Who was in the right here?

Who was in the right here?

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Fuck off Yook trash

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whats going on here

Me, obviously

Ask your grandfather

The people that realize that divisiveness for the sake of division is pointless and stupid. It's basically the radical centrist meme, but unironically. The whole story is to show that human beings can be tribal to a fault, and will kill and die for ridiculously trivial things in the grand scheme.
Think about battles of antiquity. Hundreds of thousands of people died in minor battles, or minor peasant rebellions. And for what really?
Also, look at what he's doing to that kid! He's fucking indoctrinating him! This is surprisingly deep and multilayered for a kid's story.

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Well I didn't laugh but the cartoon made me feel smart and that's what really matters

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But they both have flags for the duck god...

>It's basically the radical centrist meme, but unironically.

It's myself I'm angry at most of all. You didn't do anything really except remind me that I spend my time browsing a website where this sort of thing passes for an intellectual observation.

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Am I the only one who thought that there were pages missing from the end of this book?

Those willing to fight for their side.

You've clearly got it backwards

>wars are fought over religion
>bugman smooth brain atheist-tier

>wars are fought for land, politics, money, etc. and religion is just used as a justification or propaganda
>you're playing with the big boys now

Also that's a fucking duck. Pretty sure rabbits have mouths and that comic is almost impossibly stupid; God is not an either/or.

Well, the butterside up wouldnt have fallen down like the butterside down. Think about that.


who was in the wrong here?

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pretty sure that's the duckrabbit thinghy

>If we trivialize racial and cultural differences then it will show multiculturalism is good ;) please ignore all the real world failures of though haha ;) ;)

Dr. Seuss was a hardcore 1488 white nationalist though. He's showing how fighting over trivial things like football teams is a distraction from kicking off RaHoWa. Notice the skin tone of the factions?

Why would you eat toast butter side down?

I would never associate with someone who did such a thing.

>tfw no Dr. Suess RTS and city builder

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>tfw Zyklon Ben/Dr. Suess crossover episode

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Imagine growing up during an era where you unquestioningly supported the government in all its decision making and would unhesitatingly put your life on the life because you saw a couple of cartoon pictures of ugly looking germans.

please be bait

>denounce radical centrist blindness
>yeah bro thousands died in peasant rebellions and wars for no reason whatsoever!
Guess those Crusaders and anti-enclosure peasant-rebels and whoever else should've just read more fuckin Dr Seuss eh

Based Seuss knows the '''Holodomor''' is Nazi lies

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please be bait

>actually thinking wars were over god

Lefties and women are cowards, they can’t imagine reasons to fight because if they were ever threatened they would just lose.

you mean the rabbit god

Based Seuss cucked his wife so hard she an hero'd
>One bitch, two bitch, dead bitch, new bitch

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>I am Chad. I am Chad. Chad-I-Am