So... I'm taking english/lit classes at Uni, and I'm really fucking sick of the entire year being spent on just critiquing everything instead of actually writing and constructing, everyone is just vilely deconstructing and it's pretty downing. I asked my Prof about this and he says author's intention doesn't mean anything and however you, the individual interprets it, is how it is and to build your criticism around your interpretation. I feel like this entire thing is regressive, very regressive. I don't mind some critique, one or two book critiques a semester is fine, but not 9 hours a week. Anyone else have this issue?
Why is English/Literature based on Critique?
Yes, this was almost exclusively what my English degree consisted of. I’m most grateful for the few classics we went over like Sir Gawain and Candide. My classes on American Lit familiarized me with many great authors but most of what we did in class was simple analysis and peer review. I was constantly asking myself questions about how could there possibly be any philosophical dimension to any of the texts we went over if it was all open to be interpreted.
are you two retarded
read barthes and then try again
Being a lit major doesn't mean fuck all in terms of writing. I've met many that can't write for shit while I dropped out after a a year and now write for a living. If you want to be a writer, write.
So don't take those classes. Honestly what did you expect? Critique is what the discipline is about, you don't learn how to write new works, you learn how to study works and add to the discourse. If you don't think that's valuable then fuck right off and study something else. Most universities here offer some kind of creative writing class, take that instead.
Or did you just come here to say "haha universities, amirightguyz"
>I'm taking classes in Literary Theory
>We only critique, instead of writing or '''constructing'''!
i think you're just a retard who didn't understand what course he signed up for. You want a degree called 'creative writing' lmao
>thinking all literature is, is critique
>not realizing there are many angles of literature just not personal criticism
>thinking all there is to english and literature is deconstruction
I don't get it? there's a-lot between "shitting on everything because of a personal interpretation" and "adding discussion to an already created works". why are you two so defensive? are you mad that the only thing your degree did for you is made you more cunty than you were before?
Did you want creative writing or rhetoric/composition? English Lit is about critical study of English lit. Writing and creative writing programs are their own thing, or at least their own classes.
From your description, it sounds possible that your professor offered a narrow scope of what critical study can entail (one framework), but you also might just be retarded.
If you study a course called 'English/English Literature', you're essentially signing up for a course on LITERARY THEORY like I said, retard. That's what it is. So yes 'criticism' is integral. The rest of your views on what literature is I couldn't give less of a shit about, since that's ancillary to the actual thing being discussed itt (English Lit courses in uni)
The reason I and presumably this other user are mad, is because you don't actually know what the object you're talking about, is. Hence the distinction between CREATIVE WRITING and ENGLISH LITERATURE.
>t. mad criticism major working at starboicks
lmao, how does it feel you spent 4 years in college learning how to personally interpret nonsensical lines to write a 10 page essay about that essentially boils down to personal projection?
I don't care about your gay projection just do a little research on what an Eng Lit course actually is, it's not hard. Perhaps then you'll feel less need to autistically spam this 'personal interpretation' faggotry you seem so obsessed with.
I did english lit retard, I just expounded on lines and made up bullshit to correlate it modern issues and toxic cultural norms and passed it with an A, entirely pulled everything out of my ass. The entire interpretation point is retarded and allows anyone who knows how to bullshit & write technically correct to pass
Well done, you went to a shit college and coasted by choosing not to learn any theory and/or the various interpretive schools, accruing student debt for a degree you consider bullshit. What do you want, a medal? Enjoy your self-confessed job at starbucks.
lmao it's a college you wouldn't get accepted to, it amazes me that you think that isn't how everyone else passes, english lit criticism across the board is expounding on lines -> correlation > explaining correlation > more topical the cultural issue & passionately involved the professor is in it = the higher grade, the only thing you need is proper flow and essay structure, that's everywhere you fucking muppet, and it's retarded, and everyone with an IQ above 110 can pass on first draft
and btw, thanks for projecting your starboicks criticism major onto me, got so defensive you held that line in-between your critical theory butt-cheeks, how does it feel that uni only made you into more of a cunt than you were before? you didnt even build any skills lmao
I think these are different disciplines. If you get an MFA it's all writing. English Lit is the study of what came before.
> it's a college you wouldn't get accepted to
>more topical the cultural issue & passionately involved the professor is the higher grade you get
The point of the thread was the difference between Eng Lit and Creative Writing, no one cares about your diaryposting you boring cunt.
Finish your manuscript.
Do multiple drafts.
Take it to somewhere like Critique Circle and have it critiqued while editing and proofreading other manuscripts.
Do more drafts and improve your work.
Work with a developmental editor or find an agent.
Even creative writing courses are shit, you can learn everything you need watching YouTube videos.
> Boo hoo some user on a forum thinks I'm a cunt oh no
Wah wah could you cry any more Jesus. I work for my family business if you're that interested you massive faggot.
how am I diary posting if I'm directly responded to your critique major posts? you are interpreting my words and projecting onto them... I guess your major did teach you something.
of course you're working for daddy, you wouldn't have got a job anywhere else being college educated in personal interpretation
My man
>thinking all literature is, is critique
That shows you have no idea wtf you're talking about. The rest, I don't care about.
thats what I said you dumb retard, you're just copy and pasting shit cause I hurt your 80IQ feelings, I'm arguing against you, you can't goal post every 5 seconds quoting me
Stay mad cunt, I'm sure Starbucks'll keep you busy
is this what they teach you to do in critique major school? lmao, how funny is it that you're just copy and pasting other peoples work and using that as an argument, it's like your entire degree and 4 years was worthless
Hey, I'm studying art history and all it seems to do is critique and analyse existing art; how tiring; when do we finally get to do something constructive and create some art?
Mad I quoted you lol. Pathetic. It's apparently your degree as well either way so your autistic 'insults' mean nothing, only difference is I did it cos I actually like the subject.
>made up bullshit to correlate it modern issues and toxic cultural norms
>and passed it with an A
Sounds like you either took classes with shitty tenured profs who stopped caring or shitty grad students / adjuncts who never started. Just because your college was good, doesn't mean its English department was.
The only way you can type with that sort of palpable bitterness, is if you harbour that bitterness user
I'd actually say I'm quite happy in general user, some people even call me laid back. Read into that whatever you want.
What do you mean "actually writing and constructing"? And why do you think "it's pretty downing" is English?
such Protestantism.
Don't you know the reader can be killed too?