.

You literally can't even think, you can just identify something as a thing not supposed to be said, and then level some vaguely related line of attack you saw somewhere at them. Incredible how robotic and incapable of reason you guys are.

its plain blind servitude and conditioned masochism. insert any religious or cult critique.

>its supposed to be transgressive
>buddy, you are not used to feeling uncomfortable
sounds more like artistic failure to me

>if I go around deliberately provoking people and being an asshold I'm a good person
>if they tell me to fuck off they're the devil
I genuinely hope people like you get beaten to death outside a seedy bar after pissing off the wrong person. Fuck you.

I observed the same phenomenon on /pol/, bunch of brown people supporting nazis

this meme is literally true

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Most brown people outside of the West are redpilled on idpol. Hell, even the Chinese have a word for virtue-signaling SJW libtards.

I honestly couldn't care less about the atrocities my ancestors may or may not have committed and if I continue to benefit from a "legacy of racism and colonialism" then so much the fucking better. I'm not obligated to subscribe to your version of morality.

Why are you replying to such obvious bait?

that is not even remotely close to what i was talking about

I just don't like nazis or enabling fascism, just my personal view. I like to express my self in ways that trigger and expose the latent nazi and fascist tendencies of those that surround me so they can be properly targeted and neutralised by any means neccesary. A little political correctness gone mad is a matter of safety for marginalised folks, if a white man will so much as sympathise with nazism because of 'political correctness' he is obviously a dangerous person who should be made to understand his errors, or ostracised for the safety of the community if he persists. Social change is supposed to be transgressive and break the taboos of the established order.

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maybe people are not provoked enough, many are indiferent or acquiescent to injustice and they need to be spurred into action.

everything in those posts is literally true you dismiss it as bait because you don't want to engage with it on a deep moral and psychological level

if you are more angry at people daring to speak on twitter than at white supremacist terrorims murder of actual humans then buddy i think your priorities are in the wrong place. the mile discomfort you feel at this is not one millionth of what marginalised people feel every second of their waking existence.

>I just don't like nazis or enabling fascism, just my personal view.
>I like to express my self in ways that trigger and expose the latent nazi and fascist tendencies of those that surround me so they can be properly targeted and neutralised by any means neccesary
you're engaging in a totalitarian police state of what can be said or thought.
>A little political correctness gone mad is a matter of safety for marginalised folks,
Margingalized folks would be much better served by trying to fix their dysfunctional communities
>if a white man will so much as sympathise with nazism because of 'political correctness' he is obviously a dangerous person who should be made to understand his errors, or ostracised for the safety of the community if he persists.
So make an argument, why is white nationalism wrong, say something.
>Social change is supposed to be transgressive and break the taboos of the established order.
And the established social order today is entirely against nazis, if you can identify someone as a nazi their life will likely be ruined, so you clearly don't believe this as pure doctrine.

It's hard bro, because on Yea Forums this post would be immediately identified as bait because of its complete lack of engaging with what the person said through argument, but you could very well be a twitter transplant who is so incredibly incapable of thought that you genuinely the kind of mildly human gibberish you just posted.

White supremacists have killed way less people than Muslim terrorists in america in the past few decades, who are a tiny minority in America, so what exactly are you saying? You could try to discount 911 but I will mock you into the ground.

a tad bit o nibble fine. how bout an example, you can substitute 'marginalized groups' with 'jesus dying on a cross' and its the same argument. think about that metaphysical instance for a sec.

so basically
we're ALL upper class now

well, some bridges have been made between us. i mean, you have descendants of old royal bloodlines making memes on twitter and engaging with common plebs. same about wealthy kids doing dabs and tik toks.

>Moby Dick
>All white men
u wot m8?

Hit the nail on the head with this one

The only way to repent is to extinguish your life. I’m (unconsentually) an American and a descendent of black slaves. You can never wash my ancestors blood of your evil white hands except by taking your own life.

>You could try to discount 911 but I will mock you into the ground.
It's not Islamic terrorists fault that white supremacist are low iq and hence very inefficient.

Fuck me, this was well written.

Based as fuck.

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bait or not, this post is legit

I see too many alt-lite cucks in denial.
>b-but we just want to preserve our culture
>waaahh, it's not fair, why can the sjws be mean and we can't

Scared to death to be labeled 'racist'. Just fucking own your racism, dude. It's normal, everyone is racist to some extent, you know.
Just know that discrimination is bad business, that's why you'll be swimming against the current and you'll have to constantly fight the established market forces, at least until you get enough power.
Being a dissident is not easy, it never was.

Most of us dismiss Nazism as a serious threat, especially on internet forums, because many people profess an affection for the extreme-right on this forum for ironic and humorous purposes. Those who sincerely hold white supremacist views and wish to act upon them are, I suppose, dangerous as they can commit individual acts of extreme violence, but for the most part I do not think they number even close to significantly enough to mobilize themselves as a formidable political entity.

Furthermore, their racism does not manifest itself in the same level of systematic oppressiveness that it once did. Racism today is far more subtle and operates on an individualistic basis more so than it once did when it was enshrined in law or institutions like slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, etc.

How is not saying nigger in public difficult in any way?

>I'm totally oppressed here pity me
Yeah okay there is the occasional Aziz Ansari who had a date who didn't actually say anything and blew it out of proportion because he's not psychic, he's okay, then you have weirdo assholes like louis c k who are creeps, but not rapists. Then there are the weinsteins, honest to god predators and rapists. Metoo may have hurt a few people who didn't deserve the punishment they got, like maybe garrison keilor or whoever, but that's the reaction you expect when all sexual harassment and violence in the workplace gets swept up and concealed for decades.

Chill out, you won't get got for nothing, just be a good guy and nothing bad'll happen to you. Unless you're one of the C K's or worse a Weinstein. Are you one of those?

How much you wanna bet this is a lefty

>>I'm totally oppressed here pity me
>proceeds to express an opinion supporting oppression and demanding pity

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>men have been able to do whatever they want for basically their entire existence in the workplace since women joined it
>finally public opinion moves to a point where people get mad about it
>genuine abusers get blacklisted and a very small number of people get harmed by the reaction, but mostly deserving assholes and creeps get hit
>hell, even people like ansari are making their comeback, even C K, undeserving as he is
shut the fuck up, dumbshit

ITT: a bunch of crybabies who don't realize that it's all about power

When pic related has more wisdom than you, you need to reevaluate your (intellectual) life.

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He was clearly trolling but either way: based

>political correctness is just empathy and basic human decency.
I know this is a b8 post but there are people out there right now in positions of power who legitimatly believe this.

You can't shame people into agreeing with you here faggot. Nice try though

The genetic fallacy seems to be the basic argumentative method twitter uses. Saying someone hasn't been as oppressed, or feeling uncomfortable, etc., is a great way to dismiss someone's argument. Otherwise, you may have to actually engage it.

>Toni Morrison knows more about James Joyce than everyone on this board combined.
>James Baldwin practically worshiped Hemingway.
It’s not surprising that hacks are fond of other hacks.

Meh, the guy you quoted was probably cheekly impersonating a twittertard. It's impossible to spend more than a day on Yea Forums and believe this kind of post will have the intended effect. This is like people who post "NOOOOOOOOO" with a crying soiboi as attached image, only more subtle.

If the individual human life is your measure of value, your priorities are way out wack to say the least.
I think it’s just one guy, and he’s been doing it for years.

>Toni Morrison knows more about James Joyce than everyone on this board combined.
Not any more.

>these same fucking clowns will, in the same breath, claim Melville for his bisexuality after dumping him for his whiteness because these people aren't artists. they don't care about art

But brown people outside the West are not ethnic minorities in their own countries, which is what SJW virtue signalling is about.

Harassing and insulting random strangers so you can feel a vague sense of moral superiority is an injustice, you fucking troglodyte

Ansari's come back was pretty incredible though. That public self-denouncement to an approving audience. The canned sincerity. The approval as he publicly legitimized the ideological forces which demonized him and forced him out of work, thereby earning his re-entry into the elite strata. Someone could write a very good essay about that. Like we live in the Cultural Revolution, where even the innocent need to legitimize their meaningless oppression in order not to be deemed enemies of the people.

But I thought dehumanising people ('literal garbage') was something nazis did?

These people love converts because they give them a feeling of power, and converts must always go the extra mile to prove their legitimacy.

Just look at Fantano.

There's a difference between ascribed identity and the one you create due to your own ideals. Trashing somebody for being white, and somebody for being white supremacist are completely different things, former being dehumanising while later is not

lmao. Like turn off your screen faggot

White supremacism is irl defined as the attitude toward yourself that almost every other race has and nobody cares. It is conflated with the attitudes Hitler had, as though white people liking themselves will inevitably lead to Hitler.

what do you think the average IQ of muslim countries is lol

you should never, ever, bring up IQ when trying to bash racists, for very obvious reasons

Yea Forums is genuinely full of this type

Unless you go to a university. Or work in an industry where you have to deal with these people. I briefly went to a very liberal (and somehow well respected) college in the USA and not only did I have random strangers following me, harassing me at events, etc. for political reasons— these students had enough institutional power that they’d even heard students on their ‘blacklist’ to special segregated areas during campus events... when I complained about this to the administration, they refused to investigate and deferred me to the student body run ‘justice council’ which then threatened me with further institutional punishment if I followed through with a formal complaint (that I’d have to make through their office, and would be entirely investigated by them).
What’s really infuriating is that im unable to even talk about these experiences because it goes against liberal orthodoxy and there’s such a preconditioned response against any “fragile whites” who speak against these movements.
There’s no justice, only power relations. That’s what modern cuckservative movements don’t understand, and ‘idealistic’ SJWs do.

>duuuuurgheawkqzh me smarts


>even C K, undeserving as he is
He did something really dodgy in a hard to conceptualise context, but was otherwise a seemingly really stand up guy. I can see how lines would be blurred when on tour in cramped hotel rooms and that might cause someone to start doing weird behaviours.

I'm not saying what he did was fine, merely there is something understandable, poorly judged etc. Also it's not that long ago you had the creepy cunts Pharrell Williams and Robin Thicke releasing that weird as hell song "Blurred Lines" to very little media criticism. How those couple of chuckle fucks still have careers...

why were you blacklisted?

Which college?

How to Evade Cancel Culture: A Guide

1.) Do not post on Twitter. If you must post on Twitter, never post anything about politics, race, or gender

2.) Remind yourself that discussing these topics are fruitless and unprofitable. You cannot influence politics, change people's opinions, or engage in enlightened discourse. The only benefit to be gained from them is to repeat the accepted lines in order to virtue signal

3.) Never apologize. Apologies in this instance are acts of submission that vindicate the retributive PC mob. It gives the witch hunt legitimacy.

4.) If you simply can't resist arguing with a SJW, attack them for the style of their thoughts, the way their thinking is organized, rather than its content. Because attacking the content will be seen as racist/sexist/bigoted.

5.) Remember that everything is offensive these days. Being offended is a mode of coercion and control. If you are white and male you are not allowed to be offended, but you are allowed to be stubborn and unrepentant.

All white people are complicit in white supremacy by default, specially those who take refuge behind the facade of private individualism or use marxism and leftism to avoid a serious confrontation with their own whiteness. You dont know what it feels like to be really dehumanised, when you are used to privilege equality feels like oppression. Dont be politically correct because the white dudes will turn into mass shooters! Why do you never hear this about any other demographic? You are entitled you are fragile and oversensitive. If anything we need more political correctness not less.

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why do you faggots feel entitled to living in our countries? If we're so bad why do you move en masse from your shitholes to where we live and then cry about us apparently being evil but stay here and keep moving here?

Stay triggered loser.

>Why do you never hear this about any other demographic

America is built on stolen land and genocide white supremacist terrorism is very real. European civilisation was built on colonialism and genocide. You are an unapologetic white supremacist, you dont like it when other people assert their basic humanity under a situation that is already unjust to tge extreme.

Wow I'm sure glad I never went to Yea Forums.

Do you understand what the word "supremacy" entails? Hint: it's not "just chilling around with my fellow race-people and not mixing too much".

Ever country in the world is built on "stolen" land because every people on earth wages war.

And why do you feel entitled to living in Norway or Sweden?

Also every country on earth is stolen land, they were not the first people to live there, they invaded brutally, why do you only judge white countries for this?

Why is one’s humanity meaningful? Your entire worldview is based on unjustifiable premises?

>is defined irl
That's the way it actually happens. If you express any kind of positive sentiment about white people youll be called a nazi.

Most black people in the US were born there you know...

Specially considering recent events people, specially those with marginalised identities are justifyied in perceiving you as a threat. Its up to you to prove you are not a threat. grumbling or cynicism about cancel culture or muh political correctness is definitely and reasonably seen as a threat when coming from you.

for example the Bantu brutally conquered large parts of Africa, should those countries be made to pay reparations to their minorities? Should the Bantu have to subsidize the Bushmen and Pygmies and whoever else? do you even think of the Bantu as real agents who should be held responsible for their actions like white people, or are they merely eternal victims to the white devil?

We don't owe you a single fucking thing. Go fuck yourself you whining rat

It's wager it's only how it is used on Twitter and related platform, which is far from irl, indeed it's almost the opposite of it. And the racialist who actually borrow from Twitter lingo and call themselves supremacist when they just want small all-white communities are completely cucked, not that it is surprising.

Ultimately the best reaction is to take a step and realize twitter is for the most part a hotbed of irrelevance. It matters to the relatively small world of global (American and associated) celebrities. You don't need to be on twitter. You don't need to care about twitter. You don't even need to be in a uni that overwhelmingly support that shit. And you certainly don't need to use their twisted language preferences as a reference. Most of the shit you see on twitter is met with a roll of eyes outside of it, even from people who sympathize with their causes.

Not him, but I personally think we should make reparations for any wrong done in history, including to bacteria, who are our phylogenetic ancestors and our comrades-in-biomes.
Start the unviersal hierarchised compensation system now! Pay back what you owe to the sun's nucleons!

And should white people consider blacks a reasonable threat when they murder way more of us on average than we do them? Is that also allowed? Oh no, that's racism and unthinkable, but your highly specious 'pattern' or white supremaist attacks is fine to go by.

Literally fucking off yourself

If you care more about being owned in twitter than about literal white supremacist violence you are probably entitled and privileged as fuck and deserve to feel way more shame and discomfort than you currently feel. This is nothing next to what a trans person or an immigrant feel

white supremacist violence kills a tiny fraction of the amount that black men kill in the US every year, why do you care more about one than the other?

Immigrants have no right to even be here in the first place, why dont you go to China or Japan and complain you feel marginalized?

Thrse fucks are literally responsible for every alt right shooter. When someone can't speak then what are they supposed to do exactly?

>not only did I have random strangers following me, harassing me at events, etc. for political reasons
America sounds like a shithole

I think that’s the goal. Back then into a corner, and then use the backlash as a justification to stomp them out once and for all.

What are some books that expose the expression of desire to relate via meaningless cliches that aren't tl;dr?

Jesus is a mythological and historical figure, but queers and people of color and women are real and fearing for their lives right now because of people like you

Why do they deserve to fell otherwise?

I hope for your sake that you're just baiting

Enough people believe it that it’s worth taking seriously at all times.

its the same mental effect. its the information age. it doesnt matter because jesus couldve been a real person or not, just like these 'marginalized groups' and it wouldnt matter because i never met them. its no coincidence you share the same evangelical drive. you are deus volting allahu akbaring in the name of phantasms. worse is expecting anonymous words online to believe it. youre the internet version of door to door church recruiters. the world is diverse and wider than your website tailored bubble feed.

"trash" as defined by a bunch of bourgeousie limpwristed faggots who spend years in adult daycare to avoid having a real job.

modern man is satiated, which allows for profound neuroticisms previously reserved for only the most privileged children of wealth. that many men reject these superfluous social decrees as the unnatural hurdles to truth and transcendence that they are, absolutely infuriates the modern nihilist, who rejects truth, beauty, and transcendence for the sake of self-indulgence.

tldr fuck trannies

You are literally saying whites are guilty until proven innocent, which is flat out illogical and not how burden of proof works, buddy.

Also a good chunk of the southwest was populated by Mexicans before the US conquered it. White nationalism really doesn't hold water.

>attack them for the style of their thoughts, the way their thinking is organized
or don't, because then they'll just call you a gaslighter and harasser and silencer

Faggot, fuck you
