name me a better Nippon writer, protip u can't
no joke, give me some pretty good Japanese writer that isn't the last samurai
I am currently reading Dazai and he's nice and gives me some childhood memories
Name me a better Nippon writer, protip u can't
Kawabata, Yasunari. Like him. Somewhat mellow. Touching.
Tanizaki, Junichiro. Pretty good. Quite self-indulgent at times.
Soseki, Natsume. Father of modern Japanese literature. Botchan is his best work.
Ryunosuke, Akutagawa. Chekhov but Japanese. Famous for his short stories. Grab the Penguin collection.
gay and cringe
kobo abe
yasurani kawabata
haruki murakami
ryu murakami
banana yoshimoto
kenzaburo oe
osamu dazai
kazuo ishiguro
all superior to the nazi faggot mishima
Any Shusaku Endo fans on Yea Forums?
If Mishima wasn't retardedly obsessed with his ideals nobody would read his work. That's not the mark of a truly great author.
you had me until murakami baka
murakami is entry-level, but he's still better than mishima
Unironically Nisioisin
I am not gonna read a cumbrain pedophile
gonna search those writers out, thanks
name one (1) japanese book with a nicer title
Kimitake Hiraoka
Guys what is the best way to learn to read/write Japanese
spring snow
Murasaki Shikibu and Sei Shonagon
>endou shuusaku
What the fuck was his problem?
Murakami is fucking cringe. Ishiguro Is not japanese. However inclusion of Dazai as better than Mishima Is what showed your true stupidity.
The Decay of the Angel. The Frolic of the Beasts. Death in Midsummer.