The point of life is sex

the point of life is sex
if you're not having sex
life is not even worth living

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on what basis you assume life has a point ?

>Unironically believed this
>slept with perhaps hundreds just in search of bodily pleasure and to fill the emptiness inside
>tfw STD
>tfw actually fall in love and this beautiful innocent person catches an STD from you before your test results come in.
>dying alone after they leave in disgust.

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the point of life is to end it
if you are having sex
you avoid fulfilling your destiny and postpone it to the next generation

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Ouch user, that sucks. What did you give them?

Sex with who tho?



>tfw never had to pay for sex
>tfw never had to put on a front to lay a girl
>tfw never had to force myself on a girl
>tfw never needed stimulants to please a girl
>tfw have a very cordial friendly relationship with all the girls I’ve gotten sexual with

Feels good to be a Man

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you should definitely try hookers man, it's something else I tell you

You must be 16 if that’s what you think

I’m good bro

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You must be a very happy pokemon

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reminding me how much I hate my life
thanks fren

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>tfw no libido because of medication
>tfw its for severe epilepsy so I can't stop taking it

No, the point of life is having kids. It just so happens that you have to have sex to have kids.
Have kids.

>Still a fat kissless virgin
Just want to end it senpai

it's never too late user, just enjoy the process

What is the point of sex?

OP is trolling, but there are people who really believe that to have a good life you need sex with multiple people and alcohol/drugs.
Then, they wonder why they become depressed