How do I stop spending my life drinking cheap rum and playing doom mods on my potato laptop?

How do I stop spending my life drinking cheap rum and playing doom mods on my potato laptop?

How do I even begin changing myself.
How do you learn to like to read with an adhd riddled mind

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>drinking cheap rum and playing doom mods on my potato laptop
Sounds comfy desu

Too comfy

>drinking cheap rum and playing doom mods

Give your life to Jesus
Go to a community college and get advice from a counselor.
There is hope!

Begin reading *good* short fiction. Branch out, read a chunk of what's on offer, then use that base to work into longer fiction, and more engaging non-fiction (homage to catalonia is a cliché, but still a great starting point).

start with Fiction, even cheesy one. I started reading when i was 18 with "world war z" and then i started reading more complex stuff.

Pick up some short stories, Chekhov and Tolstoy are great

Habit. It's brutal to change. Try doing something positive for a few minutes each day. Never skip a day. Build off that.

I don't know if it'll work for you but it worked for me.

What I did was take on responsibilities for other people. I joined the committee of a few clubs I'm in, said I would host a potluck, promised to help others with various tasks etc.

What I found was that while I am terrible at setting goals for myself and completing them, I am rather good at living up to my promises to others, and good at helping others accomplish stuff. I enjoy doing it, and it's helped my social life and career a lot, and it also has given my life a lot of structure.

I think it worked for me because while I didn't care about disappointing myself, I did care about disappointing others who were counting on me.

Think of things you want to read about

Fanfics, smut, long greentext, erp, doesn't matter

After you get hooked is only up from there

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Life isn't homework. Even a good breadth of reading under your belt could just addle your mind further. First consider why you want to change your life (what's wrong with what you do now?) and why you want to improve yourself (what, if you're honest, do you want from yourself/life?); if you're honest, it should lead you in a direction where you can start accumulating to yourself accomplishments of value. You don't have to exhaust yourself but put in some effort and hold yourself accountable--it won't be hard if you actually want something of yourself. The practice of doing something you find meaningful is achieving it, don't worry about long-term goals. Distinguish between achievement and ego. If you just want to seem smart because it's allegedly a route to... What? Importance? Influence? Argumentation? You've already come in too late.

People don't change unless their gray matter gets fucked or some shit.

Save up for a better computer, then you can drink cheap rum and play Far Cry 5 on your Aryan superPC.

why would you need to change it? i mostly do """""productive"""""" things in my daily life and its just the same shit

Based and tradpilled

Nothing gives me greater pleasure than waking up in the morning, pouring myself some coffee, taking an adderall, and just plowing through a good book

lmao I'm not trad in the least, I just care about other people more than I care about myself tbqh. I'm perfectly happy spending the entire day in my room jacking off or watching tv but I can't stand the idea that I'd let my friend down by not sending him the notes he asked for, or not setting up a party for my uni's debate society.

By giving myself obligations to other people I'm learning how to set expectations and standards for myself. I don't think this approach works for everyone though because you need to have friends/family to be obligated to in the first place.

Life has not been wasted as long as you play Sunlust

don't stop drinking rum, do however, stop playing video games
I would suggest taking a break from the internet altogether and reading (preferably outdoors, as it helps immensely with concentration) some short stories

>doom mods
Ahh, Tf2 *cracks open beer*

Write stories. Then ask someone to read what you wrote (after it spell-checks) and have them give you a recommendation.

Or read short stories like me. Murakami and Carver, ungh.

Read "Notes From Underground" by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. You'll be reading in no time.