He's right

He's right


Attached: Screenshot_20190814-142146_Twitter.jpg (1073x485, 163K)

What is the difference? I browse mu but not x. I agree that both mu and lit are shit boards that could be way better

literally who

X is the best board for schizos, we should really take a page from their book

I havent been on /x/ in years. Is it still equal parts shizos, religious nuts and baiters?

Why would anyone give a flying fuck? This board is predominantly shitposting what kind of insipid moron gives this place a seconds consideration
Nothing of value comes to or leaves here

>what kind of insipid moron gives this place a seconds consideration
Egirls like r.cam who want to farm money and attention from beta orbiters by appealing to nebulous shared identities.

Different kind of schizo

stop shilling us for more followers you tranny

I choose to follow him. OSINT exists for a reason.

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that comma usage sure do betrays someone who wrote Selfie, Suicide

A lot of anti-natalist/atheist/nihilist imbeciles also. The philosophy majors found us

male thot

>argument wasn't presented in the form of a soijack strawman
No, he isn't

Yea Forums is more mentally ill now than it's ever been


It's pretty lucid stuff though, completely different from the legit psychosis you see on /x/, /r9k/ and /pol/

/x/ is fucking dogshit and has been horrible for most of this decade.
Used to be a really fun paranormal board with spooky stories and pictures and some conspiracy theory stuff.

Now the board is 100% legitimately schizophrenic autists making ASK A TULPA/ANGEL/SKINWALKER/GOD ANYTHING threads.
at least Yea Forums discusses music and shares it.

Yea Forums as a board, failed, by taking Yea Forums as its model instead of [s4s].

Attached: BHB.jpg (500x375, 45K)

/x/ reads like the script to a truck stop rest area full of redneck wiccans and crystal gazers

R Cam is literally the trashiest member of his clique and the most pseud

>twitter pseud posts
stop making these threads

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twitter is one of the few places on the web that is measurably worse than "Yea Forums-during-USA-daytime-hours" and 'intellektual' subreddits

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Logo we can see that this is you by the way you reddit space your posts

yeah if anything it should have been

>lit, as a board, failed to...


> Yea Forums as a board by taking /mu as its model instead of /x/.

Wow you really know how to use commas user. Nice job.

no but good guess

Most people don't really give a fuck about punctuation on Twitter, though. Stop sperging around.