Do you write?

Hey Yea Forums I was just wondering if any of you write.
If so, what are you writing? How much do you write? What's your routine? Any tips?

I want to eventually publish 100+ books to my name.

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I'm working on a non-fiction book. I've had something like a dozen lapsed book ideas before, but I feel that this one is particularly original, and I'm committed.
The biggest obstacle with this particular thought is that it is an extremely broad, abstract subject, and I don't yet know enough to properly write it, so I can't just gush wordcounts out and trim later; I need to actually read the bibliography I've amassed, and it keeps growing offshoots.
I posted before about possibly losing my job soon, or just quitting, and using the money I've saved to work on it full time for a few months. I had a check-in at work today that went well enough keep me unfired at least until the end of next week, but I'm still not optimistic.
I don't have much of a routine with it except that I have no life outside work and it matches my reading interests regardless so I chip away at it a little ever weekday, and wholly devote my weekends to it.

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>Tfw no archer gf
Why even live

I write gaming news. Usually daily.
I remember reading some guy saying that journalism kills literature. Well, looking at my past writing (before the job), maybe it is better now in some aspect but not in the Yea Forums kind of way, if you understand. I just am surprised at, for example, the vocabulary I used back then and whatnot. It's a strange feeling.

what's your book about desu

I wanna fucking rape her

It would be satisfying to say, but I can't risk compromising my topic, I'm sorry. I know that my friends and family aren't equipped to write it, but someone on here might be.

It will incentivise you to write it quicker so as to outpace them


God I wish a cute girl would sit on me and let me touch her squishy fat parts

I write. I have multiple stories in the works, but the "main" one is a sci fi thing that I've had in my head for quite a few years. It's currently at 120000 words, with only one complete editing pass done. I suspect that it'll be way past 200k when I'm done, so if I ever submit it to an egent or anything like that, I'll probably have to edit it to work as two books instead of just one.

I don't really have much of a process, apart from knowing that what I write during the first draft is complete and utter shite. Editing takes care of that later on (I sometimes just edit instead of write, though). My philosophy is that you can't edit what hasn't been written, so I try to get as much on paper as I can, and not worry too much about quality until I start proof reading and editing later on. Just write, so that you get the outline down. And beware, for the distractions are many. My progress is relatively slow, as work and family don't leave much spare time. But if I happen to publish, I would dedicate it to "My family, my job, and Factorio, without whom this book would have been completed two years earlier"

I compulsively edit while writing, and then periodically return to the same bodies of text and repeatedly reread them aloud and make minute adjustments and rearrangements. I probably edit more than I write, but that means it comes out Baudrillardian, maniacally lovelily lexiphanic.


Asimov published more than 100 books. He should have written less.

I try to get 1000 words a day, which is achievable with some coffee and a couple hours spare time. Although I have found that it does infringe on my reading time, since I am usually not in the mood to read on a day of writing.

I'm writing erotica to publish on Amazon. I've only published 3 books and have had barely over £3 in profit, lmao, but I'm mainly using this as an excuse to improve my writing skills and, hey, who knows, maybe I'll strike gold with one of my books some day.

I write essays and short fiction, some of which I've had published, as well as that typical novel I'm probably never going to finish. My work hours change weekly and fluctuate wildly so it's hard for me to maintain any fixed routine. The biggest tip is to write daily even if you dont have the energy for it. You can edit a bad piece later, but you cant edit a piece you haven't written.

What kind of erotica? How many words are they usually and how long does it take to write. Do you make your own covers?
"you cant edit a piece you haven't written."
This rings home to me.

Thanks guys.

Slice of life NYC 2105 cyberpunk urban dystopia story about the life and times of a 13 year old girl navigating the rough streets of gangs, clone equal rights protests and trying to score stolen tech from megacorp trucks and warehouses. Tentatively titled “Sarah of the barricades” it’s the untold story of the mother of the MC of my spaceopera series.

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That sounds pretty cool. How much headway have you gotten through?

everyone thinks they have the best idea for a book. no one is going steal your shit.

All I know is, it's my best idea so far, and so far as I know it has no equivalent

About two chapters

I write short fiction that I never publish and keep for my own amusement. My writing schedule is practically nonexistent, but generally I write at least once per day. I'm a very indecisive writer, as I tend to not only type out 1,500+ words within 20 to 30 minutes only for me to completely delete said 1,500+ words in their complete entirety, only because I decided that suddenly I didn't like what I wrote.

How the fuck do I stop being so unfaithful to my own work? I have an idea for something that I latch onto, write approximately around 1,500 words then delete it because I had another idea that I caught my interest.

Makes me want to literally consume a book page by page until I can actually keep a story idea that I'm happy with.

Why don't you write the 1500 words as separate prompts and then at the end of the week commit to one for at least 5000 words?

Just finished the first draft of a ninety page screenplay. Zulu meets a science-fantasy / western setting.

I've 250+ screenplay pages = 3 complete scripts for a comedy fantasy serial adventure. I'm 95% done with adapting the first episode into a full radiodrama episode clocking in at 1hr25mins.

I've started plotting out a huge Alien/Blade Runner/Terminator (and other dark sci-fi) story epic about a wholesome family that gets disbanded across the universe.

I have my method down.

Plot outline > first pen to paper draft > computer word redraft > possible book adaptation from there.

“Space Gibbs” the intergalactic welfare check saga

>What kind of erotica?
Vanilla shit mostly. I try to make it more story-oriented and literary though. Writing the sex scenes is the most mundane part.
>How many words are they usually and how long does it take to write
My most recent one is 8k words, and my previous two are around 4-5k. I started by writing not more than 500 words a day but I can safely get 1000 now.
>Do you make your own covers
Yeah. I just download free pics for commercial use and edit them on an online "book cover maker" website. You won't believe how easy it is to make a decent looking cover for free in 5 minutes with minimal effort.

Finishing down my last changes and editing for my Nephilim Babylonian High-Priestess saga. In discussion with some Eastern european artists for cover art and will probably send it to the publisher soon.
Not telling the name of the book because its too good and yalld gonna steal it.

Gimme that tentacle shit boyo, easy on the slime, and dont make it consentual.

No, I only consume. Same with music, I don't make any, just consume it.

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I've been writing novels for 14 years, mostly for myself though I've self-published some so friends could own and read them.

I write about three days a week. I usually write one scene a day. My first draft scenes are usually 900-1500 words long, subsequent drafts usually bring them to around 1300-2200 (overlooked details, but also scene merges). My first drafts are usually 40-50k and subsequent drafts end up being about 60-80k. Needless to say, my first drafts are sometimes blurry and nonsensical because I don't allow myself to look back at what I have until I'm finished.

I know it can be sacrosanct to admit, but I don't write unless I feel like it. I'll go days and sometimes a week or two without writing or thinking about writing, but I always get to thinking about a story and come back to write. I've found forcing myself to write makes my writing bad, plain and simple. In my estimation, the only reason someone would force themselves to write daily is if they're hoping to publish lots of books in a short time; hoping they'll be able to support themselves with their writing. I think that's pretty unreasonable for most people and only causes burnout. I enjoy writing and I don't enjoy it when I'm forcing myself.

>adapting the first episode into a full radiodrama
I want to know more about the method you're using to record and create the drama

I quit today and I am ecstatic. I fully intend to deadbeat for at least a month, and I'm incredibly excited to more seriously work on my writing.

I am halfway the final book of my fantasy novel (4 parts) that I have self published in Amazon.

When I am writing I try to do 1000 words per session, when work gets in the way at least I will try to do a couple evenings a week.
When I don't feel like writing, I will write outlines or just think about where the story should go.

My goal is to h do a big push during this month to get to the final section so It's done before end of year.

The story is set in Renaissance Europe, but history has been altered, the main character is an outsider so she doesn't have a reason to care about the changes, but her identity and what has happened are one and the same mystery to the reader.

The characters are reluctant adventurers so I will throw problems at them while they are on the road to where they think they need to go.

Today I decided they will reach a town where a murder-mystery has happened. It's my first novel and I am throwing different genres in the mix because why not.

Who is she?

I write fanfiction. i suck at it but its a lot of fun.

>quit today
>"""intends""' to ""work" on his """"writing"""
>already wasting all his time on Yea Forums, delaying the work


My current project is a book of 3 thematically linked historical novellas. I finished the first one a couple days ago (30k words) and have an urge to plunge into the second one but I need to do more research first.

Shut up and fuck off

Sounds lame

The only way she could be hotter is with a bionic arm

What writing software do you use? I work a lot like that, and I believe using scrivener has somehow molded me into writing this way. I don't believe that is a bad way to go about, but I feel like it would be different if I used word.

Keep us updated user, i'm curious

I have tried in the past. I usually write 2-4k words worth of material and then I give up. I think I have the ability to write something good enough, my drafts seem fine to me, but I lack the motivation so after I spend it all in a few days I just give up.

Also doesn't help that all my plot idea end up feeling stupid and unoriginal so o don't feel motivated in following them. And every time I try to put some smart twist or something along those lines I see all the logic problems it would cause and can't get out of it while feeling like it makes sense. I mean, I've seen tons of stories with holes the size of what I have, but I don't want to make something that's good enough because people will gloss over it or think "well the rest was good enough", I want to be proud of it and exceed expectations.

Who is this semen demon?

>got in touch with an amateur (but decent) narrator willing to record the 68 page script
>he does
>go through an online casting process where I hire five actors who do various roles in the script, they all work for expenses
>some I did recording in person at my home, hired a sound guy for the day for expenses, was going to hire again for more money, but had what I needed anyway
>got in touch with a uni student who does the score for free
>i edit all the recordings together along with the narration and music and and sound fx
>it all comes together pretty well has taken a long time almost a year and a half to do the first episode because of the nothing-budget and I'm doing all the editing on my own

I'm just waiting for a little more dialogue from one actor and the second half of the score from the composer and it'll be done. Will probably need to get a nice poster made for sharing the video version of the audiodrama around.

Anyone ever try to submit something to Baen? Word is they'll publish anything that they think will sell. Seeing their titles, that sounds about right

Be your on archer gf, user

What said, but unironically. The money is in the non-consensual, furry, LGBT stuff.


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I'm writing "Something Happened" but it's about me instead of bob slocum.

Have ya had any success so far user? sounds interesting

I use scrivener as well, and I think it's been pretty important in the way I write. When I was younger, I used yWriter, which is very similar to scrivener, so it got me thinking in scenes. I don't think it's been detrimental at all, I actually think it had a positive effect on the way I go about things. Moved to scrivener because the export function is the nicest thing in the world, can't live without it now

No, I plan on submitting to genre publishers once I am done. Self publishing is really easy but to exist on amazon does nothing by itself.

>but to exist on amazon does nothing by itself
Yeah, this. I put my first two novels up on amazon when I finished the second drafts and I've gotten about three sales in the past five years. Unless you market them before and after and pay for advertising and shill it and what-not, it's pointless.

Don't make the same mistake I did, anons.

I've owned a guitar for years but I'm finally getting into learning it, and the bass, properly. I made friends with some music peeps who are teaching me alongside my own studies. I hope I'll get to a decent level soon so we can start a band. As much as I love writing, performing the songs I love and putting all my passion into it seems more like the ultimate life goal to me.

I've been working on a treaties for some time now. I have almost completed the manuscript. Without tooting my horn too much I believe it is the greatest contribution to this field in the better part of a century. Certainly it is the greatest work in the field this millennium.

I won't make any money from it, but I could easily turn it into the basis of an academic career if I can get someone to take a chance on me.

Almost every day I set a timer for 15 minutes, I write about 250 words or so. Editing afterwards is really annoying but at least I have enough material to work with

Start a diary, it will build up experience and a habit.

I'm in the process of writing a book, and I feel like I'd benefit from critical feedback and somebody to discuss ideas with. Essentially, I want an editor. Friends and family are obvious choices but none of mine are big readers. How would an amateur writer find and approach a freelance editor? Failing that, can somebody recommend an alternative arrangement?

I write and self-publish erotica novellas on Amazon. I make about 1000 bux a month from it

routine-- I have very irregular hours for my day job so it's hard to nail down a daily writing routine. But in my free time I follow the pomodoro method and shoot for 4000 words a day

Is erotica literally the only thing that sells?

If you'd like, you could also sell your body

I so want to be part of a literary movement. Like a good one, you know? Not an existing one, but one I can be a founding member of. Everyone will help improve each others work and we'll be motivated to write not simply to publish but because there's a group of people waiting at the end of the week o read your work, and you're waiting to read theirs.

Now that would emphatically not sell

>what are you writing?
Cats on a clone of Yea Forums doing user stuff and the mythology they built around memes.
I'm also thinking of writing Touhou doujins. I love Touhou but can't find any fan made literatue. I feel confident I could do alot with Touhou's cast of weirdos but at the same time I want to have my own setting and characters.
>How much do you write?
It can take as much as a mouth and a half for 1k words of lolcat myth.
I have sub-human spelling, a day job and stupid normis that are good at wasting my time.
Any tips?
Invest in good tools and workflow. The more I systematize my writing the smoother it got.

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Bumping for this.

yeah I write. after years of writing perfect shit i feel my style is finalky solid enough to start gathering stories into a book.
probably gonna self publish and hand out to friends.