How do I become Catholic?

How do I become Catholic?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Read the Bible, get baptized, pray, attend service

repeatedly bang your head against a wall until you feel your IQ has dropped enough, then

rape some choirboys

This desu

Find a Church near you and start speaking with the priest, while studying the catechisms. If you find yourself agreeing with the catechisms, but unfomfortable with the priest, look for a parish that might align more with your spiritual needs. However, if you find yourself struggling and fighting with the catechisms, do not change parishes, for it is likely that you will continue to talk to new priests until one of them tolerates your misinterpretations of the catechisms. Also importantly, although it is good to read these things on your own, you must enter into a true catechetical program in the parish you wish to join, so that you might be taught by someone with experience. They will also help prepare you for life as a Catholic, and hopefully will have knowledge of other resources for your questions and fears. These of course are only the ordinary actions. The most essential thing, not just for you, but for all, is to desire the glorification of God. Recognize that if God is the creator, then he is by nature All Powerful, and All Good; this means that he is deserving of all your praise.

choose orthodoxy


its the real church. Catholics messed up their theology and that led to the current state of nonsense in it.
Pick up an orthodox study Bible go to a church and you will find out the difference in immense. Especially compared to clown and banjo mass.

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Sign up for RCIA at a local church. It starts up soon. And then by Pentecost you'll be Catholic

Yeah but then I would be associated with the internet Orthodox and they're worse than Calvinists when it comes to being smug cunts.

If they are orthodox, why must they call themselves orthodox? Is it not a bit like some diner in New York putting up a sign saying World's Best Coffee?


Western Orthodox are LARPers

t. KGB agent

we can call ourselves Catholics if we want, does not change what we are. But you wont understand who we are talking about.

How did the Pope go from calling Crusades against invaders to this?

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That's nothing compared to a significant portion of the Orthodox being controlled by the Turks.

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This is the only true answer in this mess of a thread.

Contact your local parish, they'll sort you out.

You are going to mass tomorrow, right Yea Forums?

It's call humility user, it's a virtue.
Check out some Jay Dyer to see the real differences and why Catholic doctrine falls apart under inspection. He great talks about The Bible and theology.