What is females archetypal journey? if they dojt have the heroes journey as males do, then what is their purpose...

what is females archetypal journey? if they dojt have the heroes journey as males do, then what is their purpose? i have a theory feminism and al that nonsense is womans revenge against god because they wish that they were granted a soul.

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Incel cope

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their archetypal journey is motherhood

>hat is females archetypal journey?

The journey to motherhood, of course.

that room looks comfy. i love the minimalist aesthetic. i swear the air is fresher in rooms with less clutter and you can think more clearly in them.

There are two paths available to the female.

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what is the appeal for women to be the whore

guess it make sense since its what theyre really good at. changing diapers, reading them stories, etc.

Is the "wife" the middle ground between the two?

>if they dojt have the heroes journey as males do, then what is their purpose
The hero's journey is not gender specific. Ever wonder why people all the interesting people you encounter talk to you for 5 minutes before determining that you're not a worthwhile human being to interact with? It's because the stench of an unlived life is unbearably strong. You've ignored your calls to adventure and have faced no threshold guardians, reconciled with no great father snake, communed with the goddess and returned having bettered for it. The hero's journey is the idea that you've been shaped by your experiences, rather than simply being a shallow facsimile of your parents.

Women desire attention like men desire love.

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I know neets don't like to hear it, but normies don't dislike you because you're different or offend them with your sharp, sardonic wit. They dislike you because you're at different points in your own heroic journeys and can't relate to one another.

life is pay to play bro, everything cost money

Wrong, filial attachment to parents is the foundation of a wholesome society. A son should learn from his father and follow in his profession, not go off to an out of state college for “experiences” (i.e. fucking sluts and binge drinking).

>heroic journey


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It’s the newest form of contrarianism, upholding normies as the standard for everything that is good, just, heroic, ideal, and wise.

And the people who buy experiences are equally as vacant. The safety net is precisely what keeps you in the World Navel. The Herald is a beast, not a saint.

>what is their purpose?
to have babies

yes it is.

Men primarily relate with characters developing skills and overcoming challenges.

Women relate with characters who experience dramatic events around them. Suddenly everything has gone wrong, or swept up in a fantasy.

Notice that they key difference is participation. Women NEVER use words that describe them acting or participating. Its always about things around them just happening. They literally don't see themselves as agents.

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Air quality is known to have serious impacts on thinking capability, especially when CO2 levels pass a certain (low) threshold.

It's childish to deny women access to a mythological narrative, but its also retarded to assume that all men fit (or even aspire to) the "hero's journey". You fall back onto archetypes in order to give meaning to your life, but ultimately that kind of logic fulfils the displacement of desire onto further distant and inaccessible fantasies. Feminism isn't any revenge against God, its more like the deadlock of symbolic patricide, IE. patrilineal castration. the apparent destruction of the nuclear family. Masculinity under the microscope, showing our insides, reducing us whores in the process. Strap in, or strap on, I should say. Be strapped in? Either way; Bend over and take it, you naughty slime sodomite. The future is female.

Is that why every slut says that sex is something that "just happens"?

Why do they lack agency?

As a woman I cannot accept this thesis. Many of us do not have any interest in having children at all.

How old are you, m'lady?

>if I rebel against my purpose hard enough maybe the world will bend around my perversion

I honestly have to admire the dedication to this tack, don't break the kayfabe, babe

totally and utterly epic simply epic..

how do i get a gf like this

and they all become their mothers OP. their journey is to marry a man like their father.

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>Be stupid, carefree, and controlled
>Realize sex is a thing and want to be desired, start rebelling against control and develop deception skills to pursue chance of attaining sex and freedom from beneath your captors watch
>Finally break out on your own but realize that it’s hard taking care of yourself and that sex partners will be violent and gross and fun stuff can get you taken advantage of and it’s hard to protect yourself (this is the low point in the hero’s journey)
>Eventually become adequate at supporting oneself and then find suitable mate to latch onto for greater support and protection. (Rising)
>Settle down and start family, retiring back into the comforts of the home now with the ability to dictate the happenings of the environment but bound by obligations to child.

This is the basic female hero’s journey.

It’s because women are physically weaker and have less of an inherent authority to dictate and shape the world around them through force, this is lead to the modern woman also experiencing everyone around her having an expectation that she will be passive to stimuli in her environment. It’s not so much that she has no agency but that her agency comes from the way that she is able to react to the uncontrollable forces shaping her world around her and how she’s able to slither between the cracks to survive and attain happiness despite this.

Where as a man would have a call to arms and action, women will have a call to secrecy and diplomacy. Hiding herself either physically, mentally, or emotionally and biding her time to carefully manipulate her way to safety and comfort, lest she is turned into a mounted beast and discarded into the dirt.

The broken woman will give in to and embrace her self destructive by becoming the whore where as a broken man will become the heel or a homeless drunkard

All wrong. Her journey is to keep her chastity for as long as she is unwed, to stay healthy and health-minded, to abstain from harsh language and to not transgress the natural order. If she decides not to marry, she will remain chaste for the rest of her life and give her life to the state. Chastity is the basis for a woman's sanity and empathy.

You don't. And you benefit from the fact. Imagine how shallow she is.

>any self-respecting man putting a ring on a whore

Yeah, how about no.

>you don't

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>Be stupid, carefree, and controlled
>Realize sex is a thing and want to be desired
>Your captors marry you off to a husband 25 years your senior - your new captor
>Start rebelling against control and develop deception skills to pursue chance of attaining sex and freedom from beneath your captors watch
>Shit out 3 babies of different fathers, retiring back into the comforts of the home now with the ability to dictate the happenings of the environment but bound by obligations to children.

Pre-modern female hero's journey.

Just read Maureen Murdock’s The Heroine’s Journey

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be quiet.

>Attaches silencer

>Shoots you in leg

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not quite. But they will never say "I decided to have sex" "I decided to go home with him"

Its always passive voice. "He took me home"
"We ended up at his house" "I really loved his cock"



Depends of what you think a woman should do, user.
Easiest idea is that they are a baby factory and their journey is to raise childs and deal with their husband, or ditch them in the search of a better one.
The other hand, is to think of what feminism did to female culture and how they now want to have the same journey as man. That is, reaching sucess and being recognized as intellectual beings and not side characters. Any incel will tell you that this is bs and they just want to rise their price up in the vagina market, but there is another layer to it.
Seeing women tell them they can do better puts a pressure on, and their ego pushes them to try and improve in fields that have been and always be, dominated by men.
A woman engineer or writter won't ever be abble to drop off their gender on their works. And even if they do as J.K. tried after HP, they fail because they simply are not prepared to cope with failure. They are used to be praised for every thing they do, no matter how small it might be. As long as they are cute or even desirable, anything they do increases their appeal to men and they fall to it the same way that a male writter falls to younger girls than them, and then they fall into the family trap.
My best guess is that their journey is to try and overcome their nature to procreate and instead give birth to some sort of intellectually-valued asset to humanity, while being undermined by the idea they should not be doing it.
Very few suceed, and a lot of them fail hard and are forever enraged about how male keep them down. But to now days, we know Woolf, Curie, Yourcenar for what they did and not for how many times they spread theirs legs. That is what they want, but only a small percentage have the wits and perseverance to reach it.
That is why you see so much cheap feminism in the media. They want to lower the bar in order to be important without sacrificing their own personal desires or their social status.

>i have a theory feminism and al that nonsense is womans revenge against god because they wish that they were granted a soul.
lmao based

Talk to me again when you're 35, let's see what your bio clock have to say then.


>Implying left isn’t getting the best dick

if they didn't have a soul, how would they be capable of "taking revenge"?


You may not like it, but motherhood is peak female performance. Without it women largely reduce to inferior men.

If you take away their ability to have children, women are literally second-rate men, if you consider their mental capabilities to be equal.

Well that's what I say in my previous post.
You could argue they are also sexually attractive and that gives another possible route but that is only for a brief period of time, is shallow, and is tied to motherhood.

How do you use the term archetype and clearly not have bothered to ever read Jung? In his books he explicitly mentions examples of female archetypal journeys and compares them with male ones. In some cases they're even strongly similar.
Oh, right, Yea Forums doesn't read.



This. Only men need to be loved, women thrive on being wanted.

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This poster's attitude shows exactly why the idea of the Hero's Journey and similar conventional storytelling models are so shit: they try and force life into a structure that it doesn't really adhere to and which isn't actually conducive to success or discoveries, all for the sake of conventional, non-avant-garde entertainment.

If you want literature that will actually enhance your life, read poetry, not Hollywood adventure stories.