Pop Poetry

Are there ANY worthwhile poets on Instagram with even an iota of literary merit? Most of these hacks make a ridiculous amount of money selling t shirts and books despite only writing schmoozy and cliche things.

For example, "I aspire to be - and old man - with an old wife - laughing at old jokes - from a wild youth" - @atticuspoetry

I'm a little mad and jealous. But it made me think, and it made me think a lot. Not so much depressively, but hopefully, in that it's actually possible with minimal creative effort to build a dedicated, monetizable following that could support my true artistic endeavors. If you think about it, a lot of writers out there decided to do other things for money to fund their actual pursuits, some even going so far as to write smut or ten cent paperbacks. And so personally, I've committed to that same path. I'm going to write pop poetry on Instagram and make me some fuckin DOUGH.

Any anons with literary instagrams feel free to post them. If I do shill mine it'll be if the thread blows up and way down the line.

Pic is posted by Atticus. He's got a naked ladyfriend in the tub and he's just sitting there all smug with one of his fucking books. That could be me. It will be me. It could even be you too.

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I didn't read your post but the people in that picture should be executed for being such preening self-absorbed narcissistic faggots.

>worthwhile poets
>on instagram
user please

They're obviously pseud and it even looks like he paid the girl to pose in that bath but let's be real how comfy is it to read to your girlfriend while in bed/bath/tenderly enlaced on a couch? Everyone you should try it at least once.

Absolutely. Once I sat writing with a ladyfriend after she had a rough day, just snuggled on my bro's couch and fell asleep together. Then she woke me up and took me to her place because she wanted to fuck.

Ah. Sentiment.

Yes, very nice. Reminds of that time my ex suggested we lie in my bed reading and cuddling "like cats", in a non sexual way, and after about half an hour of reading and unsexually rubbing against each other I started feverishly fingering her with such efficiency that she soon had to take her panties off for fear that they would be too stained to be worn the next morning.

We're such romantic fools.

is this guy being serious? holy shit

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Don't do it through Instagram. Set up a Twitter account with a connected Patreon. Use a disaffected, lowercase style with minimal punctuation. Dip into lefty Twitter every so often for woke points. They love throwing their money at artists who at least gesture toward progressiveness.

Use some small indie publishing company to publish your writing. Use phrases like "zine" and "chapbook." Make sure to emphasize that they're limited pressings; everybody likes to have something rare, especially if they can get it for cheap.

Instagram is for "poets" more interested in image than substance. At least Twitter is still largely text-centric. It'll be tougher but more rewarding to go that route, in my opinion.

I bet writing the poems would be easy but I think the hardest aspect would be marketing so I hope you are either good looking or can produce a unique aura.

That's the hope. I'm fairly good looking and fit but an absolute fucking moron when it comes to my own personal photos, so I'm not even going to put myself out there that way. I'm going to take a page out of Atticus' playbook and be 'anonymous', without completely hiding my face. I look somewhat asian and so I'll do the chinese dust mask thing half the time and either obscure or hide my face behind lenses/hats for the rest. The plan is to hire a modeling photographer with the money from sales/my job and to build up my image that way.

Wouldn't twitter be restrictive of poetry because of the 140 characters? And isn't the zine chapbook thing dying? I never hear of poets with money that go the publishing house route, I was thinking of doing self publishing and doing some extreme marketing.

How cozy. Last night I shared a glass of wine with your mother, and she brought up your poetry and asked me to read it to her. And so I did after getting my podium from my car, and while I read, she alternately gazed from my face to my waist. What followed I will leave to your guessing. There will always be a place in my heart for a woman who embodies all the virtues of a hoover vacuum.

The melodious evenings...

Twitter's up to 280 characters now, but ideally you'd post links and screenshots to your Patreon or your own website to drive traffic.

Additionally, the Instagram poet phase is dying out.

Is it really? Hallelujah!

Of course, I suppose this doesn't necessarily mean people will start reading real poetry and literature again.

I did a search for twitter poetry and I'm really coming up with nothing. I'm seeing small poets with tiny followings, and some sell chapbooks, but it still looks like instagram is king in terms of content sharing. I'm not seeing any articles about twitter poetry except from several years ago. What makes you claim that twitter is better for poetry than instagram?

It's better for poetry of substance because, again, it's still text-centric, while Instagram is all about image. I suppose it really comes down to how cynical you are in approaching this. If it's shallow cash-grabbing you're after then yeah, go for Instagram.

This is all anecdotal, but in my experience Twitter poetry followers tend to at least pretend to give a shit about the art of poetry itself. There's still an aspect of the cult of personality, but it's negligible in comparison to Instagram.

I mean on the one hand, instagram poetry is shite but on the other how fickle are people these days when fads ebb away like a whisper on the wind. like they were never there in first place. It's kinda scary. There's no sense of permanence to anything anymore.

You must be confused because I've never written poetry. You must be thinking of your own mother.

wtf is this even supposed to mean? women want a man's dick but not him? so she wants to buy a dildo?

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I am firm in believing that it was your mother. I believe that at some point within your life, you have claimed that there is no such thing as subjective truth, and I will use this against you. Subjectively speaking, anything may be considered art or poetic, even an essay written by a child when he is six, or seven. And so, despite your humility, and combined with your own admission, you are a poet, and the graded and inked papers your mother handed me bearing your name were the self published chapo's of your youth. I found them remarkable when combined with the sensations that your mother gave me, both mental and emotional in our conversation and wordless exchange.

Now you may claim that, subjectively, I fraternized with my own mother, but forever I will always remember the woman I loved as your mother, who bore you into this world.

*no such thing as objective truth
I apologize for the typo. I hope this will not distract you from my memory of the evenings with your mom.

Why would I WANT to be that? Because he has sycophantic followers?
Let him keep his crowd of morons and his smarmy crap- I’d rather be ignored then admired despite being a pseud

Beautifully put user. I have to concede you're right, since I just stumbled upon a document that proves we are brothers, and have thus the same mother.

I agree but I kinda envy the way he must be cynically fucking naive arthoes who have misplaced their youthful admiration onto his person. Not just for the sex but for the admiration and tender appreciation this kind of relationship brings.

user could you think of someday
despite the smarmy writings so obtuse
of all the art hoes you could soon lay
if you put aside your prideful rules
'I shall not bend! I shall not break!'
said user on his imageboard
'they are posers, they are fake!'
then he jerked it to pics of whores.
user please, consider thus
that love and money are false construction
keep your silence, if you must
unless you know real whores to cum in.

Frankly I don’t think that’s a very admirable wish
On one hand you are idolizing cynicism, on the other these hypothetical art hoes sounds necessarily deluded and ultimately taken advantage of by this situation
This seems to be a perpetuation if that which is admittedly not good so you can get your dick wet and your insecurities assuaged
Not my cup of tea, desu

The next William Blake will post on instagram

I thought he was taking a shit from the thumbnail

There will be no next William Blake, cunt. And if there will be, he will post on /x/ or some obscure forum/image board, not fucking instagram.


Jeez, it was just a joke, had no idea we had Blake-fanatics here.

*snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap*

>And so I did after getting my podium from my car
I laughed internally (it's early and I don't want to disturb anyone).