Life is beautiful

Life is beautiful

Attached: D1BCFA03-B13D-4C9C-BABF-62FF4E1F5DE6.gif (499x374, 649K)

Life is fucking ugly and miserable

It's both, my dudes

Attached: Tao Te Ching.jpg (1220x1917, 385K)

Not as beautiful as your sister though.

the point of life is sex
if you're not having sex
life is not even worth living


based sex user poster

I agree phoneposter

or fapping

I agree
Procreation is everything

My sister is very beautiful indeed thank you.

God is Beauty

Attached: Plotinus .jpg (262x361, 31K)

Life is an illusion. Only the experience of our existence and it's conditions exists, which is all tied to our biology. This experience is, the vast majority of the time, suffering and painful. Intelligence and conscientiousness is an aberration and is an enormous "mistake". Any rationalization of this is simply the natural cope and response of intelligence to it's uselessness.

Thanks user, I trust you

beautiful is beautiful. life can be ugly and beautiful or anything in between


There's glimpses of heaven in every day

Says my words

La vida es bella

yes, i can confirm this.

Even but one good virtuous life makes all existence, and all the suffering, justified.
