tl;dr on this gentleman?
Tl;dr on this gentleman?
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TLDR: he was right, and we will pay the price for not heeding his warnings
That's a crisis actor, the real Marx died in 1883
whitewashing Marx again eh??
-Threw away a lawyer's career, disappointing his entire family, because he was too lazy and wanted to write a book on why lazy people like him shouldn't have to work
-Hated the proletariat but wanted the proletariat to fight a revolution for him so that he wouldn't have to work
-Four of his kids died because he was too lazy to get a job. Became the first good communists. Survivors later committed suicide.
-Objectively wrong on the nature of Value, thus obliterating his own ideology.
-Living proof that Judaism is a gene and not a religion.
-Awful poet.
-Worse than Bakunin.
-Died in agony on the dirt floor of his shitty house, as he deserved.
-Only thing he ever did right was call a nigger a nigger once.
>Only thing he ever did right was call a nigger a nigger once.
Based but not redpilled
being a lawyer isnt a real job though
one of the better jews. successfully sold his drivel praxis to 6 gorillion asian bugmen
Why should anyone trust a Marxist when they're open about the objective of their work being not the understanding of the world but it's changing?
They will always publish and say what is better set to effect such change, regardless of factual basis.
He was a jew.
>Always got money on his mind
Good little merchant
You and your religion of toads and pigs ruin this world. We’re well on our way to extinction because of your filth. Change is the one constant in the universe. (Not “death and taxes”)
Now kindly get into the dustbin.
He was a racist racist racist man and the world and all he accomplished in the small amount of time God alloted him was craft a diabolical mode of thinking that make criminals king.
take your meds
So are your heroes
>He was a racist racist racist man
? My heroes are not evil they fear god and respect the people you are the racists that is all communism does you make the world worse and blame us but we are not done your done.
Name them, coward.
Kill yourself you fucking marxist piece of dog shit motherfucker
God Jesus and the Holy spirit
blames the bourgeoisie for everything with no evidence and bases his economic beliefs on a retarded assumption that cant be demonstrated, gets called a deep and innovative philosopher for some reason. absolutely bluepilled
Fucking read a book for once, you fucking ideologue poseur
These are fictional characters, but yes, they are notoriously racist
The SYSTEM that makes the classes. We change it and there’s no ned for the bloodshed anymore. And I’m referring to the bloodshed that capitalism pours.
>Option A: Human race is gradually absorbed by niggers and becomes the color of shit with an average IQ in the low 70s
>Option B: Extinction
If you'd like to offer a third position... Frankly the time to choose that option was in the late 1930s.
Didn't you admit that you haven't read Capital?
>Dude isn't it weird that money exists?
capitalists read him and learned how to prevent it because the majority of the proles are spineless stupid slaves who would sell their mother for the illusion of becoming a 1%er or for a 1$ increase in wage.
also the proles of today have phones, peanut butter they bought in bulk because they were on sale from walmart™, ikea™ lamps, a house to be paid with 40 years of labor, social media reputation, a live laugh love portrait and a Himalayan salt lamp to lose, not only chains.
consumerism is like crack but it's subtle, the ussr fell because their faggots wanted pizzahut™ pizza instead of any usual pizza. this shit is so enraging it makes me wish all the proletariat would die only so i can see the porkies fall
Cringe materialist who couldn't see the world beyond 19th century factories
Jesus H Christ talk about fucking literal cancer the post
>half of the post is randonm cultural references
>Young Hegelian
>Turned Hegel's philosophy upside down
>Criticized capitalism
>Didn't figure out that revolutions tend to fall backwards to older regime. Revolutionizing culture is much harder.
/pol/ and I guess most of US treats him like a boogeyman. Likely due to Red Scare.
>hurr durr kill everyone and take their property