>last thing you read
>what you're currently reading
Last thing you read
>last thing I read
Marcovaldo by Italo Calvino
>Currently reading
Finally getting around to The Shadow Over Innsmouth
The prince
Goethe Italian Journey
Eugenio Montale's poems
The Left Hand of Darkness
U and I: A True Story
>U and I: A True Story
Nicholson Baker was a great discovery for me.
>Last thing
This Is Water by DFW. It's just a commencement speech, but it's pretty good.
>Currently reading
The First Philosophers, God is Not Great, Against Nature, and against my better judgment I may start King Jesus tomorrow.
>Last thing I read
Symposium by Plato
>Currently Reading
Moby Dick by Herman Melville
Notes from Underground
Confessions of a Mask
Anyone got any non-japanese east/se asian recs?
First time moby dick? If so, I'm very envious
>implying I read
nice one
Shakespeare’s sonnets, Macbeth, Faust, The Inferno, Moby Dick, Sappho, The Aeneid, Phenomenology of Spirit, The Antichrist, 120 Days of Sodom, Paradise Lost, Ada or Ardor
I have to do like this not to show off but because I have adhd and there’s a lot of canon to get through anyway. By the end of every two days I’ve made progress in all of them.
Le Mort Darthur
The Once and Future King
The Road
The Silmarillion
Aniara by Harry Martinson
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
>Outlines of Pyrrhonism, Sextus Empiricus
>Politics, Aristotle
The Republic
Currently reading Phaedrus
>Brief Interviews with Hideous Men
2001: A Space Odyssey
The man in the high castle
Dead Souls
The Ionian Mission
Wealth of Nations
The Disaster Artist
Bhagavad Gita (again)