
Books about living under capitalism? Books about accepting the need to work long, difficult weeks to achieve and preserve a good salary, or conversely, accepting living without great means for the sake of freedom and leisure? Books about deciding what to do with my life; attempt to be a doctor, lawyer, professor, novelist, woodland hermit? Books about finding reason to live at the same time that I net an income livable enough to sustain my raison d'etre'd life? Books about the agony of knowing that I most likely have sixty-odd years of living ahead of me and that it is in my best interest to build a foundation now?

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N.b.: I have hated every full time job I've ever had within 1-2 months.

I'll get called a neoliberal shill for this, but there is no better system than a capitalist mixed economy. Peter Singer says it well:
>Capitalism is very far from a perfect system, but so far we have yet to find anything that clearly does a better job of meeting human needs than a regulated capitalist economy coupled with a welfare and health care system that meets the basic needs of those who do not thrive in the capitalist economy. If we ever do find a better system, I'll be happy to call myself an anti-capitalist

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The Incerto series.

Those aren't specifically human needs, those are needs (health, food, shelter, etc) that are common to many species. Capitalism fails to meet specifically human needs like spirituality, communion with the gods, metaphysical knowledge etc. Only a traditionally structured society can do that.

I'm Catholic and I would love a spiritual revival, but it just seems unrealistic and traditionalism is just larping.

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iktfb :(

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user i love you, thank you for stating that

everything you said was gorgeous up to the tradshit

Why do you depend on other people or a collective to find 'individual values' such as spiritualism?


>but so far we have yet to find anything that clearly does a better job of meeting human needs than a regulated capitalist economy coupled with a welfare and health care system that meets the basic needs of those who do not thrive in the capitalist economy
Yes we did it's called ancapism. Fuck commies.

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Pleb opinion. Literally what every troglodyte on this board believes. You should be embarrassed.

that meme presupposes the unhappiness of medieval commoners which is a lie purveyed by neo-liberal educators. revolution in europe became commonplace only after powers once held by monarchs were delegated to assemblies. the tragedy of the enlightenment was that the assemblymen were allowed to flee from the consequences of their tyranny while monarchs were held responsible for the assemby's policies.

ok wagecuck

>communion with the gods
Can't even larp as a tradcath right lmao

Carl Marks - Capital

>humans aren't social animals

Humans aren't animals you retarded apostate

Of Human Bondage

>humans aren't social minerals

>the sun isn't a star bro

that's because you haven't found your true calling yet user. try pic related

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>squares aren't rectangles dood

loling at your life user. you’ve willingly assumed the role of the npc. that’s not self-awareness; that’s just weakness.

Why do people act like society is some kind of controlled thing where everyone just looks at different systems and makes rational decisions on which is the best? We don't have a detailed plan or blueprint set out for anything other than what exists now so how could we compare things like that? You could say that history shows us different systems, but that's removing the context that things actually happened in.

Fuck off boomer.

k user stay miserable