Are they any good? Are there any books that will teach me how to get a gf?
Anyone actually read PUA/red pill books?
Just be yourself my man :^)
Literally just do the obvious things. Have a decent job, get fit, have hobbies, and then go out and meet people. Anything else is snake oil that doesn’t really work.
they will only make you despise women.
we didn't evolve to be "redpilled" with all the dirty little secrets (of either gender). too much knowledge is bad.
just go out there and be normal and fall in love, also this
I have read "the game" seems plausible but I still try perfecting my looks before doing anything.
maybe get a gf but not maintaining that relationship without ending up a bitter or paranoid nut
1st lesson is to not give a fuck about a specific girl and just fuck as many as possible
you'll end up bitter regardless, though. you get redpilled naturally if you live long enough.
but that's ok, because life isn't about gay shit like "having a girlfriend". the purpose of women is to make babies and you should do something interesting in your life and grow out of this high school "girlfriend" mentality.
For your sake user, I will tell you. They are a waste of time. All of it is just unnecessary knowledge that traps you in your thinking mind. Do NOT follow any of these "influencers". None them can teach anything that is comparable to the way of love and living from your heart. That is the only thing that will make you responsible and get you out of neurotic mental goals and thinking. Nothing compares to love, and it cannot be taught- because it is in-born and you can already do it if you want to by living as the heart (rather than the mind). The "pick-up game" is soulless, unfulfilling and completely ignores love.
If you want a girlfriend, BE love and they will love you. If you are looking to see whether you are being loved or not then you are NOT being love. Be love, live from your heart, and things go naturally on from there.
So to answer your questions: yes I have read them, no they are not good and no they will not teach you how to get a girlfriend. Most of them are just about mental tactics and strategy that will only get in the way. Love is not a mental thing; rather, it is about the heart.
Honestly, dude, you know the answer within yourself: practice talking to girls, dress better, get your hygiene to an impeccable level, work out, and keep career at #1 priority (never put a woman first).
In each area you start making gains. Develop pick up lines or conversation trees. Listen or watch standup to see what i mean. Listen to their tonality and how they deliver punch lines or tell stories to keep the audience interested.
It sounds like a lot so just do a little each day. It's easier with friends.
I personally do not recommend PUA because they're going to tell you the same shit I did just charge you and lie (be in the moment man!). I did the RSD bootcamp and it wasn't worth it. What is worth it is practice and working at it and developing confidence in yourself. I find that using a lot of structure and material I came up with and wrote out beforehand helps a lot.
I have read several. They are complete BS. Most if those people exagerate the succes they have themselves and most can't teach.
Also it teaches a very fucked up mindset.
You are either a retard or a woman
the original Venusian Arts Handbook by Mystery is actually really good. 99% of PU shit is just regurgitated Mystery Method anyway.
Only losers read self-improvement books. Meditate on that.
you're exactly what i'm talking about
only fat people read about diets?
what is your point?
What did you like about it? I think it's not great.
Reading books about diet never made anyone thinner
If you are not fit, tall, at least average looking and have good job/stability then do not bother. I REPEAT. DO NOT BOTHER WITH WOMEN.
it de-mystifies the entire process by breaking it down into his autistic A-C-S model. he also had some nice tidbits about comfort building, not killing sexual tension by making out too much that I enjoyed. plus his overall mindset stuff I got a lot out of reading his old masf archive as well. at the end of the day none of this shit is rocket science though just go out and hit on many gurls if you wanna get laid.
and to add: if you wanna read any PU literature at all then you should probably read the venusian arts handbook as thats what 99% of the shit out there is based on anyway. even the guys who peddled "natural game" were ripping off mystery.
You read them and then use the knowledge to lose weight?
yeah right
come on user it's not that difficult, it's just calories in calories out don't surrender
I've read most of them.
No More Mr Nice Guy
When I Say No I Feel Guilty
Game by Roosh
The RedPill Sidebar and Handbook
AskRedPill sidebar.
If you read all these it's a good base. Will give you actionable steps
Losing weight is super easy, even uneducated children in Africa can do it.
The only problem is that it can be painful.
My friend loaned my Lauren Southern's book and the shit was hilarious. It felt like reading someone's crazy ranting off of /pol/. I was surprised it was properly written, but my fuck it was boring.
I think too much theorizing about sex and dating is counterproductive to the goal. It's all a bunch of guessing what the opposite sex is thinking, what's going on in their subconscious, weaving grand narratives about male-female relations. The world is infinitely complex, and it seems like these people are trying to map it and understand all its laws before they even step foot outside. I think that's the wrong way to go about it. The best way is probably just through experience and intuition. Just do the best you can to make yourself attractive and then feel things out. Better to do that than hang out on a board trading theories with other people who are as inexperienced as you are.