Wtf this guy is a genius

wtf this guy is a genius.

Attached: wittgenstein (3).jpg (193x226, 21K)

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He's also really handsome. Every thread that mention him HAS to have his dominant jawline and his protuding jew nose as testments of his beauty. I wish i had him as a friend. I'm not gay, but sometimes i enjoy looking at the male aesthetic. I may be talking with a beautiful friend and i lock my gaze on their eyes for a few moments, letting their beauty imprint itself on me. I wish i could do this with Wittgenstein as we talked about the war, or Plato, or the random girl passing down by the street, or whatever other lowly subject, since i have no talent for STEM trash.

Speaking of Wittgenstein, I'm suffering from this one word.
>Look at a stone and imagine it having sensations.—One says to oneself: How could one so much as get the idea of ascribing a sensation to a thing? One might as well ascribe it to a number!—And now look at a wriggling fly and at once these difficulties vanish and pain seems able to get a foothold here, where before everything was, so to speak, too smooth for it. (in Philosophical Investigations 284)
What did he mean by this? What the fuck he mean by ""smooth""???
In this part of the book(260-290), there is a philosophical discussion about what is consciousness. This is the most explicit part. According to Wittgenstein, He offers the answer of why animals don't have a consciousness - THE "SMOOTH"NESS.
What is this? Isn't this literally "feels over reals" material? What is this?

he's also based and shared a third-grade class with the GOAT Hitler.

How do you pronounce his name? Is the g silent?

I think that he might means smoothness as in that they don't have that rashness that humans are so often attributed with when we see them in pain and their exclaiming and stuff.

Chad Kikestein.

Attached: 1485540935979.jpg (346x450, 22K)

Half his family committed suicide - did they not? He himself struggled with depression did he not?

Ray Monk writes that Karl's aim was to turn his sons into captains of industry; they were not sent to school lest they acquire bad habits, but were educated at home to prepare them for work in Karl's industrial empire.[52] Three of the five brothers would later commit suicide.[53] Psychiatrist Michael Fitzgerald argues that Karl was a harsh perfectionist who lacked empathy, and that Wittgenstein's mother was anxious and insecure, unable to stand up to her husband.[54] Johannes Brahms said of the family, whom he visited regularly: "They seemed to act towards one another as if they were at court."[35] The family appeared to have a strong streak of depression running through it. Anthony Gottlieb tells a story about Paul practicing on one of the pianos in the Wittgensteins' main family mansion, when he suddenly shouted at Ludwig in the next room: "I cannot play when you are in the house, as I feel your scepticism seeping towards me from under the door!"

The family palace housed seven grand pianos[56] and each of the siblings pursued music "with an enthusiasm that, at times, bordered on the pathological."[57] The eldest brother, Hans, was hailed as a musical prodigy. At the age of four, writes Alexander Waugh, Hans could identify the Doppler effect in a passing siren as a quarter-tone drop in pitch, and at five started crying "Wrong! Wrong!" when two brass bands in a carnival played the same tune in different keys. But he died in mysterious circumstances in May 1902, when he ran away to America and disappeared from a boat in Chesapeake Bay, most likely having committed suicide.[58]

Two years later, aged 22 and studying chemistry at the Berlin Academy, the third eldest brother, Rudi, committed suicide in a Berlin bar. He had asked the pianist to play Thomas Koschat's "Verlassen, verlassen, verlassen bin ich" ("Forsaken, forsaken, forsaken am I"),[59] before mixing himself a drink of milk and potassium cyanide. He had left several suicide notes, one to his parents that said he was grieving over the death of a friend, and another that referred to his "perverted disposition". It was reported at the time that he had sought advice from the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee, an organization that was campaigning against Paragraph 175 of the German Criminal Code, which prohibited homosexual sex. His father forbade the family from ever mentioning his name again.[60]

I'm sorry about this, I don't know what are you saying. and I mean Literally. I'm not good at English and I don't know what "rashness" really mean. I always thought rashness as same as carelessness, but then I only can interpret as animals are more careful??? than human? and that's the reason why consciousness doesn't exist?
You might be wrong guy to explaining Wittgenstein but just can you explain what you suggested with more careful words :)

Here is the tune.

The second eldest brother, Kurt, an officer and company director, shot himself on 27 October 1918 at the end of World War I, when the Austrian troops he was commanding refused to obey his orders and deserted en masse.[52] According to Gottlieb, Hermine had said Kurt seemed to carry "...the germ of disgust for life within himself."[61] Later Wittgenstein wrote: "I ought to have... become a star in the sky. Instead of which I have remained stuck on earth."[62]

how very Yea Forums - to carry "...the germ of disgust for life within himself."

>when the Austrian troops he was commanding refused to obey his orders and deserted en masse.
virgin Wittgenstein bro.


>single-handedly changed the fate of the world by directly influencing Hitler during his youth with his bourgeois Jewish behavior.

His works are cool too, I guess.

this thread is shit

thank you for proving there is nothing to this hack, just another ayn rand you posers are even more terrified to engage with truly

Correct on both counts

Monk's biography is fantastic

>Changed the direction of 20th century philosophy utterly by publishing one book
>"nothing to it"
I think the problem is you.


Smooth here means incapable of purchase of appurtenance. So there is grounds for ascription to gain a foothold. The ascription being feeling.

>shared a third-grade class with the GOAT Hitler.
Is this for real?

>I'm not gay, but sometimes i enjoy looking at the male aesthetic
glad Im not the only one. does it make your dick hard to fantasize about how much pussy a good looking man must be getting?

He is referring to the "foothold" analogy. Your foot cannot grip a smooth surface. It is also a play on the smoothness of a stone.

Exactly so!