Wut r ur favurit boks?

wut r ur favurit boks?

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Güd büx

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liek wut?

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conundrums by knud hamson

. . . .


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mobey dek
lotr of the rengs
bros kramarazov
loevcraft niggerman an frens
wutering heigs

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I liek his furs 1 "pls gib more tendies"

bok of discumfy

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boks aer boks fren

alle boks aer equlel

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Da wons buy Carl Mark!

left off eden

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Herry botr

infibit jest by daved fustor wulace

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cunt mote crist
day o'triffis

Mein kampf by uncle Adolf :)

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cheng xiong xiang de zong

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Currently reading Flowers for algenon and it’s really good.

Island by Huxley is my favourite though

>flowers for algenon
good man


Gud tays egcept dustyfski. mebbe u liek pirates boks liek trezure iland? i liek em moar then dustyfski, moar swushbukkled.

The short story and not the novel, I hope

Anything by Dostoyevsky usually does the trick for me. I wasn't a big fan of The Idiot, but everything else he has written really hits the nail on the head concerning the totality of our existence.

I really like his short stories. My favorite book of his is Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov comes a close second.

I like taking the time to read the nonfiction works of George Orwell and Christopher Hitchens.

I am currently reading some proto feminist literature from the 18th and 19th century (some John Stuart Mill and Mary Wollstonecraft), and am about halfway through Dostoyevsky's Demons.

Hopefully with the next two weeks of vacation time I have to myself I can finish up all three of my current ventures, and then move onto some Jane Austen and Turgenev.

Asterux seerees
Blak Widowere seerees
Hych Hykers Gyde seerees
Rendayvoo wif Ramma
Lenurd Burnsteen boox on klasical musik